Facing the questioning of fat shopkeeper, Gu Feng still had no response, because he was waiting for the reply of big magic day.

After a long time, Gu Feng patted on the fat shopkeeper's shoulder and said, "hahaha, shopkeeper Wu, I really want to congratulate you, because your son Wu Han really came back with us. After returning home, you should be able to see him!"

"Ah? My son... My son Wu Han, really came back with you? "

Now it was the fat shopkeeper's turn to be shocked. Like King Xiang's father, he was afraid that he had heard wrong and that the old wind was joking.

However, the archaic expression is very serious.

He was very serious. He patted the fat shopkeeper on the shoulder again and said definitely, "shopkeeper Wu, I can answer you very responsibly. Your son Wu Han really came back with me. If you go back now, you will certainly be able to see him, and the father and son will be reunited from now on! "


A positive answer also made the fat shopkeeper's brain explode. After the shock, there was ecstasy and even some incoherence!

"Hahaha, my son is back, my son has become an immortal, my son is promising, and my ancestral grave is smoking..."

At this time, the fat shopkeeper seemed to be a little nervous. He ran out of the hall crazily and forgot to say hello to the ancient wind!


Now it's other people's turn to worry. The Xiang family's son came back, and the Wu family's incompetent generation who was useless and did not become a climate also came back. What about their own son?

"Qing Tianwang, ancient Taoist friend, where's my son?"

"Where's my son?"

"Qing Tianwang, where is the ancient king of our family?"

A group of people gathered around again and asked questions, calling the ancient wind worried again.

After slowly pushing away the crowd, Gu Feng sighed and said, "I'm really sorry. I only brought them back this time. Most of the children in your families have achieved the position of true fairy fruit at this time. You don't need to worry about anything. However, the outside world is so big that everyone has his own way to go, and everyone has different aspirations. Therefore, they are not with me, and they only contact me occasionally on weekdays... "

This time, the ancient wind spread a white lie. There's no way. You can't say that. You have to leave some hope for others, don't you?

As for Wu Han, Gu Feng didn't deceive the fat shopkeeper. Although Wu Han didn't follow the ancient wind and come back together, after receiving Wu Han's message, big magic day soon gave a clear answer - let Wu Han's father go home directly for reunion!

In other words, Wu Han really came back. As for how he came back, the ancient style can't understand for the time being. Presumably, as a terrible Immortal King who has survived from the last era, the great devil must have his extraordinary means!

"Didn't come back?"

"Hey, Bai is excited!"

In the hall, there was a sigh, showing disappointment. At this moment, people were envious and jealous of Xiang Yunyan and the fat shopkeeper. Their son not only successfully set foot in the real fairyland, but also came back together. He is simply envious of others!

Seeing this, the ancient wind also sighed slightly in his heart, and then he forced a smile and said, "hahaha, predecessors, why sigh? It's a long time coming, isn't it? Now I promise you that next time I come back, I will bring them back, okay? At that time, I don't care how reluctant those cubs are, can I tie them back for you? "

"Hehe, the king of heaven is joking. With you, we can rest assured!"

With the promise of the ancient style, the people in the hall soon began to smile. However, there is a lot of silence in everyone's heart!

In the hall, the atmosphere eased down. Even Ao Cang, who had been angry with the ancient style, stretched his eyebrows and stopped challenging the ancient style.

Suddenly, I saw a half immortal and said to the ancient wind, "ancient wind Taoist friend, at least you are also a person who has traveled to and from Chengxian road and have seen many big worlds. Why don't you tell us about the outside world? Or let us frogs at the bottom of the well open our eyes! "

"Yes, yes, I've heard that you have been lecturing with your disciples all day and night. Why don't you say a few words to us at this time? Or let us open up! "

The crowd soon became interested. They were coaxed by you and me.

If Gu Feng is really willing to preach to everyone, it would be great!

However, the ancient wind showed embarrassment. His smile stiffened on his face. He was a little embarrassed. For a time, he didn't know what to do!

Don't say it. I'm afraid others say he's too arrogant. I want to talk about it, but it takes time. Now he wants to go back to Bahuang to visit his parents?

People's hearts are flesh long, heart to heart. These people can't wait to see their children, not to mention their own parents?

However, these people in the hall seem to have failed to understand the dilemma of ancient customs. Immediately someone stood up and said, "Qing Tianwang, although you are a rising star, your knowledge is far beyond us. Why not simply say it? Tell me about the heavens and boundaries you have seen! "

"This..." the ancient wind pondered again, and soon nodded and said, "well, I'll tell you briefly what I've seen in the heavens over the years..."

There's no way. Now everyone is in high spirits. If he doesn't say a word, it's really a little unreasonable.

So he sorted out his thoughts and then said, "if you want to talk about the universe, that's..."


Boom! Boom!

At this time, before the ancient wind had finished saying a word, there was a series of strange explosions outside the hall, causing the ancient wind to swallow his words. Because, they found that the whole earth was shaking, as if there were a big earthquake!

"What happened?"

"What was that sound just now?"

"Is there an earthquake?"

People exclaimed, you look at me, I look at you, but no one knows what just happened. Everyone's faces were shocked!

However, just then, the violent trembling happened again


Boom! Boom!

"What happened?"

"What happened?"

"Has the earth been attacked?"

"Someone is fighting on the earth?"

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