"Heaven and earth cage? We're all surrounded? "


Everyone was so frightened that they took a breath again. Such a statement, compared with the wall itself, is also impact!

In this way, wouldn't any living creature in the universe become a domesticated animal to be slaughtered at any time?

This problem is too shocking. Therefore, even the great devil dare not answer positively.

He sighed and said, "I can't tell who arranged this cage for a moment. I only know that in the last era, the era of emperor Dayu has not yet existed, which was built in this era. As for what role this plays, it's even harder for me to say! "


"That's it? Just a few words of light explanation? "

People are very dissatisfied with the explanation of big magic day and can't accept it.

It seems that if they don't give a reasonable explanation today, they won't give up.

On the spot, someone asked a question and said, "elder devil, how can you not know what this is? Since you say this is a cage, how can you not know who built it? How can you not know what the purpose of this cage is? "

"Come on, tell us Zhenxian, we can stand anything!"

"Yes, we have seen so many cruel realities. What else can we not accept? Tell us, what is this thing? Who built it? What is the purpose? "

When people talk to you and me, they all shout to know the truth.

Even the ancient wind looked at the devil with firm eyes. He also wanted to know the truth and what the so-called cage of heaven and earth did.

Seeing that the people were asking closely, the great devil had to sigh again. "Well, since you want to know so much, I'll tell you. I hope you can stand it. This cage is... "

Speaking of this, the great devil day actually sold, and suddenly let everyone's heart rise to his throat.

"What is it?"

"It's... It's built by the Lord devil. Its purpose is to enjoy all the creatures in this universe!"

Finally, the great devil said the truth. His words surprised everyone to show a pale color!

Yemo? Lord aruye?

Almost all the people present have heard the name. Because in the ancient world, there are also the shadow of Jesus demons!

Seeing that the people were frightened, the great devil sighed again and continued: "yes, it is the Lord of the Lord of the Lord of the Lord of the devil, aruye, who built this cage himself. Therefore, with our means, it is extremely difficult to blow it away! "

"Unfortunately, all of us are trapped in this cage. If nothing happens, the demon will come and harvest our lives in the future. We will all be his food! "




Hearing the speech, people were scared silly again. They simply didn't know what to say.

If we analyze it according to the words of the great devil, then these people, including the creatures in the whole universe, are equivalent to the animals raised by the Lord devil? Kill when you're fat?

Thinking of this, people were scared out of a cold sweat again. It can be said that they were very afraid of thinking carefully. I dare not go further!

Suddenly, the Qilin mountain family leader screamed: "eh, no, since this is the cage built by the Lord devil, how can you allow others to be evil in the universe? It seems that the several big worlds we have seen before have been plagued by big demons of the same level as ye Mo? "

"Since this cage was built by Lord devil, it shows that this universe belongs to his lord devil's territory. Can he allow other demons to go wild on their own territory and rob their own prey? "

"Eh? Yes, it doesn't make sense? "

"Yes, it's a little unreasonable. Because even the lowest lion, tiger and leopard, once they have divided their territory, they will never allow anyone to rob their territory of food, let alone the Lord of the Lord of evil? "

Great devil's words were soon questioned. As a result, everyone's eyes once again focused on him.

Seeing this, the great devil just smiled again and said, "yes, you're right. However, those demons are actually still in a cage. In the near future, they will not escape the bad luck of being harvested... "

"What? Even those demons will be harvested by the Lord demon? "

Hearing the speech, they were stunned again and their backs were cold again. It's incredible!

Eh? wait!

On the spot, someone thought of something terrible and immediately asked, "master devil, as you said, those demons are still in this cage and will sooner or later become a meal for the Lord devil. What about Emperor Dayu? What about the Kunpeng king who fought side by side with him? Where's jiuxiao Tianzun? Are they going to be robbed, too? Can't they escape from this cage? "


Suddenly, the great devil was asked. He thought for a long time and couldn't answer.

Finally, he shook his head and said, "I don't know. I don't know if the emperor can escape from this cage, and I can't help!"


This answer made people speechless again. The explanation of the great devil seems difficult to convince people!

Seeing that he couldn't convince everyone, the great devil didn't continue to tangle on this issue.

He continued, "come on, let's continue to visit other big worlds. As for how to break this cage, it is not something we need to consider for the time being! "

Then he took out the spaceship again and stepped on it first after zooming in.

Seeing this, they had to keep up. Although the cage has not been clarified, it has to be put aside first.

Indeed, the cage is too hard for them to break.

Although the explanation of the great devil is not convincing. But one thing they can be sure of is that the builder of this cage must be a figure at the level of the great emperor!

Because, as the fairy king, they have no way to this cage!

The spaceship took the people on the road again. This time, it didn't return along the road, but flew against the "wall".

All the way, nothing is empty and lonely. There is nothing but that "wall" across the universe.

Not even a meteorite!

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