"Yes, you can directly beat one of them if you like. If they die on the spot, they are to blame and can't blame anyone! "

The flower slave shouted again, which confirmed the problem of the shouting man.

Then he added: "of course, once you step on the stage, life and death are up to you. If you are unfortunately killed on the spot, you can't blame them for their ruthlessness, okay?"

"I see. Since the moment we signed up for the war, we have been ready to die at any time. Please don't worry too much!"

"Well, there's no more nonsense. Let's start the battle. There is only one rule. No one is allowed to use anything beyond his own magic tools and runes. The war will not end until the last person. The winner will directly advance to the finals! "

With that, Hua Nu left directly. He returned to the podium, next to the great devil.

On the rostrum, Mu Qingqing carefully glanced at the nine battle platforms. Seeing that the number of people was complete, he directly rushed to the battle platform and shouted: "the rules have been announced. You can start now. Fight to the last person, directly promote, regardless of life and death, wealth is in heaven! "


Mu Qingqing's words just fell, but when he saw the No. 9 battle platform, there was an explosion immediately. A white ribbon turned into the most rigid iron whip. When it was swept, at least a dozen people's bodies were blown to pieces on the spot. Together with their original gods, they all turned into powder and died on the spot!


Seeing this, the audience was stunned. Even the top 100 players on the Lien Chan stage were caught off guard one by one.

The battle started so suddenly? Is this a sneak attack?

Boom, boom!

Before people could react, there were explosions from other platforms. Those people in black were preemptive and launched a fatal attack directly against the people around them. They didn't give you any response at all!

In a short breath, at least fifteen or six people died on platform 1, as did platform 2, platform 3, platform 4 and platform 5... Basically similar, those people in black launched a fatal kill against the people around them with the momentum of plowing the court and sweeping the hole!

For them, everyone is an enemy except themselves, and everything can be killed!

Therefore, they kill angry people. They are handy and have no scruples at all!

Poof poof!

In a short time, another large number of people were robbed. Although 99 people were killing one person, most of them were unable to do their own things. The nine men in black shuttled among the crowd. They were like fish in water. They killed soundly. They only surprised the whole audience!

Chaos, the nine battle platforms are in chaos at this time. Many people are busy running for their lives. In a panic, some people don't even know where the enemy is.

As a result, many people mistakenly killed their companions.

On the battle platform, flesh and blood flew, screamed and roared everywhere, making a mess!

However, a man rushed into the air. He shouted at the nine platforms with a loud hiss: "don't panic, don't mess, as long as we can stabilize our position, they will die!!!"


As soon as the voice fell, I saw a black pilian cut obliquely from the No. 5 battle platform, and immediately split the man in two. All of them, including the holy palace, have been broken!

Meteorite, without any muddy water, died cleanly!

When people looked at the No. 5 battle platform, they found that the man in black, known as Tianzi No. 5, actually used a dark halberd.

The man looked very powerful. A halberd was waved up and down by him, like dense raindrops, so that his opponents had no chance to take advantage of it!

Open and close rooms, showing the king's style. He is like a god of war. No one can get close to him

Let's say that No. 1 battle platform is also extremely powerful. That day, what as like as two peas, the black man in the black did not know what he was doing. Once fighting, he was ten and ten black men looked the same.

In everyone's opinion, it seems that the combat effectiveness of each man in black is the same fierce and strong. Ten people in black with Tianzi No. 1 didn't use any magic weapons. They all killed their opponents with their own fists. For a moment, there was no one to stop. No matter what attack fell on them, it seemed that it could not do any harm to them.

It seems that the physical strength of the ten people in black has reached a terrible extreme

Platform 2 is also wonderful. The man in black, known as Tianzi No. 2, did not kill the enemy, but sat down. His magic power is very bright. He is actually one black plume after another!

In everyone's cognition, the feathers of birds should be the softest thing and can't hurt people. However, the plumes released by the No. 2 man in black that day were comparable to any magic weapon. The dense plumes are also like raindrops, so that the top 100 players on the No. 2 platform can't escape, can't escape

The battle platform No. 3, the way the man in black fought that day, also caused a series of exclamations. Because the man in black directly turned into a huge white fox ten feet high!

Originally, the white fox should be very cute, beautiful and pleasing. However, when the white fox incarnated ten feet high, it suddenly changed from a cute little fox to a terrible beast with a big mouth and fangs!

The most eye-catching thing is his tail, which has as many as nine. Each tail is like the most powerful steel whip, but anyone who is hit will be blown up on the spot

No. 4 battle platform, it's a little beautiful. On that battle platform, it can be said to be colorful and quite gorgeous. I saw a five-color halo around the battle platform. Everywhere I passed, I circled the enemy's life

When it comes to power, platform 6 is the most powerful. Because the man in black on stage 6 turned into a giant 20 or 30 feet high. His whole body was wrapped in green light and hit with a blow. No one could bear his strength. When the sole of the foot stepped down, the battle platform cracked directly. Although I didn't step on people, it was such a stamping action that killed five or six people

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