"Hehe, we are old brothers. Naturally, I won't treat you so cruelly!"

The corner of Dionysian's mouth showed a smile and then said, "however, I really need to get something from you. I hope you can see our brotherhood for many years. Give it to me!"

Although Dionysus's face was smiling, it seemed to be asking for help. But the hearts of Gu Feng and others are all slander, because Dionysus is naked blackmail and blackmail!

Yes, he took the life of the little demon king to ask for something. Isn't this blackmail and blackmail?

However, the ancient wind and others don't know what Dionysus wants.

I saw that the devil, that is, the little child from the ginseng fruit tree, roared directly at the God of wine: "what do you want?"

Let go. The devil finally let go. He is no longer as tough as he was just now.

I saw a kind smile on Dionysian's face again. He said, "Oh, that's right. After all, we are old brothers for millions of years, aren't we? In fact, what I want is also very simple. For you, it's just a small effort! "

"What do you want? Say it! "

"Ginseng fruit, I want some ginseng fruit!"

"Huh? Are you going to pick fruit on me? It's impossible. That's my fruit. It's absolutely impossible to give it to you! "

The devil's face changed and changed. He turned his back directly and showed a non-negotiable attitude.

"Hey!" However, the Dionysian sighed deliberately, and then turned around. He said to himself, "forget it. If you don't give it to me, I can only think of other ways."

He greeted the ancient wind and others and said, "let's go. We're not welcome here!"

While talking, he deliberately pinched the little devil in his hand, so that the little devil gave a painful scream of "ah"!

Seeing this, the devil turned around and shouted, "wait a minute, I can give you the fruit, but you must let him go first. This is my heir! "

"Oh? Close the door? "

The God of wine deliberately showed his surprise. Then he slowly shook his head and said, "it's definitely not OK to let people go first. You must give me fruit first!"

"..." hearing the speech, the devil's face changed. Then he angrily said, "OK, how many do you want?"

"All, I want all the ginseng fruit hanging on you!"

"..." on the spot, the evil king was foolish and immediately roared: "impossible, you are just delusional!"

To say, why is the old devil so angry? How many fruits?

Except for Dionysus, only the ancient customs are most clear to the people on the scene. Because there are not only ginseng fruits hanging on the ginseng fruit tree, but also more than 100 fairy medicines in the medicine garden.

The Dionysian is so big that the lion opens his mouth. Can he not make people angry and roar?

"You say it's impossible, but I want it!"

Dionysus's cow temper seemed to come up, and he grabbed the little devil's neck. His face was cold and murderous!

I saw that the demon king also had a temper. Shaking his sleeves, he turned his back again on the spot.

Leng Sheng said: "you can dispose of it. It's just a waste. It's not a pity to die!"


When things developed here, the atmosphere at the scene was frozen for a time, and no one would give in.

Finally, the Dionysian made a concession. He said to the demon king, "after all, we have been friends for millions of years. Why hurt the peace for a few fruits? Why don't we make a deal? How about I exchange something for you? "


Hearing the speech, the devil turned around, his face full of surprise and wrong Leng.

But at this time, Dionysus whispered to the devil.

After muttering for a while, he said, "how's it going? Do you think it's a good deal? "

"Seriously? Are you really willing to exchange it? "

"As I said, we have been friends for millions of years. How can we lie to you?" Wine Shinto.

His words immediately made the people present wonder. No one knew what he had just whispered to the demon king. No one knew what he had brought out to trade. No one knows why he wants those ginseng fruits.

Also, along the way, Dionysus robbed with tough means. This time, how to change the normal and be willing to exchange things?

I saw the demon king pondering.

After a little hesitation, he nodded and said, "OK, I've made this deal, but you must teach me the secret first!"

"No problem!"

While talking, I saw the center of Dionysian's eyebrows, and a series of dark green dense lines rushed out on the spot, straight to the demon king.

This is a trade. As for what those dense patterns are, no one knows.

After half a ring, all the dense patterns passed through, and the evil king immediately closed his eyes and felt it.

The next second, he suddenly opened his eyes. There was an incredible color in his eyes.

He whispered, "well, well, you really taught it to me, but you haven't hidden it yet. Aren't you afraid that I won't admit it or give you ginseng and fruit? "

"Hehe, I know you won't!"

Dionysus still smiled and looked very confident. While talking, he directly loosened the big iron chain tied to the little demon king.

Then he said, "now that all my sincerity has been given to you, you should always fulfill your promise?"

"Well, since you don't deceive me, how can I break my promise?"

The demon king of the mixed world is also a simple person. As soon as he spoke, he immediately changed into a ginseng fruit tree as high as two feet.

On the top, there are 138 ginseng fruits that are bright and dripping like babies!

The next second, I saw the fruit tree tremble suddenly, and all the fruit on it ran towards Dionysus.

At this moment, Gu Feng and others clearly saw that the fruits all screamed in horror. Many fruits, at this moment, want to return to the body and escape, but they are sealed by the town.

One hundred and thirty-eight fruits, many of them, all fell into the pocket of Dionysus.

On the spot, the God of wine looked up and laughed: "hahaha, it's worthy of being an old brother. It's really righteous, brother. I'll thank you now!"

As soon as the fruit is put away, the Dionysian will pull the little devil to turn and leave.

However, the ginseng fruit tree didn't work. It turned into a little child on the spot and shouted, "all the things you want have been given to you? Why don't you let people go? Are you going to break your promise? "

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