Smelling the speech, many fairy kings present changed color slightly. Even, there are people's faces, so they show the color of greed!

Yes, how hard is it that this pair of crystal bones can withstand the refining of so many people without being destroyed? If it is refined into a magic weapon, it is estimated that it can't even compare with the chopping sky magic sword!

However, Gu Feng didn't think so. Seeing someone thinking about this crystal bone, he immediately changed his face.

Angry voice: "no one can take it as his own. Anyone who dares to move crooked ideas will bear the consequences!"


On the spot, people were stunned. What does ancient style mean? Do you want it?

Of course not. How could an antique want this skeleton?

I saw the ancient wind quickly explain to the crowd: "predecessors, it makes sense that I won't let you touch it. Do you think it's really dead? How can it be so easy? "

"Ah? Not dead yet? "

It can be said that one word aroused thousands of waves, causing everyone present to change color.

How terrible is this demon? We don't know. If this demon really doesn't die, won't it lead to great disaster again?

At this time, he also stood up and slowly shook his head and said, "the ancient wind is right. On the surface, this demon really looks dead. But we can't tell whether he is still alive. Because, after all, he is a taboo devil. He once belonged to the level of the great emperor. We can't tell what kind of anti heaven means such a person has! "

"You can imagine that Emperor Yu suppressed them with his own body for an era, but he couldn't kill them, not to mention our means? In the past, when we saw them in Kyushu, they were just a skeleton. Didn't they still come back to life? "

With that, Mu Qingqing glanced at the crowd, and then his eyes fell on the big devil day.

Whispered, "master, do you think I'm right?"

"Well, indeed!" The great devil nodded slowly and said to the people: "for today's sake, this pair of crystal bone can only be selected and suppressed again. No one can touch it easily!"


People have nothing to say. Those who have been greedy just now have lingering palpitations and cold backs.

It's not hard to imagine that if someone took back this bone shelf and was refining magic tools, the devil suddenly lived... What a painful price would it have to pay at that time?

Therefore, I would rather stay away than touch!

Next, where should we suppress the devil?

For a time, it became the focus of discussion.

The first ideal place is naturally in place. It's buried deep, and then trapped and locked by the Dharma array. You don't have to find a place everywhere!

However, as soon as such a proposal was put forward, it was opposed by many people. Especially the ancient wind, which is a strong demand to get rid of the devil and completely stay away from the world and the star domain. Because he was afraid of a repeat of Kyushu's tragedy. Once the devil is resurrected, it will be a disaster on the spot, and the whole holy dragon city will be robbed again!

Therefore, after some discussion, it was decided to take the devil away and bury it deep into the universe after the matter was handled!


The Shenzhou devil affair is over, so it's time to deal with the aftermath.

The whole WanMu city was completely destroyed and turned into a dead land. Even any vegetation such as flowers, trees and so on could not escape bad luck. Therefore, WanMu city is no longer suitable for living!

Not only WanMu City, but even the other four major cities have suffered serious trauma. It will take a long time to restore their original appearance.

As for the top priority of the rehabilitation work, it is the placement of the world tree, which has attracted much attention.

Now, the world tree has been cut down, and only the old roots remain where it took root. It looks a little shocking.

After a discussion, the great devil decided to put the world tree in place. He wants to launch his great means against the sky and connect the divine tree!

Connect the cut tree?

It sounds incredible, but it's true.

With the joint efforts of more than 100 fairy kings, after a month's hard work, the world tree was really taken back. Just can not continue to grow, this is not guaranteed. No one is clear whether it can breed the infinite law of the road as before.

In short, the great devil spoke to the people of the world: no one can touch the world tree until it has no fruit!

To calculate, it has been more than two months since they came to this world, and it's time for them to go on the road again. This trip has seriously delayed the scheduled time!

Parting is always painful. Even if the ancient wind is reluctant, he still says goodbye to his parents and wife. They set foot on the spaceship again and shuttle through the stars in the universe!

During this expedition to the xuanhuang continent, the great devil had a conclusion in their mind long ago - they were also being robbed!

Yes, the whole xuanhuang continent is also gradually declining, and is gradually ushering in the end of the law era. It is estimated that in a few hundred years, the resources of the whole world will be completely exhausted.

It is reasonable to say that ancient customs should take their parents and wife away. However, they all insisted on staying in the xuanhuang continent. Even if you die, you will die in this familiar land.

However, I had to obey my parents' wishes and follow them on the road alone!

The spaceship carries a group of people with a heavy heart, shuttling through the universe at the extreme speed of superluminal speed.

Now, the crystal skeleton turned by the magic of China has become a hot potato who doesn't know how to place it.

Now, it is far away from the xuanhuang continent, and it is time to place it. But where should it be placed?

Finally, after a discussion, the party came to the man and horse stars again!

Renma Xingchen Renma mainland was originally a big world with super brilliant civilization. Unfortunately, he was slaughtered by several demons and fell to death!

Now, sealing the magic town here is also of great significance!

Far away, the man and horse stars appeared at the end of the line of sight. The speed of the spacecraft slowed down again.

At this time, a new question came again. The man, horse and stars are so big. Where should we suppress the bones of the devil?

Do you want to find a place to bury it?

Lu Hai opened his mouth at this time and said, "I think he should be sealed on the head of the continent in a kneeling position. Face down, always forgive and repent the world! "

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