After a difficult battle, Zheng Wudao finally defeated the invincible little devil. He won the victory, but also won countless applause and countless admiring eyes!

People's eyes move with his steps, and his every move is under people's attention

However, just then, just as Zheng Wudao was approaching the ancient wind, his footsteps suddenly stopped, and his face was instantly pale.

The next second, he gave a "poof" and directly ejected a mouthful of blood

Not only that, his whole person leaned back directly. If it weren't for the ancient wind, he would have fallen down!!!


Seeing this scene, the audience was stunned and stared round. They were so scared that they couldn't believe the scene in front of them was true!

What's going on? Zheng Wudao was hurt? Even standing is a problem?

How is this... Possible?

"Brother Zheng, what's the matter with you?"

Similarly, Gu Feng was also frightened. He quickly helped Zheng Wudao for fear of any accident!

"I... I didn't... it's okay, you don't have to worry!"

Zheng Wudao slowly pushed away the ancient wind and wiped blood on the corners of his mouth. Unexpectedly, he was forced to be calm!

On the other side, the arrogant immediately stared round his eyes, and then he looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "hahaha, I thought I was far inferior to you. I didn't think I could hurt you badly. It really surprised and moved me. Presumably, the sword came that day, should it be your Taoist instrument? Ha ha, ha ha ha - poof! "

Laughing, the arrogance was followed by another mouthful of old blood. To say the extent of the injury, it is estimated that he is much more serious than Zheng Wudao.

However, even so, he can laugh, because Zheng Wudao's reputation and prestige are far better than him. It's also a great honor to hit Zheng Wudao hard!

"Thank you for your concession. Zheng narrowly won!"

Zheng Wudao didn't get angry because of the arrogant ridicule. Instead, he bowed his hand slightly to show everyone's style!

"Hehe, he is worthy of being a little Kirin. His heart and chest are really beyond ordinary people's comparison. Although I was defeated in your hands today, I won't be wronged! " Arrogant also slightly arched his hand, and his face was a little ugly. The conversation turned and said, "the next battle will be more difficult. I hope I don't really hurt your origin, otherwise it will be difficult for you to win the final victory!"

Although the tone of his words was not very good, they were full of strong concern, which made Zheng Wudao's heart warm.

Quickly responded: "please be relieved, brother Gao. As long as I have one breath, it won't be so easy for anyone to win me!"

"That's good!"

Arrogant took back his eyes and didn't pay attention to Zheng Wudao.

He was quiet, but one of them was not so calm.



Seeing that Zheng Wudao was hurt, Lu Hai laughed on the spot: "hahaha, brother Zheng, brother Zheng, you are known as little Qilin. Why were you hurt in the first round? Originally, I thought I was the only one who was incompetent. I didn't think you could hold the first round like me. Ha ha, ha ha! "

The laughter was so sharp and harsh that many people's faces changed on the spot.

Before Zheng Wudao could respond, Lu Hai laughed again: "brother Zheng, don't be angry, lest you can't suppress the rolling blood in your body and make a fool of yourself on the spot, ha ha!"

The laughter is still so harsh, and the smile is still so ugly. At this time, Lu Hai was very happy. He ridiculed Zheng Wudao heartily. The words were as ugly as they were!

Why do you have to spare no effort to ridicule Zheng Wudao? That's because after his defeat, Gu Feng and Zheng Wudao taunted him word by word.

Now, it can be said that the earthly newspaper comes quickly, which is very refreshing!

Seeing that Zheng Wudao was about to get angry, Lu Hai was not afraid and continued to satirize: "brother Zheng, in my opinion, you'd better leave here to avoid dying on the platform later. It's a pity, isn't it? You Qilin mountain can't afford this loss, ha ha! "

"Hum, what are you? How can you laugh at brother Zheng? You were hurt by one of brother Zheng's attendants. Do you have the face to stay here? It's shameless! "

Before Zheng Wudao responded, the ancient style couldn't stand it.

He pointed to Lu Hai's face and continued to drink and scold: "if you want to roll, you can roll yourself. Otherwise, the people who died on the platform will only be you. Only you are the real incompetent. You mean to ridicule people here with your little time? Go back and Practice for another 10000 years! "

"You... You..."

These words of the ancient style can be said to be very shameful. A few words make Lu Hai look blue and speechless. He pointed to the ancient wind and trembled with anger, but he didn't know what to say to refute!

After half a ring, he was angry and happy. Pointing to the ancient style, he said, "OK, OK, you two are indeed in collusion. Indeed, neither of you is a good thing. Are you still qualified to be brothers with Zheng Wudao? In my opinion, you should have surrendered to him in private? You've been a war slave to him for a long time, haven't you? How else could you defend him so? "

"What? I was subdued at the feet of Zheng Wudao? I made him a war slave? "

Hearing the speech, the ancient wind was stunned in an instant. Then he looked up and laughed wildly. He simply didn't know what to say!

He became a war slave to Zheng Wudao?

Lu Hai's guess, in addition to laughing up to the sky, how can he react?

The Gufeng's wild laughter immediately changed Lu Hai's face. In order to save his face, he forced himself to say, "hum, what's the use of denying? If you don't admit it now, you will admit it later. Also said to be the Grand Marshal in front of the enemy? It's just a cheap war slave, I bah!!! "

"Hahaha, whatever you say, you say I'm his war slave, that's it. Anyway, time can prove everything. Why should I explain more to you? "

The ancient style is not moved at all. It's OK for Lu hai to guess. How wonderful would it be if Lu Hai knew that Zheng Wudao had surrendered to his feet?

To put it bluntly, why did Zheng Wudao spell so hard at this time? It's just to compete for a qualification!

What qualifications?

The answer is to strive for a qualification to be a general of the ancient style and a follower of the ancient style!

As strong as Zheng Wudao, he has to do everything to strive for this qualification. What other qualification does he have to clamor for, Lu Hai?

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