Compared with Pei an's arrogance, marshal Zheng Qian is much more solemn. He seriously returned a gift to the ancient style, and his face was full of appreciation. It's called archaism. It's much more comfortable.

Next, vulture introduced other marshals to Gu Feng one by one. Originally, I wanted to make the ancient style famous in front of people, but most of what the ancient style encountered were coldness and contempt. The attitude of ten of the fifteen marshals was basically similar to that of Pei an, which made the ancient style extremely depressed.

Only two or three people were enthusiastic about the ancient style, and their eyes were full of appreciation.


Helpless, Gu Feng had to sigh slightly in his heart. He knew he couldn't blame those people for their arrogance, because his cultivation at this time was really too low to enter the eyes of others.

It's ugly to say that when you stand with these people, you have to be pressured by others, otherwise you can't stand it

So, what can he expect from others?

The world of monks is hierarchical. The weak should never talk about dignity in front of the strong.

Although the ancient style was once prominent and made great contributions, it was all in the past. After all, heroes don't mention their courage!

"Hahaha, good, good. Finally, I've introduced you. Let's break up like this. I hope you can take care of each other and help each other in the future!"

Vulture son was also very embarrassed. Although the Grand Marshals didn't give him face, he couldn't get angry on the spot. Because these marshals are people who have experienced battle and made great achievements.

If their military positions are exchanged for meritorious deeds, then each of them will kill at least 10 million enemies!!!

This appointment meeting is over. It's a bit of a tiger's head and a snake's tail.

Originally, according to the process, ancient customs should speak on the spot. However, the faces of those marshals were so smelly that the vulture fairy king had to end the appointment meeting ahead of schedule.


After the meeting, the ancient wind returned to the residence of Fengling fairy king.

Now he is a real marshal. Originally, he should be excited, but his heart can't be happy anyway.

Once upon a time, he suffered such ridicule? Once upon a time, he was treated in this arrogant way?


After all, it's because of cultivation.

Cultivation, cultivation, cultivation!

In the world of monks, everything is floating clouds, and only cultivation is eternal.

What glory, what riches, what magnificence. Without cultivation, there is nothing!

"Shit, how dare you look down on me so much. I will return to the peak again sooner or later, and I will step on you one by one!"

The old wind scolded in a low voice, and his heart was extremely depressed.

The Snow Lotus Sisters on one side hurriedly came to pinch their shoulders from left to right.

Xuelian smiled and said, "Why are you so angry? You are the king of the blue sky. You have a blue sky god court that will shake all the heaven and all the world. All the great cause of cutting the sky in the future will depend on you. What are you angry with those people? Do those people deserve to make you angry? "

Xuelian's smile is very sweet and comforting. Not to mention, after listening to these words, the ancient wind is really much more comfortable.

He pressed the back of Xuelian's hand and patted it. Then he said, "Xuelian still understands my heart. It's a pity that I'm a tiger in the flat sun and a dragon trapped in the shoal. I can only let those cats and dogs put their faces on. Ah, loser! "

When the words fell, the Xueqin on the other side also smiled and asked in a very gentle tone: "why do you sigh? In fact, it's right to think from another angle. Those marshals who are arrogant towards you are people who have made great contributions. They kill countless enemies and have been in high positions for a long time. If they are all polite to you, it's abnormal. If they are all polite to you, Feng Lingjun will never want to win the war! "


Hearing the speech, the ancient wind was stunned. I didn't know why.

But when I think about it carefully, I think Xueqin's words are reasonable. If those Grand Marshals all bow to themselves, it means that they are a group of people who follow suit. Can a group of people who follow the trend still win the war with soldiers?

"You all have a point. It seems that I really can't see things like those people!"

Gu Feng nodded and felt much more comfortable.

Immediately, he turned and asked, "have you seen my sister Qing?"


Hearing the speech, the two sisters looked at each other, but they didn't answer the ancient custom at the first time.

Seeing this, the old-fashioned frown frowned and said a little unhappily, "I've seen it, but I haven't seen it. What's hard to say?"

"Hui... Hui childe, we've met!"

"Well, yes. What do you think after seeing my sister Qing? "


The two sisters looked at each other again, and their faces became more and more ugly.

Seeing this, Gu Feng was surprised and immediately frowned and asked, "why, do you still have something on your mind? I'm asking you what you think after seeing my sister Qing. You can't say it yet? "


The two sisters looked at each other again, and then they both knelt down in front of the ancient wind.

Xuelian said with a cry: "childe, we know you have always regarded us as a substitute for sister Qing. Now sister Qing has returned to you. Please don't drive us away!"

Yes, this is the biggest tangle in the hearts of the two sisters. Because their appearance is so similar to that of Mu Qingqing that they are carved in the same mold. The only difference is their mutual momentum and charm.

In the final analysis, Mu Qingqing is a female overlord. She is always high in the sky.

This pair of sisters is not the case. They have been trained by others as a tool to please men since childhood. Even after following the ancient customs, they have always regarded themselves as maidservants. The gap is not a bit. The momentum and charm between them are naturally very different.

Seeing the two sisters kneeling on the ground, the antique eyebrows frowned higher. He was unhappy on the spot and said, "what are you talking about? When did I use you as her substitute? You are you and she is her. You can't be confused at all. "

"The reason why I ask you how you feel after meeting her is because I want you to stand up completely. I hope you can be as powerful as her in the future."

"She is not only my childhood sister, but also a proud female overlord. No matter where she goes, she is so different. No matter where she goes, she is always so brilliant... "

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