He Kun got up on the spot and said to Zheng Wudao, "brother Qilin, there is a god of war hall on your island, in which the statue of Emperor Yu is also enshrined, right? Why don't you show us? "

"Let's go, let's go. Although some of the statues I have created are not in place, they are still worth seeing!"

Zheng Wudao got up. He smiled mysteriously at Gu Feng and went away laughing.

The rest of the people also got up and planned to leave time for the ancient wind and blue ice. After all, after 2800 years, LAN binger should have some space to reunite with her husband today.

Everyone can understand and go one after another. Except for one person, that is a small fire.

Instead of getting up, he shouted to everyone: "I'm not going. I haven't seen brother Gufeng for thousands of years. I have to catch up with him!




Hearing the speech, they were dull on the spot and almost suspected that they had heard wrong.

The next second, he Kun shouted a slap on the top of the small fire and said angrily, "tell your uncle's old story!"

Without a word, Xiaohuo was directly pulled away by Hekun, and then everyone laughed again.

To say, among this group of people, Hekun has the highest EQ and Xiaohuo is the second.

Compared with Hekun's cleverness, Xiaohuo can only be described as dull. All along, he has been a little dull and silly.

The laughter faded away, leaving Gufeng and LAN binger at the scene. The atmosphere was silent again for a moment.

"Bing'er, over the years, how are you...?"

"Me? Very good. It's just that we've been honing and fighting for 2800 years! "


Blue bing'er said carelessly, but the ancient wind's heart was sour.

"Hey!" With a helpless sigh, he lightly held LAN binger's hand. Remorse: "I'm sorry for you. I owe you too much all the time!"

"Don't say that. You don't owe me, because you are the king of the blue sky. You have to shoulder the heavy task of cutting the sky!"

While talking, LAN bing'er silently took out his palm.

Then she got up and walked directly on the waves towards the calm center of the lake.

Seeing this, the ancient style hurried to keep up and dared not neglect it at all.

After arriving at the center of the lake, LAN binger sat cross legged on the water directly. The ancient wind followed suit again, and the two sat opposite each other.

After half a ring, LAN bing'er smiled at the ancient wind and asked, "ancient wind, do you remember how we met?"

"How can I forget that? Your blue family is a big family in the Dragon Kingdom, and you are the first charming girl hidden in the blue family! "

For a time, their thoughts seemed to have passed through the passage of years and returned to the age of seven

In those years, the ancient wind not only won the champion of the French sea realm, but also the champion of the golden body realm. For a moment, it became famous and moved the whole dragon kingdom.

As the first charming girl of the blue family, LAN bing'er threatened many times in front of the ancient wind because she didn't go to the war. The reason why the ancient wind was able to win two champions in that big competition was because she didn't go to the war

Mentioning their blue family, the ancient wind thought of another interesting thing, that is, the first charming son of the blue family - Blue finch feather.

Obviously, he is a man, one of the eight heroes of the dragon.

But in fact, he is a daughter.

At that time, the ancient wind saw the blue finch feather disguised as a man at the top of a mountain and fell in love with Leng guxing, the first senior brother of wuliangzong. At that time, the ancient wind was disgusting. He thought it was two men fooling around!

Because of the ancient wind and their blue family, they made a dead enemy. So before he left the Dragon Kingdom, he took Qingzhou Ding, one of the incarnations of Emperor Yu, to take revenge. Dading was so powerful that he blasted the blue family in two or three times. Including LAN binger's mother, they were directly robbed.

And he and LAN binger, that is, at that time, officially met. Later, the ancient wind took LAN binger as a prisoner and took him to the Longshan empire. The first marriage between the two began officially at that time

"Time goes by and never comes back. The past can only be remembered. I remember when I was a child, when I was a little girl, I followed her day and night... "

Blue bing'er sang softly and called their thoughts back to childhood completely. That period of time is probably the most precious memory for them.

I don't know when the distance between them began, and then they moved away.

It's really like the song "time goes by and never comes back, and the past can only be remembered". It seems really impossible to go back to the previous years!

"Yes, the past can only be remembered. After all, we have all grown up and have undertaken too many heavy tasks on our shoulders!"

Gu Feng sighed, then stretched out his arm and took LAN bing'er in his arms.

He said again: "bing'er, although we have experienced too many twists and turns, now it's OK. We're together again. In the future..."

"There's no future. The marital relationship between us is over!"

While talking, LAN bing'er moved Gu Feng's arm away. His face was very cold and called Gu Feng stunned on the spot.

LAN bing'er slowly got up, turned his back to the ancient wind, and whispered: "only since the last time you left the xuanhuang continent again, our relationship between husband and wife is completely over. Now, I'm just the representative of shenhuang. I'm your general! "

"..." the old wind's face broke down again. He grabbed LAN binger's arm and said urgently: "today is different from the past, why should we confuse it? In those days, I did say that the relationship between husband and wife was over, but the situation was special, wasn't it? Now, there is no repair gap between us! "

"Yes, there is really no cultivation gap between us, but there is an age difference between us. Now I'm almost 3000 years old. How old are you? Young and vigorous, will you still want an old woman who is thousands of years old? "


On the spot, the ancient wind stood in place again, and was speechless for a time. LAN binger's statement really caught him off guard!

After a short mistake, Gu Feng hugged LAN binger in his arms. He looked at LAN binger with firm eyes and said, "listen, LAN binger, no matter how the world changes, my heart to you will always be the same. I won't allow you to say such words again. If you are my wife one day, you will be my wife all your life. You can't run if you want to run! "

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