
Zheng Wudao began to meditate again, as if there were words of suffering.

Today, he is a mother again and again. Compared with his previous hegemonic strength, he is just like two people.

He sighed heavily and said, "this is not a place to talk. Let's go out and talk about it!"

Then they went out of the temple of the God of war and returned to the Pavilion by the lake.

After changing into fragrant tea again, Zheng Wudao sighed and said, "brother Gu, if you want to talk, I envy you. I have freedom of body and mind. I can do whatever I want. As for me, although I was born in a big family, I had superior conditions since childhood and never lacked any resources. But I can't do what I want to do! "

"Oh? Why does brother Zheng say that? "

"Hey, it's really hard to say..."

Then, Zheng Wudao said one sentence at a time, and finally said his own situation and the origin of their family.

It turned out that he was similar to what the ancient wind guessed. The ancestral motto of their family really did not allow future generations to go to the front.

To tell you the truth, the old Zheng family can be regarded as half a "fellow townsman" with ancient customs, because the ancestors of the Zheng family used to come from the Canglang mainland.

Like most fairy kings, the ancestors of the Zheng family were forced to call to the end of the sky just after they were promoted to fairy king. At first, his cultivation was weak, so he had to obey the control and had been involved in the cause of cutting heaven. And the great cause of resisting the enemy. But later, for some unknown reason, their ancestors turned out, separated in Qilin mountain, and gradually developed into a big family now!

After listening to Zheng Wudao's story quietly and meditating for a long time, Gu Feng asked, "brother Zheng, is your ancestral motto really so inviolable? Will your family shrink behind and not go out forever? "

"That's not true. It seems that when our ancestors left the front, they also made an agreement with the front. They said that they would stand up and cut the sky when necessary!"

"When necessary? When was that? "

"When the demon star was born!"

Zheng Wudao said decisively. On his face, there was a color of fortitude and some expectation. It seems that he is also waiting for the demon star to come!

However, when the ancient wind heard these words, the whole face changed color in an instant.

He hurriedly asked, "what do you mean? What about the demon star? Why wait until the demon star is born before you can go ahead? "

At this time, I can't calm down. So, isn't Lao Zheng waiting for his arrival? Now that they have come by themselves, can't they go out of the mountain?

Facing the questioning of the ancient style, Zheng Wudao sighed again and said, "I don't know the specific things, but I vaguely know that there is such a thing. It is said that as long as the demon star comes to the end of the sky, all our big families who retreat from the rear must go to the front and participate in the great cause of cutting the sky together. Because the demon star is the hope of cutting heaven... "

"Not only our Qilin mountain, but also other big families. It seems that as long as the demon star comes, they must contribute to the cause of cutting heaven. Otherwise, the people in front can't let our big families enjoy happiness in the rear so comfortably! "

"Is that so?"

Gu Feng whispered softly. After a long time, he stood up and slapped Zheng Wudao on the shoulder.

He said in a very serious tone, "brother Zheng, if it's really as you said, it's easy to do. Maybe I can help you!"

"Really? Can you help me? Can you take me to the front? "

On the spot, Zheng Wudao's face showed a look of ecstasy. He was so excited.

He hurriedly asked, "I don't have any foundation in the front. Can you really help me enter the barracks?"

In fact, the reason why Zheng Wudao must preserve the ancient style's life is his respect for the soldiers in front of him. Later, when he learned that Gufeng was really a Grand Marshal, he moved his lucky mind to let Gufeng take him to the military camp.

Until now, he just thought that the ancient style was willing to open the back door and bring himself into the army. He doesn't know at all. In fact, the ancient wind is the demon star in his mouth. The ancient wind is the person waiting for all families.

Before the ancient wind spoke, the joy of Zheng Wudao's face soon faded again.

Sighed and said, "Hey, even if brother Gu is willing to help me? The family's ancestral training is there, but I still can't get out! "

Hearing the speech, Gu Feng smiled gently and said, "brother Zheng, why do you sigh? Didn't I just say that I have a way to help you, and I can! "

"But our ancestral motto..."

"Don't worry, it will never violate your family's ancestral motto!"

The old wind smiled with confidence.

When things got to this point, he didn't intend to hide any more. He wants to clarify his identity to Zheng Wudao.

"Not against our family's ancestral motto? How is that possible? What can you do? " Zheng Wudao glared round his eyes and his face was full of doubt. He didn't know the meaning of ancient style at all.

Gu Feng smiled again and asked, "brother Zheng, don't you really want to know more about my identity? Don't you wonder why I can be a Grand Marshal in front of me, just a half immortal? Don't you want to ask, how did I escape the fatal disaster? Don't you want to ask, why can I directly shout with Lu haibai, Muyun and others in the early stage of Zhenxian? "

"This..." suddenly, Zheng Wudao was asked. After pondering for a while, he said, "it's not that I don't want to ask, but I'm afraid you're unhappy, so I don't dare to ask. I wanted to ask you, how did you escape the great robbery when you were outside? "

"Hehe, it's not too late to ask!" The ancient wind smiled again and then said, "just now, the reason why I said I must have a way to take you out without violating the ancestral precepts is that the demon star you are waiting for has really come to the end of the sky. Now that the demon star is here, if you go to the front again, you won't violate the ancestral training? "

"What? Has the demon star really come? Where? Why don't I know? "

Suddenly, Zheng Wudao's eyes stared round again. I couldn't believe it was true. If the demon star really comes to the end of the day, he can really volunteer directly to the family and go to the front!

The old wind smiled, patted Zheng Wudao on the shoulder and said, "brother Zheng, I have to say, you are really ignorant. You don't know such a big thing as the demon star coming to the end of the day. Yes, the demon star has indeed come to the end of the sky, and it has been twenty years! "

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