Although there is no ordinary monk's divine power in Hei Yu's body, his physical strength is unparalleled, and his speed is terrible and amazing.

He soon became a flash of lightning. Unexpectedly, he came last and came first. He took one step ahead of the old Kirin and met the finger pointed out by Zhong Santong!


Another explosion sounded. The finger pointed by Zhong Santong was successfully smashed by Hei Yu. He saved old Qilin!

The old Kirin, however, could not stop his steps and rushed straight to the bell Santong himself. In his mouth, he issued bursts of roars, which can be said to be unstoppable!

"Evil animal, seek death!"

Zhong Santong hummed coldly again, waved his fist in a hurry and killed him straight.


This time, old Qilin couldn't escape. He banged straight with Zhong Santong. The contact between the two sides once again sent out a loud bang, its power shook the sky and the earth, and the aftershock wiped out everything!

Because old Qilin is ready to go, and Zhong Santong is in a hurry. Therefore, Zhong Santong didn't get any benefits. Instead, he was directly thrown on the ground by old Qilin!


With another roar, the old Kirin bit the neck of Zhong Santong like a lion and tiger!

In this scene, it seems that old Kirin has the upper hand, but in fact it is not. Zhong Santong just lost in a short time. In just two breaths, he kicked the old Kirin out. He immediately turned over and planned to kill old Qilin.

However, just then, Heigu broke the sky again. He incarnated nine feet and nine feet, and his foot fell from the sky. On the spot, he trampled the clock Santong on the ground again!

Aung Aung!

Another series of Unicorn roars. The old Unicorn who was kicked off was killed again and planned to kill Zhong Santong with Hei.

However, things are not so easy, because those fairy kings of the Cang family will not sit on the sidelines. For a time, a dozen people rushed out to kill the old Kirin.

Of course, the people of the Cang family will not stand on the wall, especially at the end of the sky. Earlier, those fairy kings of the five regions who suddenly killed from the void rushed out again and fought with the Cang people directly!

Seeing this, more Cang fairy kings came out, some people participated in the scuffle, and some people directly rushed to the ancient style.

Once the ancient wind is in danger, many people will be affected. For a time, whether it's the end of the sky, or the devil, or the Lord devil, or forces such as Buddhism and hell, basically move at the same time

Things developed here, it was a complete mess, and the scene was completely out of control. It can be said that there are enemies among us, and we have enemies among us. It is difficult to distinguish each other!

Because the vast majority of people are in order to capture ancient customs. Therefore, when they come into contact with each other, it will inevitably be another scuffle. Except for a few sides, they are all enemies. Catch who and kill who!

And the ancient style, also launched hands and feet, caught who killed who, one punch, one foot, one pair, it was a pleasure to kill.

The scene was too chaotic, and the number of enemies far exceeded that of their own. As a last resort, the ancient wind had to expand its own small world again, and suddenly a large number of people were online!

For a moment, people only felt that the scene in front of them had changed and could not help stopping the scuffle. Looking up, they were shocked to find that they unknowingly fell into the small world of antiquity!


For many people, this scene is still fresh in their memory and haunting. Not long ago, the ancient wind killed a large number of people with its own small world. Are you coming now?

"Smash the small world!"

In the panic, I don't know who yelled so loudly that people reacted on the spot.

Yes, everyone has just been trapped. It's still easy to get out. Once the ancient wind is given enough time to consolidate its surroundings, it is dangerous.

It's strange to say that this group of people were still mortal enemies at the previous moment. They were very happy to kill. But at this moment, everyone joined hands and shot straight to the same place!

On the spot, just listen to the "boom" sound, and the small world of the ancient wind trembled in an instant, almost breaking directly. The place where everyone bombarded, there was an amazing big crack - the small world was really opened and could not withstand the joint attack of so many people!


With a whoosh, three or four figures turned into streamers and rushed out of the cage of heaven and earth.

The rest of the trapped people rushed to the sky one after another, planning to escape with them.

However, a tragic scene appeared. That crack was repaired by the ancient wind in a short breath or two. A group of people rushed up and only four escaped again. All together, eight people escaped. A total of 18 people were trapped on the spot!

"Again, kill out!!!"

With another roar, the eighteen trapped fairy kings joined hands again and flew straight to the previous crack.

In their view, although the crack has been successfully repaired, it is still not very solid and can be easily blown open.

However, antiquity will not allow them to join hands again. With a roar, his brand-new five-color tripod came out and hit the crowd on the spot.

For a time, just listen to "poop poop". The flesh bodies of two fairy kings were smashed on the spot. The original God left the body and wanted to escape, but he was suppressed by the big tripod!


The ancient wind roared again. As soon as the roar fell, a blood red claw as big as a blue plate fell over people's heads on the spot!

Impressively, it was the claw of God, which was successfully imitated by the ancient style.

However, in his place, it can not be called the claw of God, but rather, it should be called the claw of the blue sky. Because he is blue sky, not heaven!

God can have heaven's claws. Why can't he have heaven's claws?

Poof poof!

Several explosions sounded in succession, and four people were robbed in succession on the spot. Under the claws of the blue sky, they have no resistance. That claw is equivalent to the will of this world and the way of heaven in this small world. How can these people resist the rolling of heaven?

This is the advantage of the small world. In the ancient small world, he is the sky, he is the master, and he is the will of the world. Whoever he wants to die, he can't live!

Therefore, when people find themselves trapped in the ancient world again, they will be so frightened and can't wait to escape!

Here, the ancient wind occupies the favorable time and place. How to fight it?

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