Boom, boom!

At this moment, the ancient wind's body continued to explode. With the blessing of two extreme body refining methods, his body reached a terrible peak again. It's a hundred and twenty feet away from the heaven ladder hanging in demon king mountain

Looking up at the ladder, the corner of the ancient wind's mouth laughed again and said to himself, "what can't break in without permission? What, one more step and die? What is the boundless sea of suffering? Hum, it's not so easy to scare me! "

Dong Dong!

After soliloquizing, the ancient wind rushed forward with the blessing of these two extreme body refining methods!

Eighty, sixty, fifty, thirty, ten, five

At one breath, the ancient wind rushed forward more than 110 feet. At this time, the ladder was in front of his eyes that day, and it seemed that he could step up directly in one breath.

However, at this time, the oppressive force soared again. Just listening to the sound of "poof", the ancient wind fell down again. The powerful oppressive force has made him unable to look up!

His body was pressed on the ground, as if it would be turned into meat pie at any time!

Not only that, I can only see the two lights rising around the ancient wind's body, but also dissipate rapidly. This shows that his two body refining methods, at this moment, have been oppressed and are about to fail!

"It's not that easy to want my life!"


After a roar, the ancient wind completely released all the divine powers sealed in the body. As a result, his accomplishments climbed to the top of the immortal Jue Dian again.

Once again, the ancient wind carried the two body refining methods to the extreme, and then reluctantly got up from the ground!

"Ha ha, ha ha, what devil mountain can't break through? Today, I'm going to break through the ancient style! "

The ancient wind looked up to heaven and smiled, looking a little crazy and a little desperate.

Dong Dong!

With a few more steps, he was closer to the ladder that day. However, he also paid the price again.

A week later, many cracks appeared in his body, and his bones crackled. For a time, I don't know how many bones were crushed and how much blood splashed out!

"The law of life, bless my body!"


There was another explosion, and the ancient wind's body took up a light green light again. With the blessing of the law of life, the cracks in his body were repaired, and the broken bones in his body were forcibly reorganized!

"If you want to kill me, I'll reincarnate you first!"


There was another explosion. Behind the ancient wind, a large dark disc appeared immediately.

The disk slowly rotated, and a strong force of phagocytosis escaped. I didn't know how much pressure it swallowed on the spot.

Gu Feng ran forward again, and he finally finished the distance of five feet.

At this time, the ladder hanging in the sky was already under his feet. As long as he takes another step forward, he can step directly up.

However, just when Gu Feng planned to take this last step, a tall black stone monument appeared again on that ladder!

This time, there was no word on the black stone tablet, but there was an additional face with bright red eyes.

That face was very cold, without the slightest expression. And that pair of eyes, even more red as blood, monstrous cold, killing everywhere, just like from Jiuyou region!

Seeing this, the old wind's heart was surprised for no reason. After stabilizing his mind, he whispered to the face inside the black stone tablet, "I've come here. Do you still want to block my way?"

"Devil mountain, trespassers die!"

The cold words don't contain any feelings. In that pair of blood red eyes, there were several murders again!

"Oh, it's really funny. This warning seems to have told me several times? Why am I still standing here? "

On the corner of the ancient wind's mouth, there was a sneer again. Although the heart was a little drumming, it didn't shrink back.

He said, "what if I insist on going up?"

"Take another step and die in an instant!"

"..." hearing the speech, Gu Feng's face changed on the spot. Then he looked up at the sky and laughed wildly: "ha ha, didn't you say something like that just now? But haven't you come here yet? Why didn't you take my life? "

Although I don't believe it in my mouth, I still haven't taken this step of the ancient style after all. He didn't know what he was waiting for. Was he really afraid?

The black stone tablet didn't answer, but stared at the ancient wind. It made the ancient wind's heart and hair empty and his back cold!

Then, as soon as he gritted his teeth and hid his feet, he waved a fist at the black stone monument again!


After the explosion, the black stone monument was broken. There was nothing blocking the way in front of the ancient wind!

"If you want my life, take it!"

The old wind's stubborn temper came up. After he forced himself to fight, he really took a step forward and stood directly on the first step!

I thought that the earth was about to fall apart. I thought that the oppressive force would suddenly soar a hundred times. I thought I was going to die

Who ever thought that this moment was strangely calm, without a trace of wind and grass. Even, the oppressive force in the dark was suddenly reduced by no less than dozens of times, and he still stood on the first step ladder intact!


Now, the ancient style is completely stupid. I don't know what's going on.

Didn't you say that one step further would kill you in an instant? Why is it okay?

With an uneasy heart, the ancient wind climbed up again, but found that he was still fine. One more step, still calm!


Now, the ancient style is completely ignorant and completely stupid.

Is it hard? All this is scaring yourself?

I looked back at the road when I came. It was still calm. I looked up at the demon king mountain. It was also so quiet.

Where's the danger? Where is the crisis?

"Shit, did you mean to scare me? Is for the courage and perseverance of Lao Tzu? "

The ancient wind is a little confused. Finally, it is forced to strengthen the courage and continue to climb the ladder!

What makes Gu Feng want to curse his mother is that he has come halfway up the mountain and has not seen any danger. Even the oppressive force disappeared completely. The legendary demon king mountain seems to be an ordinary mountain!

"Shit, I was fooled. It is estimated that the real crisis should be in the mountain, not at the foot of the mountain!"

In the heart of the ancient wind, it is cursed again and again. As soon as you bite your teeth, keep going up!

However, what Gu Feng didn't know was that right behind him, at the first step of the ladder, there was a group of essence slowly condensed into a face

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