"God, what kind of monster is that? Only one head? "

"Oh, my God, that monster is so ferocious. When it goes down, it's a large area..."

In the cabin, there were screams soon. Because in their eyes, there is indeed a monster.

What shape is the monster? It has no body, no tail, no limbs. Only one head, one mouth, and a pair of scarlet eyes!

"Sky swallowing beast, that's the legendary sky swallowing beast, that's the demon star!"

Hiss!! one

I don't know who screamed again. Immediately, everyone in the cabin jumped up!

Swallowing beast, the legendary demon star!

At this moment, if you want to say the most shocked person in your heart, it is the ancient style itself. Because he knew that the beast that swallowed the sky was changed by Wang Shihai!

Yes, it's Wang Shihai. He brought an army and is fighting with the Cang army!

"You pay attention, that is the legendary false demon star!" The voice of the great devil began to ring, and immediately caused another exclamation.

I saw that the big devil slowed down the speed of the treasure ship again. Looking back, he smiled at everyone and said, "no, we're going to eliminate harm for the people today. Come on, let me drop him! "

While talking, the treasure ship really turned its direction and went straight to the warring sides.

The treasure ship did not sail directly into the battlefield, but hid far away in nothingness.

At this time, the great devil smiled at the people again and said, "don't blame me for not reminding you. Now is a good opportunity to make contributions. The belligerents are estimated to have 10 million troops. Every time you kill an ordinary soldier, you get a little merit. Every time you capture an ordinary soldier alive, you will get 5 points of merit. This dense head is the stepping stone to the peak of your life! "


"What do you mean? Does the great devil want to forcibly intervene in this irrelevant war? "

Everyone was stunned, but soon the faces of the young people showed excitement.

I saw that the great devil day said to the fairy kings: "let's do this. All Taoist friends will guard the eight directions. If you meet the fairy king, you will kill it together. If there is no fairy king, hold the battle for these young people. Don't let the armies of both sides walk away! "

In the cabin, there are more than 120 fairy kings. Which war can invest so much at one time?

Therefore, it is no exaggeration for the great devil to say that he will wipe out all the soldiers on both sides. In other words, you deserve the bad luck of the people below!

"Hehe, master, you really have leisure!"

A fairy king of Qilin mountain smiled and was the first to stand up.

There is no doubt that a cat and mouse play will be staged next!

"Ha ha, I haven't touched anyone for thousands of years. Today I happen to play with these young people!"

"I also have this intention, ha ha!"

"What are you waiting for? Go down! "

Almost all of the more than 120 fairy kings nodded and agreed. Because they all bring young people. If you go out to block the battlefield, you are helping your own people!

At this time, the big devil also stood up with a smile. He said to the fairy kings, "you Taoist friends, let's just seal the battlefield later, and let these young people show their means to their heart's content. Look at them, how long it will take to get rid of these people! "

"Well, elder devil, this proposal is very interesting!"

So all the people in the cabin really got off the ship. After everyone looked at each other, the fairy kings immediately dispersed and soon surrounded the whole battlefield!

Then, the great devil secretly released a signal to everyone. The more than 100 fairy kings immediately launched their own momentum and sealed the whole battlefield.

For a moment, the fighting stopped. Both the Cang army and Wang Shihai's army were scared out of a cold sweat and looked up at the sky!

"Who? Who is making trouble in the dark? "

Wang Shihai also stopped killing and looked up at the sky. He was also scared out of a cold sweat.

This battle is basically a small-scale battle. Therefore, in such a battle, generally there will be no fairy king to join.

Therefore, people like Wang Shihai are basically the highest combat power of the whole battlefield!

No one stood up to answer Wang Shihai, Gu Feng, and the more than 50 young people. At this time, they appeared one after another.

But see, Mu Qingqing slowly pulled out a bright sword and shouted coldly to everyone: "kill, kill all these people!"




With a roar, the fifty young people rushed out like the wind. After coming to the crowd, it was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. No one had the power to fight back.

In fact, it's not that the armies of both sides have many dishes, but that more than 100 fairy kings in the dark have locked everyone with their own momentum. Who can return it?

"Antique, is it you?"

Finally, Wang Shihai found that he had already had an iron face. For a moment, he was so angry that he trembled and his face was blue.

He roared again on the spot: "ancient wind, what do you mean? Have you forgotten our agreement? Have you forgotten the kindness of helping each other on the battlefield last time? "

Indeed, it was Wang Shihai who came here with ancient customs and his family sisters by using the black hole. Before leaving, they had already reached an agreement on the offensive and defensive alliance.

This agreement is not just talk, but really put into action.

More than 20 years ago, when the ancient wind broke into the world alone, his identity was exposed and was chased and killed by the fairy king of the Cang family. In despair, he called Wang Shihai.

In those years, if there was no timely appearance of Wang Shihai, where would the ancient style still be today?

"Sorry, this is not what I want to deal with you!"

The ancient wind shook his head slowly, and his face was cold.

Today's scene really has nothing to do with him. Because, first, he did not order the hanging of these people, and second, he did not personally participate in it. He was just a bystander.

"Hahaha, sorry? Can a word of sorry get rid of everything? A sorry, can you push off the old oath? "

Wang Shihai looked up and laughed, looking crazy!

Suddenly, he, who had already been sealed by the town, changed into a terrible sky swallowing beast and came straight to the ancient wind.

At the same time, he roared, "ancient wind, since you have already broken the covenant, I will die with you today!"

The sky swallowing beast is very fierce. Its big mouth is open and closed. I don't know how many people died!

Seeing Wang Shihai getting closer and closer to the ancient wind, but at this time, in the dark, he suddenly stretched out a big palm, which was very impolite, and directly patted the sky swallowing beast out!

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