Hearing the speech, Gu Feng turned his head slightly, stared at Zheng Wudao for a long time, and then said, "you don't know what the nine people in black came from. How can I know? What's more, even if the two northern Tianjiao can shout again, it's only your own business, which has nothing to do with me. If I can't beat them, I can quit the game at any time. After I quit, I'm still a demon star. "

"But you are different. No matter how powerful your enemy is, you have to face it head-on. You not only have to accept the challenges of those people, you have to step on them all. If you quit Dabi, you will still be you, but the general will change! "

With that, the ancient wind's eyes took back from Zheng Wudao again. He simply closed his eyes and began to sleep on the couch.

"Hey, brother Gu said yes. There is no way back. I have to move forward bravely!"

Zheng Wudao smiled bitterly again, and then learned the ancient style, leisurely closed his eyes and silently enjoyed this rare tranquility.

Neither of them was talking any more, so they closed their eyes and silently counted the time until dawn.

After dawn, there will be the cruelest battle!

After a long time, Zheng Wudao suddenly opened his eyes and asked Gu Feng, "brother Gu, since the truce has been three days, why don't you see your wife, Muxian? It is said that she was very strong at the big match three days ago. Where is she now? "

"Qing Mei?"

Gu Feng was stunned for a moment, then slowly shook his head and said, "although she is my wife, in fact, I have never really understood her thoroughly since I was young. She is a mystery to me. She is always so mysterious, always so mysterious, always so elusive, always so amazing and amazing. It seems that everything can be solved as long as she is there. Although she is a woman, she can give people a strong sense of security... "

"Oh? I didn't expect you to think so highly of me? "

Gu Feng's words had just fallen, but behind them, a light and thin woman's voice sounded, which made Gu Feng and Zheng Wudao turn their heads, showing a look of surprise.

Looking back, not muqingqing, who else?

Yes, Mu Qingqing really appeared behind the ancient wind again at this critical time, which surprised the ancient wind.

However, what really surprised Gu Feng was not mu Qingqing, but the four people who came with him!

The dean of the immortal's Academy, big devil Tian, Guiyun Jiushen yulinzi, the anti enemy old fairy king fenglingzi in front, and the flower slaves who escaped from the fairy King Zhong Yinkui's house. They came together!

"Dean, Dionysian, fenglingzi fairy king and huanu, you... What are you doing here?"

Gu Feng jumped up from the recliner and bowed directly to several fairy kings. He was surprised and shocked.

I saw that the wind Ling fairy king, as always, kept his face on the floor. He was like a ten thousand year glacier, which would never melt, and there would never be any smile on his face. After seeing the ancient customs, he didn't say a word at all; The flower slave didn't speak too much, but nodded slightly at the ancient wind, not even a word.

However, the God of returning to the clouds, after seeing the ancient style, carefully examined the cultivation of the ancient style, and then nodded slightly, slightly satisfied.

However, there was a slight smile on the corner of the big devil's mouth, and he patted the antique shoulder. "Well, yes, yes, your boy's cultivation progress is always so amazing. It's no waste for us to worry about you every day!"

"The Dean joked. My accomplishments have regressed. Where has the progress come from?"

The old style still bowed and looked respectful.

"Wudao, I've seen the great devil, the jade forest, the wind Lingzi, and the flower slave!"

Zheng Wudao also bowed and saluted, which seemed more respectful than the ancient style. He almost didn't worship on the spot!

"Oh, are you the little Qilin Zheng Wudao? Hehe, yes, I heard you built a golden statue for us on this unknown island and worship it day and night? "

The big devil smiled. His eyes to Zheng Wudao were full of joy and satisfaction.

Similarly, the originally very serious God of returning to the clouds, after seeing Zheng Wudao, also showed a rare smile, and his face was full of appreciation.

"Back to your predecessors, you have always been the most admired people in the heart of Wudao. It's also a godless honor to worship your gods day and night! "

At this time, Zheng Wudao was shaking his feet and was a little unstable. He never expected that the people he worshipped day and night would appear alive in front of him one day. For a long time, he thought that people like the great devil and Dionysus were mythical characters and should have died long ago. Who ever thought

At this time, the fairy King Fengling looked up and down at Zheng Wudao. After staring at him for a while, his face finally eased a little.

Said: "it is said that this unprecedented martial arts competition was started because of you? They're changing, trying to pull you out of the family and go to the front? "


Hearing the speech, Zheng Wudao's face immediately froze. Because he couldn't feel what Lingzi meant, he didn't know how to answer for a moment.

After a little meditation, he bowed and said, "Sir, we didn't consider things so much that we made such a big noise and alerted you old predecessors. We deserve to die!"

"It's not you who deserve to die. You don't have to blame yourself too much!"

While talking, the eyes of the fairy King Fengling fell directly on the ancient wind. Although there are no words, it inspires the ancient wind!

Obviously, Feng Lingzi's words mean that it is not Zheng Wudao who should die, but Gu Feng who has a "bad idea"!

Sure enough, the next tone of fenglingzi fairy King directly increased. After staring at the ancient wind for a while, he said in a deep voice, "since you have served as a Grand Marshal in my army, why are you absent without permission?"

"This..." on the spot, Gu Feng's face collapsed. For a moment, he didn't know how to answer.

Can you blame him for leaving without leave? For twenty years, he has been practicing in seclusion. How can he get involved in military affairs?

Besides, he is a short marshal. Who can he control?

Although there are grievances in my heart, the ancient style is still very respectful.

Quickly bowed down and said, "my subordinates know their mistakes, and please forgive me!"

"Now that you have served in our army, you have to call me commander-in-chief Feng. You can't call me an elder anymore, okay?"

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