The next second, a young man screamed, "my God, is the position of the sun too close? The ground temperature, at least above two Baidu, even a piece of iron, will be roasted red, not to mention people? "

At the end of the sentence, another person followed the strange cry: "yes, who placed the sun? Is there a way for people to live when they are so close? "

"Where was this placed like this? The previous position was very moderate, not at all! " Gu Feng stared at the speaker angrily, and he couldn't tell how uncomfortable he was.

Not only is the ancient wind uncomfortable, but everyone's face is very ugly after seeing this scene. Because everyone has guessed that the reality of the world must be very optimistic!

Because the sun is too close, the earth under their feet has already been scorched, and there is no aura at all!

At this moment, who is the most distressed person? It's ancient, of course. Because at this moment, he was shocked to find that the earth under his feet had a very loud name called Hongdu!

Yes, Hongdu, which was merged by three major states, was once the headquarters of his Qingtian divine court. This is the most prosperous and splendid place after the disaster.

But now, the magnificent palaces of the past have long been turned into ruins, and even those broken walls have long been roasted beyond recognition by the blazing sun.

The whole land has already turned into scorched earth. Even, some terrible big cracks have long been like cobwebs, covering the whole earth, which makes people worried!

Where is there any prosperity here? The former prosperous resort has long been reduced to death, Jedi!

The previous 800 prefectures were all covered with Hongdu as the center. But now, the sun is facing Hongdu. Aren't the big states around Hongdu also suffering?

At this time, Mu Qingqing slowly shook his head and said, "this continent is static, and the sun is also static. The ground facing the sun is indeed more than 200 degrees. However, in addition to this most central area, there should be marginal areas. In those marginal areas, the temperature is not so high, there should still be living life! "

"Eh? Does that make sense? "

On the spot, there was a surprise on everyone's faces. Then one powerful friar revealed his powerful divine sense in an instant

Not long after, someone really screamed in surprise: "there are really human beings living in this world, not death!"

This exclamation immediately cheered everyone up. After looking at each other, they all saw the color of ecstasy on each other's faces.

So far, this is the first time they have discovered life and found living humans.

At this time, the great devil also nodded slightly and whispered: "there are still living humans around the periphery of the sun. It's just that we don't know what their actual situation is. Let's go and have a look! "

The words fell, the great devil took the lead to go towards the East, and the rest of them hurriedly followed.

The group started from where they were and headed due east. Along the way, it was shocking.

Not only was the earth scorched and cracked, but even the lush mountains turned into a bare area without any trees and vegetation.

What is amazing is that many of the originally towering mountains are directly scattered at this time, like a palm open to the sky!

Cracks, terrible cracks everywhere. Those mountains that haven't collapsed in time have cracked like a palm with five claws open... Shocking, sad!

Moving on, the scene on the earth is obviously much better because it is gradually far away from the center of the sun.

The sun is no longer so hot, and the ground temperature has gradually changed from more than 200 degrees to nearly Baidu.

Although the earth is still full of cracks, it is no longer so shocking. Although the mountains are still bare, they are still intact, with few collapses and few cracks.

Everything seems to be developing in a good way. At this time, I can occasionally meet some monks

Go on, the temperature on the earth will be lower and lower, and the world in everyone's eyes will be more and more impressive. You can not only see the monks moving, but also see the green vegetation!

Yes, the earth is no longer so shocking. There are not only vegetation, fertile soil, but even crops - this area is suitable for the growth of all things!

However, what made everyone frown was that they found that the aura in the world had become extremely thin, and the laws of heaven and earth were seriously incomplete, which was far from reaching the point of "prosperity"!

Although they saw many monks along the way, they were all people with low accomplishments. Even a saint can't see it!

On the earth, although there are already humans and monks, there are few prosperous cities or magnificent palaces in the past. More people live in some dilapidated buildings and rudimentary fenced yards.

It seems that these people are victims of disaster!

"There is no need to move on. If we move on, we will enter the eternal night!" The great devil waved his hand and didn't intend to continue to the East.

At this time, it is dusk. If you go further, you will step into the darkness. Starting from the central area where Hongdu is located, it is about 100000 Li from here.

In the middle of this journey, there are about 80000 li of places that are completely unsuitable for ordinary creatures to survive. Of the 20000 miles that are suitable for survival, there are two or three thousand miles. It belongs to an extremely cold place, which is also not suitable for ordinary creatures!

In other words, from the central area of Hongdu just below the sun to here, the environment really suitable for ordinary creatures is only more than 10000 miles away.

Of course, except friars. Monks can not only survive in the extremely cold night, but also practice directly under the sun. The difference between positive and negative is a few Baidu. For friars, it doesn't matter at all!

The party stopped and looked back at the road when they came, but they felt very bad.

Although, this world is the first world with life they have found so far. But it is no longer prosperous.

In this piece of heaven and earth, they found that not only did the aura of heaven and earth become extremely thin, but even a "great monk" in the saint's realm could not meet one.

Can you remember the ancient customs clearly? In the past, Canglang continent was really prosperous. It's hard to count the true immortals alone!

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