After staring at the ancient wind, he said in a deep voice: "you really don't know the greatness of heaven and earth. If you go to harm a little golden dragon, aren't you afraid of being hit by thunder? Do you know that for a dragon, his liver is the essence of the whole body? If you eat his liver, it is equivalent to forcibly breaking his wings and ruining his future. If he can become emperor, but after your toss, it is impossible to become emperor. Even if he wants to set foot on the immortal throne in the future, it depends on fortune. "

"You ate his liver, but you skinned it and cramped it? Then why don't you just eat his brain? In this way, he can completely die in your hands, and you can be proud! "

Fengling fairy king, the more he said, the more angry he was. Gu Feng's face became more and more ugly.

Facing the reprimand of Fengling fairy king, he had nothing to say, so he had to shrug his head and say nothing.

It was not until half a ring later that he said haltingly, "I... I really don't know. The reason why I ate his liver was just to try what the legendary 'Dragon liver and Phoenix gall' was..."

"Originally, I thought that although he was a dragon, he should grow up again like us..."

"Grow out? Yes, it can grow, but you also know that even if you reorganize an arm, it will cost a certain energy, not to mention the most important liver and gall? "

Feng Lingzi still scolded Gu Feng severely, and called Gu Feng's head to shrug lower. In a short time, he did not dare to talk back any more.

However, the big devil stopped with a smile and said, "forget it, it's still that sentence. Everyone has his own destiny. The little golden dragon is like the devil incarnating ginseng fruit tree. It's all their own destiny. Who can blame?"

"Besides, although little Jinlong has some losses and defects, it is not impossible to make up for them. In the future, the little dragon, leave it to me. I will certainly return you a complete five clawed little golden dragon! "

"Can you make up for it?"

Smelling the speech, he was already ashamed of the ancient style of completely lowering his head. He raised his head in an instant. He stared at the dean's big devil day with a look of expectation on his face.

I saw that the great devil was still kind, nodded slightly and said, "if you eat his natural liver and gall, it is impossible to make up for it. But the old man and I are people who have survived from the last era. How can ordinary people understand our means? "

"Isn't it, old man?"

Then the great devil looked at the returning cloud God of wine who had always had a straight face. At this time, the God of wine also nodded slightly and said, "I can only say that I try my best to try. The specific recovery depends on his own creation!"

"Hehe, since it's the old man who spoke, there's naturally no big problem!"

The great devil smiled again and said, "just now, our top ten generals have basically finished. Now, there is only one jiuxiao Heavenly Master left! "

"That jiuxiao Tianzun, in fact..."

In the middle of the conversation, the great devil day actually sold again. He looked directly at the ancient style and continued after half a ring: "you've actually seen the jiuxiao heavenly Buddha. It's just that he is very clumsy. His identity has changed and changed in front of you, so that you can't touch him at all... "

"I've seen it? And often change your identity? Who is he? "

On the spot, Gu Feng stared again. There was both surprise and doubt on his face. At this time, he was basically completely ignorant. He tried to recall as much as possible, but he couldn't guess who was the legendary jiuxiao God!

It's a pity that the great devil day really sold this time. He laughed "ha ha" on the spot and said: "forget it, since you can't guess who it is, I won't say it. I'd better leave you a sense of mystery. If you see him in the future, you'll understand!"


Smelling the speech, the ancient wind is full of black lines. I really don't know what to say.

"Eh?" The ancient wind seemed to think of an important clue. The next second he disappeared directly in front of several people. His voice soon came from the direction of the God of war Temple: "wait a minute, I'll come soon!"

"Hahaha, he ran to the God of war hall. He wanted to compare the golden statue of jiuxiao Tianzun, and then carefully compare the characters he had seen in his mind. Ho ho! "

Big devil Tian looked up and laughed again. He was amused by the ancient wind, which made other people laugh.

However, Zheng Wudao was a little embarrassed at this time and said, "it's estimated that brother Gu can't gain anything, because after seeing your two elders, I suddenly understand that the golden statue I created is very different from your own appearance and temperament. If brother Gu wants to compare the characters in his mind according to the shape of the statue... "

Speaking of this, Zheng Wudao could hardly go on. He quietly looked up at the big devil and Guiyun Dionysus, and his old face became more red.

Yes, there is a big gap between the golden statues enshrined in the God of war hall and my appearance. It's just different. If the ancient wind wants to compare the jiuxiao heavenly statue in his mind with the appearance of the statue, it is doomed to failure.

Sure enough, a moment later, the ancient wind came back. He looked at Zheng Wudao with a black face and bad eyes.

He cursed in a low voice and said, "Damn it, what are you doing? I've been looking for him for a long time. I can't be sure which one I've seen! "


The ancient style of a blame, resulting in the already ashamed Zheng Wudao, completely unable to lift his head.

After half a ring, he said softly, "in fact... In fact, I haven't seen your predecessors. Those golden statues are basically shaped by my own imagination!"


Smelling the speech, the old face of the ancient wind turned black again. I really don't know what to say.

Created by imagination? In other words, those golden statues are completely fabricated out of thin air? How about a chicken feather?

"Hahaha, interesting, interesting, it's so interesting!"

The big devil laughed wildly again, causing everyone to laugh endlessly. He was so ashamed that the ancient wind completely lowered his head.

I saw that Zheng Wudao was no better. He whispered to the ancient wind, "I don't know. You're going to the God of war hall for comparison. If I know you're going to the God of war hall for comparison, I'll stop you whatever I say..."

"Get out!"

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