Mu Qingqing is really a good abacus. Relying on the invincibility of God's claws, she wants to catch the thief and the king first.

However, an unexpected scene appeared. Although her God's claw was successfully displayed, it did not break the dark green fairy king on the spot.

On the contrary, her claws were resisted by the fairy king. One claw can't shake it at all!


Seeing this, Mu Qingqing's face changed on the spot, and his back was even colder.

Without any hesitation, she directly used the claw of God for the second time

"God's claw - kill!"

Boom! Boom!

With the roar, the dome cracked again that day. Another blood red claw as big as a blue plate grabbed at the dark green fairy king.

And the dark green fairy king, still did not dodge, took the blow firmly. However, the claw of God, which was originally invincible, was defeated again. That claw is like grasping on a piece of fine iron. It can't shake it at all!


She failed twice in a row, causing Mu Qingqing to suck cold air. This time she was really flustered!

After a little hesitation, she chose to use her claws here and roared, "God's claw - kill!"

"Hum, I don't know heaven and earth!"

The dark green fairy King hummed coldly, and then he pointed directly at the wood

It's just a finger, crushing the void all the way. Just listen to the sound of "poof", muqingqing's third claw of God was successfully crushed!


A finger crushed the claw of God? It was incredible, so that many people's faces changed on the spot, and Mu Qingqing himself was even more like being struck by lightning!

What's going on?

The claw of God met the nemesis? Such an invincible claw of God failed at this time?

Before Mu Qingqing could respond, the dark green fairy king of Cang family hummed coldly to Mu Qingqing: "little girl, you simply don't know the height of heaven and earth. Do you think you can really use the claws of God without limit? If you have already set foot in fairyland, I may be afraid of you. However, you are so arrogant that you despise everything. You deserve to be robbed today! "

The voice fell. The dark green fairy King rushed directly into the wood and made a drop of purple

That's the blood of heaven bully, which is almost the same hegemonic existence as the claw of God. Almost all fairy kings of Cang family will use such means. In the daily battle, such means are also frequently used by the Cang people. However, the purple bully blood played by the dark green fairy king is not that kind of purple, but a little weak, and can't see any power at all.

It was only a drop of blood, but in the middle of it, it exploded and turned into a light purple ocean. In that vast ocean, he suddenly poked out another finger and went straight to Mu Qingqing's eyebrows

"Little girl, it's a terrible crime for you to steal my chance, kill my Cang children and pretend to be my Cang people. I didn't clean you up before. I wanted to give you a chance to reflect. But you not only don't know self-examination, but also want to do something to me. It's more than worthy of death. God can't forgive you - die! "

The dark green fairy King hummed coldly again. As soon as he pointed out, he went straight to Mu Qingqing's eyebrows and decided to kill him!

At this time, Mu Qingqing stared round his eyes and couldn't make any response at all. Because she was locked. Under the hand of the dark green fairy king, she had no chance to fight back.

At the same time, she regretted that she didn't listen to the ancient style and didn't cross the robbery in the small world. Otherwise, her claws would not be so useless.

Can a child threaten an adult even with a kitchen knife? Mu Qingqing is not lost in the blood, but in the great disparity in the realm!

To say, it's just because the dark green Cang fairy king is too powerful. In fact, his power has far exceeded any Cang fairy King known by Mu Qingqing. Therefore, her invincible claw of God failed!



This finger became famous, but it didn't directly point on Mu Qingqing's eyebrows, but someone else.

At the last critical moment, the black man broke the sky with one step. He resisted the blow with his own body!

How powerful is this finger?

The physical strength of Heigu Shatian is recognized as strong and almost difficult to shake.

However, this finger pierced his chest. Not only that, even Mu Qingqing, who was hiding behind, was hurt, her chest was pierced, her whole heart was broken, her body flew upside down and shed a lot of blood


Seeing this scene, the ancient wind was so frightened that it took a breath. On the spot, he roared at Heiyu: "break the sky, protect Qingmei's safety!"

Just now, Gu Po Tian was able to rush up at the critical moment because he received the instruction of Gu Feng. If there is no ancient broken sky in time, Mu Qingqing, who is known as the first overlord of the ages, will give a thorough explanation!

On the other side, Gu Feng shouted at the crowd on the spot after giving instructions to Hei Gu: "only the Cang family wants to kill me. If you want me, you must destroy the Cang family first!!!"

The roar shook the sky, causing many people's hearts to shake. Look at me, I look at you, but no one killed the Cang family. Even those Buddhists who have already done so have retreated one after another.

The battle that had just started had to stop again.

After some fighting, two fairy kings of the Cang family died, one at the end of the sky, and one monk among the Buddhists died!

The activity space of the ancient style was sharply compressed, and the people of all forces came close to them, showing a bad look!

Seeing this, Gu Feng's eyes immediately widened and roared, "do you really want to force me like this?"

"You are a demon star. You are the enemy of the whole Cang family. You must be killed. Only by eradicating you forever can our Cang family prosper forever! "

It was Zhong Yinkui who spoke. He was Mu Qingqing, the fifth ancestor of Zhong Wuyan.

As soon as the voice fell, he sneered at Mu Qingqing and disdained to say, "ha ha, what a little girl who deceived her teacher and killed her ancestors. She dared to do it to anyone. She simply didn't know how to live or die. Surely you don't know who hit you hard? To tell you the truth, he is your twelfth ancestor and my seventh ancestor Zhong Santong. So far, he is 250000 years old. His old man's realm has already broken through the empty realm. Do you still want to fight him? "

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