"No, he can not be reborn, but has been reborn, or he is not dead at all!"

Another exclamation made everyone stare.

Just listen to another strange cry: "yes, yes, maybe he is not dead at all. We all fall into his small world!"

"What? This is the small world of demon star? "


This voice completely frightened everyone. No one can imagine that so many people will be quietly shrouded by the demon star with a small world!

So the question is, what is the demon star going to do to trap these people with his own small world? Is it

Does he want to catch all these people?

It can be said that the more you think deeply, the more frightened people will be.

Indeed, most of the people present either shouted to kill or catch the demon star all day. At this time, everyone is trapped by the demon star with a small world. What will happen? Will you be killed by the demon star?

No one dares to think deeply. The more you think, the more afraid you are.

On the other hand, the fairy King Fengling had a completely different view. His face changed greatly. He shouted at the crowd on the spot: "don't panic, don't try to break through the small world. The purpose of the ancient wind is not to trap and kill you. It is to lock in the dissipated laws of the avenue in this way. If you break his small world, he will not only be unable to recover his small world, but even rebirth! "

This roar immediately called the people at the end of the sky. All the people here changed their colors.

People were shocked to find that the most dangerous person at this time was not the trapped fairy king, but the ancient wind himself.

Just think, even if the ancient wind is a demon again, he has not officially stepped into the ranks of the fairy king. Most of those present are fairy kings. Who can ancient wind trap? These people present, no matter who they are, almost have the ability to break the small world!

Once the small world is broken, the ancient style is over!

"Yes, please don't panic. The ancient wind has no intention to harm you. Please don't panic and don't try to attack the small world!"

Emperor Yu also shouted, surprised and delighted.

The joy of nature is that the ancient wind is not dead, and the surprise is that they are afraid of attacking the small world!

Although the ancient wind is the sky of this small world, he can dominate everything in it. But there are limits. The vast majority of the people present are eighteen thousand miles higher than the cultivation of ancient customs. How can ancient customs trap these people?

After some explanation and appeasement, the crowd did not panic and fear any more. No one tried to break the small world.

In other words, although these people present have attacked the end of the sky for years in order to catch the ancient wind, they want living people, not corpses. Once the ancient wind dies, none of them can pay the job!

Therefore, they also hope that the ancient wind will survive, but they can't achieve the immortal throne here.


Because everyone knows that once the ancient wind becomes the immortal throne, it is equivalent to Pengfei going to heaven, Jiaolong going to the sea, and the world is vast. How many people can check and balance him?

The best ideal ending is to catch the ancient wind alive and keep it in captivity before he has set foot on the immortal throne!

Thought of here, although no one tried to break through the small world, many people began to be ready to move in an attempt to prevent the ancient customs from breaking through.

On the other hand, Feng Lingzi seemed to see the thoughts of those people and immediately shouted: "listen to me, you don't try to stop him from breaking the pass, because once he fails to break the pass, even if he can survive in the future, he will be completely abandoned and never want to set foot in the Immortal King's realm. Besides, although there are many of you, how many people can survive if you die? "

While talking, Feng Lingzi's eyes fell directly on Mu Qingqing and Heigu Po Tian, and the threat was obvious.

Indeed, the lesson of the Cang family is still fresh in my mind. There are twenty-five fairy kings who are dead, none of them. If these people present really intend to destroy the promotion of ancient customs, they are bound to kill another river of blood. The promotion path of ancient style is likely to be destroyed, but these people on the scene will also suffer heavy casualties!




Many people were silent and no one answered at all. It seems that everyone acquiesced to Feng Lingzi's statement.

So, no one really changed. Everyone quietly looked up at the ancient wind god in the sky.

I saw that the primitive God of the ancient wind still closed his eyes and silently adopted the essence of heaven and earth above the divine tree. But I saw that all kinds of fruits hanging on the divine tree were disappearing rapidly, all turned into essence and absorbed by the yuan God of the ancient wind. With the passage of time, his original God really solidified more and more, and his breath became stronger and stronger.

The heavenly fruit on the world tree is very useful. For the ancient wind, it is tonic!

People looked at the ancient style like this. Although they had not waited for the ancient style to condense the flesh, nor for the ancient style to recast the tripod, they understood one thing. That was the old style before. It was indeed killed by the claws of God. Now the old style is reborn by that wisp of Yuanshen essence!

Yes, that's it. Because this Yuanshen is obviously solidified step by step from a weak state!

In other words, before this, the ancient style did leave a wisp of vitality. He hoodwinked the secret of heaven and escaped the wrath of heaven, so he survived by luck.

Then the question comes again. Who is the original spirit of the ancient wind to keep?

Thinking of this, people at the end of the day all turned black. Because they found that the vitality of the ancient style was not handed over to anyone at all, but kept by himself in a unique way. At this critical moment, it was reborn for the first time!

However, why did ancient customs do this? Doesn't he trust anyone?

At the end of the day, the more people think about it, the less they feel. Is it difficult that these people are not worthy of the trust of the ancients?

No one continued to think deeply, and no one pointed it out. At this moment, facing the problem of vitality, everyone chose not to mention it.

Everyone's eyes once again gathered on the yuan God of the ancient style. Soon, the yuan God reached a peak and opened his eyes!

But when he saw the ancient wind's original God, he suddenly looked up at the sky and roared: "the law of heaven and earth - gather!"


With the roar, the whole heaven and earth suddenly surged up

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