Gu Feng looked at LAN binger with a smile and ate two chicken legs. There was no obstruction or competition in the whole process.

Until the other party ate the second chicken leg, he smiled and asked, "girl, what's the taste of saliva chicken?"

"Ah? "Saliva chicken?"

When asked by the ancient wind, blue bing'er reacted completely. The pheasant in her hand has just vomited several mouthfuls of saliva by herself. I wanted to tease the ancient customs, but I didn't expect to be eaten by myself.

For a moment, the expression on her face began to change and became extremely wonderful. Then she gave a heart rending cry, ran quickly towards the stream, and then began to vomit violently.

"Ha ha, this is called harming others and yourself!" Gu Feng laughed wildly behind him and ridiculed him heartily.

"Girl, remember, it's better to do less immoral things in the future. Don't look so disgusting. It's actually your own saliva. "

"You... Shameless!" Blue bing'er shouted, and his lungs were about to explode.

Finally, the plump pheasant was thrown on the fire without anyone's attention.

The old style's maid cultivation plan also failed. Then, no matter how threatened by the old style, LAN binger refused to help him catch pheasants.

Three days later, Xiaoding automatically flew back and found the ancient style. At the same time, the warship was also brought to the ancient wind. After three days of efforts, the improvement of the warship was completely completed.

Can't wait, the ancient wind set foot on the warship again. As soon as he came up, the ancient wind found the differences between warships. He can obviously feel that the array contained in it has been changed, and the changed array is more exquisite and powerful.

In order to test its power, the ancient wind launched a bombardment against a huge mountain in the distance without hesitation.

With a loud bang, an energy shell was fired out, and the powerful recoil made the warship tremble again.

Then, the ancient wind saw that the huge mountain in the distance disappeared. Under this blow, it completely turned into dust.

Endless dust swept the sky and spread in all directions, covering half the sky. There is a huge mushroom cloud, which is quite shocking.

After the attack, Gu Feng obviously felt that the speed of the shell was much faster than before, even much faster than the attack speed of the ship controlled by Nangong Zheng, and its power was no weaker than that one.

Looking at the consumption, the ancient wind was completely shocked, because this attack only consumed his 200000 best yuan spar. According to this calculation, the 10 million yuan of crystal stone compensated by the LAN family is enough for him to shoot 50 shots. In addition, he also has a lot of Yuanjing stone inventory, all won by gambling in the imperial city.

His improved warship has saved five times more energy than the one Nangong Zheng controls.

"Is this... Illegal?" Gu Feng was stunned. According to the master of the blue family, a powerful warship like him has actually violated the taboo of the Dragon kingdom. No matter which force has such a warship, it will be regarded as a conspiracy and will be punished.

"Never mind him. The emperor has repeatedly connived at Gao Hao's evil deeds. I'll get back this account sooner or later." The old wind whispered and put away the worry in his heart.

The more powerful the warship, the more satisfied he was. With such a powerful warship in his hand, he didn't believe it. Who would dare to provoke him in the future.

"Except Gao Hao, six forces came to wuliangzong to do evil that day. Now the blue family has been punished, so who will be unlucky next? " The old wind began to think about it and planned to continue to look for bad luck.

Although Xiaoding won't help him again, Gu Feng believes that Xiaoding will never watch him die. In addition, with this powerful warship in his hand, his courage grew stronger and stronger.

After thinking for a long time, Gu Feng locked his target on the five poisons sect, because this sect is closest to her current position.

Next, the ancient style and its high-profile way drove the warship to the area where the five poisons gate is located.

Like wuliangzong, the five poisons sect chose a huge mountain range. The reason why it was built in the mountain range was mainly to focus on the monster resources and aura resources in the mountain range.

The ancient wind drove the warship and stopped far in front of the mountain gate. It just floated there, neither attacking nor retreating.

Before the mountain gate, people came and went, and many disciples stopped. They were full of curiosity about the sudden arrival of the warship. Everyone talked about it one after another. They didn't know who was driving this warship.

"It's said that the blue family was attacked by the ancient wind of wuliangzong Holy Son a few days ago. Finally, they took out a warship as compensation. Is it this one?"

Someone put forward such a conjecture and immediately got the response of others.

"It's really possible that wuliangzong was surrounded and suppressed by various forces, including our five poisons sect. Our five poisons sect and their wuliangzong have forged a deadly feud. Between several sects, our five poison sect is closest to the blue family. The little evil star of ancient wind may really come to the door. "

Various conjectures and assumptions continue. Some people feel that the situation is serious. They first run back to the mountain gate and want to report it to the elder in charge of the gate.

Soon, three white bearded elders came out. Facing such a warship, they were a little confused.

"Which Taoist friend is visiting? Might as well come down and get together! " An elder opened his mouth and looked worried.

He shouted three times in a row, but there was no response from the warship. They were a little angry.

Just when everyone was a little impatient, the warship suspended outside the Mountain Gate finally reacted. However, the way of response is a little special, especially that they are a little difficult to accept.


Without warning, the warship attacked the mountain gate, and a powerful energy shell rushed out of the gun barrel at an incredible speed.


The three elders were frightened and quickly began to dodge, but they were still a little late. Two of them were blasted into slag on the spot.

Under this attack, not only the two elders of Shenqiao territory were blasted into slag, but also the whole mountain gate was blasted away. The busy disciples in front of the Mountain Gate lost their lives in confusion and didn't understand what was going on until they died.

However, this is not the end at all, it is just the beginning.

After the first bombardment, that terrible warship decisively launched the second and third attack towards the Mountain Gate

After firing six shells in a row, the terrible warship stopped. The dark gun barrel emits green smoke, like the ferocious fangs of wild animals.

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