"Now, in the name of the organizer of this Congress, I declare that this unprecedented event in the five regions behind us has officially begun!"

After announcing a series of opening remarks, huanu finally put away the silk and announced that the conference had officially begun.

He glanced at the audience and said, "according to statistics, a total of 200000 young men and women signed up for the war at this Congress. 200000 people will be divided into nine regions to compete in the next month. The top three players in each region will directly advance to the finals and compete with 180 seed players in the seed area. "

"The first person who wins in the end will not only be directly appointed as the top ten generals by the demon star, but also be given the title of 'King of heaven'

"The king of heaven means the strongest king at the end of the sky, which is a great honor for you. Even if you don't want to be a demon star general, you have to do your best for this honor! "

"King of heaven?"

Hearing the speech, all the people in the audience were surprised and frightened.

The king of heaven means the strongest king at the end of the sky? God, how high should the gold content be? If anyone can really win this title, he will definitely honor his family!

It is estimated that this cowhide is enough for their family to boast for a lifetime.

Indeed, the gold content of this title is very high, because when huanu said the three words "Tianjin king", not only the audience were surprised. Even Lu Haiwang Tianbao and others in the seed area were moved. Zheng Wudao was also included. His eyes were wide and round. A pair of fists were squeezed together and crackled. He is sure to win this title!

Now it seems that this conference is not only a simple selection of generals, but also a king sealing competition.

King sealing competition? Only one king?

Of course not. If there was only one person, how could so many people come to attend?

The flower slave then shouted to the crowd: "although the demon star only chooses the strongest one as one of his top ten generals, don't lose heart. Don't think you don't have your own chance. Because those who win the top ten of the competition can also follow the demon star as long as they like. Although it can't be ranked among the top ten generals, it can also act as a capable general around the demon star. In the future, we can also follow the steps of the demon star, conquer the heavens together, destroy the sky, and complete the eternal great cause of cutting the sky together... "

"Although this grand event is a selection of generals, you can also regard it as a real king sealing meeting. Because not only the first person will be granted the title of "king of heaven", but the top ten can be granted the title of king! "

"All the top ten people want to be kings? Can also become a powerful general of the demon star? "

Hearing the speech, the whole audience was boiling again, exclaimed and moved.

If there is only one king, there is really no hope. Because, like Lu Haiwang and Tianbao, they all admit that they are not Zheng Wudao's opponents. What's the meaning of participating in this grand event? Playing around will only become the foil of the strongest.

However, if we can seal ten kings at the same time, there will be hope. Many people think they have this opportunity and strength.

After hearing that Lu Hai and Wang Tianbao could seal ten queens at the same time, their eyes suddenly widened. A pair of fists are tightly squeezed together, which can be described as high fighting spirit and full of fighting spirit

What they are waiting for is an opportunity to prove themselves? It would be great if he could be crowned king in this martial arts competition. The grade and scale of this contest are known as unprecedented grandeur. Undoubtedly, the title obtained in this grand event has the highest gold content and is most recognized.

The series of rules announced by huanu completely detonated people's emotions and completely ignited people's fighting spirit. There were shouts and shouts everywhere.

However, not far away from the ancient wind, a man suddenly stood up and shouted to the flower slaves on the central battle platform: "senior, I don't know something. I don't know if I can solve our doubts?"

Smelling the speech, Gu Feng looked sideways and found that it was Bai Muyun who was asking huanu questions. This surprised Gu Feng a little. I don't know if Bai Muyun has any questions in his mind.

I saw that the white dusk cloud rushed to the flower slave on the stage, arched his hands and asked, "senior, I'm curious. We're always saying to choose one of the top ten generals for the demon star. Since the demon star needs ten generals, why choose only one among us? Can it be said that the people in the five regions behind us can't enter the magic eye of the demon star? He only sees the strongest? "


Hearing the speech, many people were stunned instantly, and people noticed this most fundamental problem.

Yes, since the demon star wants ten generals, why only choose the strongest one? Is it a waste of resources and time to choose only one person for such a big battle?

"Yes, sir, we are also very confused about this. Please answer it for us!"

Lu Hai also got up. His eyes looked directly at the flower slave with incomparable firmness. It seems that he has to get an answer today.

However, the flower slave on the stage smiled and said to the two: "you misunderstood. It's not that the demon star doesn't look down on the people in our five domains, but his top ten generals. Nine have been gathered, and now only one is missing. Therefore, in this grand event, only one person is selected! "

"Nine have gathered?"

Hearing the speech, everyone was stunned. Everyone was surprised by the result.

Seeing the white dusk cloud, he asked back on the spot, "Sir, since we have gathered nine generals, we want to ask, where are the nine? Are they really better than us? Why should they occupy nine seats? "


He immediately asked the flower slave a few questions. For a moment, he couldn't answer them.

In desperation, he had to look for help to the rostrum.

I saw that Mu Qingqing stood up slowly at this time. Cold voice said: "the little woman's name is mu Qingqing. She is known as the first female overlord in the xuanhuang world. She is called the wood king. I am one of the top ten generals of the demon star. If any of you doubt my ability, you are welcome to challenge me at any time! "

After talking, Mu Qingqing's figure disappeared directly in place. The next second, she appeared directly beside Hua nu.

Then he said, "come on, who dares to fight me?"

"Who dares to fight me?"

Although the tone of this remark is not high, it is full of domineering and imposing. It directly calls tens of millions of audience on the scene to change color slightly!

Who is this person? One of the top ten generals of the demon star? Known as the first female overlord in the xuanhuang world?

She's good, isn't she? Can dominate a world?

It seems that no one saw how she stepped on the stage just now? Such a person, who is 100% sure to defeat her?

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