"Dean, is that the Silver Red continent ahead?"

The ancient wind asked the big devil. Although he had the answer in his heart, he was still a little incredible.

It's really hard to imagine that the great devil will take them back on the road of immortality in the past.

Hearing the speech, the great devil looked back at the ancient wind and said with a smile: "why, you have forgotten the places you set foot in the past?"

"I......" Gu Feng's face changed, then shook his head and said, "here, for me, it can be said that my memory is still fresh. How can I forget it? I just can't believe you'll bring us here! "

"Oh? Why can't you believe it? Since I have brought you to Canglang continent, why not come here? It seems that the distance from here to Canglang continent is relatively not too far? "

The great devil smiled again and said, "come on, first tell me about the Silver Red continent you know, and then let's go down and make a comparison!"

"Silver Red continent..."

The ancient wind pondered and carefully recalled all the information about the Silver Red continent.

Then he whispered: "before, when I first came to the Silver Red continent, I found that the world, although its vastness is greater than the five dark and yellow regions we are familiar with, its heaven and earth aura is much barren. In this world, the strongest friar is a half immortal, with a total of more than 20. Compared with the Canglang continent, he is much weaker... "

At this point, the ancient wind paused. As soon as the conversation turned, he said again: "however, although the world is far inferior to the Canglang continent, it is of profound significance to me. Because my blue sky divine court was established here! "

"What I can succeed in building my foundation here, in the final analysis, is still because of God's lawlessness and cruelty. Just because I was in this world and revealed to the world my ambition to cut down on heaven, it attracted heaven's anger and made the world suffer a devastating blow. It is precisely because of that great disaster that people in this world completely hate the 'heaven', so they all believe in my 'blue sky'! "

As he spoke, the voice of the ancient wind choked a little, and it seemed a little difficult to go on.

After forcibly calming his emotions, he continued: "although I took almost all the elites of the world that time. But after so many years, some great saints or half immortals should have been born here. Of course, the premise is that the world has not suffered disaster! "

The ancient wind finally finished, and then looked at the big magic sky.

The great devil nodded slightly and whispered, "according to you, even if there are no half immortals or real immortals in this world, at least there should be a holy king or a great saint?"

"Well, it should be. Because I didn't take all the saints away. After hundreds of years, it should prosper again. " Gu Feng nodded affirmatively.

The devil suddenly stood up and said, "come on, let's go and have a look at the Silver Red continent. In the past, the world was not very prosperous, but at least it was brilliant! "

Then, the great devil took the lead out of the spaceship, and the rest followed.

After taking a little look at the huge silver star in front of us, the party directly took big steps and galloped towards the Silver Red continent!

Soon, they landed completely. Release the divine sense and carefully feel it. After a while, everyone's heart was a little stable.

Because they found the world and were not robbed. In this world, there are still countless monks. Everything seems to be so harmonious!

However, it was only a superficial appearance, and everyone's eyebrows soon frowned. It seems that the aura of heaven and earth above the world is a little barren? According to experience, such a barren environment of heaven and earth can't give birth to saints, let alone holy kings or half immortals!

Yes, after a trip, although they found some saints, those saints were so weak in their eyes!

This weakness is not caused by the poor repair of each other. But they found that in the same realm, the saints in this world are at least far weaker than those in other worlds.

It seems that the monks in this world feel a little... Malnourished.

Yes, just a little. Not only do saints look a little malnourished, but even monks in other realms seem a little hungry.

Soon, everyone understood what was going on. Everything must be attributed to the barrenness of heaven and earth.

"Alas, although the world has not been devastated yet, it is fast. There is a big hand quietly absorbing the aura of the world. In a hundred years, the world may be completely exhausted, and the end of the law is not far away! "

The great devil sighed, and one word made everyone feel heavy.

It is not that the world has not been robbed, but that the disaster has come relatively gently and has not suddenly taken away all the essence.

After saying that, the great devil turned to look at the ancient wind, smiled and said, "how about it? Is it very different from the Silver Red continent you expected? "

"It's very big. It really hurts me. I thought that many holy kings or half immortals should be born in this world. But now it seems that after I leave, the world will stagnate, and no one can set foot in the holy king or semi fairyland... "

The ancient wind sighed and felt very uncomfortable. Because he also saw that within a hundred years, the world will be completely drained. At that time, when people can't practice, there may be a tragedy of swallowing people.

"Come on, let's continue to the next stop!"

The great devil took out the ship again, and he was going to leave directly. Because in his opinion, there is no need to stay here.

Seeing that the ancient wind refused to go, the great devil asked again, "what's the matter, you don't want to go yet? Do you still want to take away all the people in this world? "

"...." the ancient wind doesn't speak, but his will is very firm.

Seeing this, Mu Qingqing came over and stared at the ancient wind for a long time. Then he whispered, "come on, there are thousands of worlds in the heavens and countless creatures. How much can you save? When the disaster of heaven and earth comes, it is not aimed at one or two worlds, but the whole universe. How can you save it? Besides, how much space can your small world hold? If you forcibly put people who do not belong to the same world in the same space, don't you think it will be a disaster? "

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