A question of conscience made many people speechless, and even many people bowed their heads in shame.

"Today, whatever you say, he has to hand it in. Whether he is a little devil or not, if his life alone can be exchanged for the safety of wuliangzong, he must be handed over today. " The elders of the main killing sect still insist on handing over the ancient customs.

"Bastard, our young Lord killed the enemy bravely today and saved so many disciples, but you want to hand him over. Has your conscience been eaten by the dog? In the past, our young Lord stood up alone in the imperial city and killed his opponents back and forth on the world war 10 platform for the sake of wuliangzong. Have you forgotten these achievements? " Wan Xun also spoke angrily. It was not that he was afraid of being robbed after Gu Feng died, but that he couldn't see it anymore. The ancient wind was still fighting to kill the enemy for wuliangzong one moment, but the next moment it was treated unfairly, which was chilling.

"What are you? Are you trying to die? Are you here to speak? " Someone stared at Wan Xun and Jian Tianyi, and their eyes were fierce.

At this time, Gu Feng finally said his position. He took out the purple gourd, pulled away the crowd in front of him, and said in a voice full of bad words, "why don't you move them?"

Treasure gourd ups and downs, circulation of purple light, not angry from the power!

Many people unconsciously step back when they see the ancient treasure gourd. They have seen the power of this treasure gourd. They can resist thousands of tiger and dragon guards on their own.

"And you're not a little demon? In full view of the public, you are about to start a great rebellion! " A man roared, his beard warped with anger.

Gu Feng ignored these people. He looked at the patriarch Zhuge Changfeng, who had never spoken, and wanted to see what his attitude was.

"Lord, will you send me out too?" Ancient wind asks.

"Hey!" Zhuge Changfeng showed a helpless look on his face and said, "I'll go out with you later. If I don't die, they still won't rest assured!"

Zhuge Changfeng was also helpless. Wuliangzong was defeated in his hands, and he blamed himself. If there is still some hope, he will not want to see the wuliangzong really go to ruin.

"No, Lord, let's kill together. We swear to live or die with the clan!" Some people roar, but there are still bloody men who are not afraid of death.

Zhuge Changfeng waved his hand gently and said, "well, there are too many people dead today. I don't want to see another person bleed and sacrifice."

Then he asked the old wind, "are you afraid, child? I know it's unfair to you, but it's worth it if your life can really return to everyone's safety. "

Smelling the speech, the ancient style "rubbed" regressed two steps, and his face turned white again. At this moment, he understood Zhuge Changfeng's attitude. No matter what contribution he had made to the sect, in the face of such righteousness, he would still be sent out in exchange for the safety of others.

"Good! For the sake of all wuliangzong brothers, I am willing to go out. At the same time, I hereby announce that from today on, my ancient style has officially withdrawn from wuliangzong. "


"Younger martial brother!"

Many people roared and felt very painful. In the past few years of wuliangzong, the ancient style has left a deep impression on us. He has left us a lot of joy.

On the battle platform of the Imperial City, he did not hesitate to break with the childhood friend Mu Qingqing for the sake of his martial brother. Seeing that his fellow martial brothers were killed one by one, he was so angry that no one dared to fight on the stage.

He has flesh and blood, love and righteousness, red courage and loyalty, and a cavity of warm blood, but he is treated so coldly in exchange. Just sigh that justice is unfair!

Gu Feng turned back and smiled at those who cared about him, but the smile was so bitter.

He waved his hand, piled up an iconic smile on his face and shouted, "remember my name, my name is ancient style!"


"Younger martial brother!" Many people roared again, and some even shed tears. They didn't want the ancient wind to go out.

At this time, Zhong Lin and Shen Jia, who had recovered their ability to move, came forward and grabbed Gu Feng's arm and refused to let Gu Feng leave without saying anything.

They are the first enemy of Gu Feng in wuliangzong, but Gu Feng didn't care so much before. Regardless of his own danger, he rescued them, which moved them very much.

Four years later, the two are fifteen or sixteen years old. Their faces are less rebellious and more mature.

"Younger martial brother, if our lives can be exchanged for yours, we will die for you without hesitation!" They opened their mouth sincerely and their eyes were sincere.

Gu Feng smiled, took away their hands and said, "practice well in the future. Don't let the sect suffer such a disaster again."

Gu Feng came to Bai Xianer, smiled and said, "elder martial sister, remember to take good care of my little friends in the future!"

Then, he said goodbye to the people he knew one by one, and there was a cry at the scene.


The ancient wind roared and threw the treasure gourd out. Then he immediately turned into a rosefinch and rushed out with the treasure gourd.

"Gao Hao, take your life!"

As soon as he photographed the treasure gourd, the purple treasure gourd immediately magnified countless times, turned into a purple mountain again, and bombarded out in this way.

"Kill!" Zhuge Changfeng also roared. A sharp sword flew back and forth and killed him.

Suddenly, people outside were caught off guard. Suddenly, many people were robbed.

"Zhenmo tower, go!" With a loud roar, Gao Hao threw the prepared Zhenmo tower out and immediately tangled with the antique treasure gourd.

Others joined hands to besiege Zhuge Changfeng, with more than 20 people.

Even though Zhuge Changfeng touched the realm of gods, he has not become a God after all. He is choked to face more than 20 strong people in Shenqiao alone.


The two top magic weapons collided with each other and made a loud explosion. And the ancient wind was also shocked by this collision force and spilled a mouthful of blood.


"Younger martial brother!"

Many people see this scene, the whole heart is broken. Their hearts were firmly tied together. They wanted to go out to kill the enemy, but their strength was too low. They had no treasure like purple gourd, so they had to worry.

The ancient wind flapped his wings angrily, and his body suddenly magnified several times. His wings spread for more than ten feet. He uttered a "chirp" of anger, which rang from heaven and earth to the depths of the mountains. The roaring flames suddenly burst out of his wings and swept thousands of tiger and dragon guards away.

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