"Yes, the fate has appeared, but it's not at the end of our day!"

Hu xun'er's face flushed slightly and silently pulled out his arm for fear of being seen by Mu Qingqing.

However, Mu Qingqing is nearby. How can he not see this scene?

So mu Qingqing got up with a smile and said to Gu Feng, "let xun'er tell you about life. I'll go out first!"


Hearing the speech, Hu xun'er jumped up directly, his face full of anger. On the spot, he shouted at Mu Qingqing: "Mu Qingqing, what do you mean? I haven't had time to settle with you about the last time, but you want to calculate me again? "

It's rare to see Hu xun'er get angry. Since honing back, Hu xun'er has completely changed. In the past, she was a lively, cheerful and naughty little fox, but after thousands of years of experience, she became calm and steady, intellectual and gentle

But now, Hu xun'er, who used to be very gentle and intelligent, is furious and wants to eat people!

Seeing Hu xun'er get angry, Mu Qingqing pretends to be surprised. Asked: "sister xun'er, what do I mean? When did I calculate on you again? I really don't know what your calculation means! "

"Mu Qingqing, don't pretend to be confused with me. Last time..."

At this point, Hu xun'er's cheeks flushed. He really couldn't continue to speak. In her opinion, Mu Qingqing is shameless. She also knows that she is ashamed!

However, Mu Qingqing pretended to be surprised again, made a clear look, nodded and said, "Oh, I remember. Did you say that ancient wind came to you in private? If you really said that, you would have wronged your sister, because it was an ancient custom that asked you for something. As for what he is looking for you, I don't know! "

With that, Mu Qingqing smiled again and turned away, ignoring the angry Hu xun'er.

Seeing this, Hu xun'er was so worried on the spot that he roared: "Mu Qingqing, you are insulting me. At the same time, you are insulting qingtianpeng!" While talking, Hu xun'er did it directly. With a cry, a snow-white tail immediately stretched out behind him and hit Mu Qingqing's head directly!

As the saying goes, a scholar can be killed but not humiliated!

For Hu xun'er, who is not good at words, Mu Qingqing's series of behaviors are insulting her and qingtianpeng. How can she stand it?

At this time, Hu xun'er, on the surface, was still a true cultivation in fairyland, but in fact, he had already spent the fairy King's disaster in the ancient small world. Therefore, her attack can be regarded as a genuine fairy King attack. If this tail really hits Mu Qingqing, it may directly kill Mu Qingqing.

Therefore, the ancient wind caught Hu xun'er's big tail directly.

Then he roared, "enough, you haven't finished one by one, have you?"

"I... you let go!"


Hu xun'er was so angry that he directly punched Gu Feng and killed him. This time it was not only anger, but also shame and shame. Because the ancient wind caught her tail

"Is it really endless? Didn't qingtianpeng teach you well? "

Gu Feng was even more angry. He was worried that fighting together would damage things, so he directly hugged Hu xun'er in his arms!

Originally, he acted in good faith to stop fighting. However, for Hu xun'er, his move is a taboo!

Hu xun'er was stunned at first, and then the whole person immediately became crazy. She struggled with her mission and roared: "Gu Feng, you bastard, you've deceived people too much. I'm going to kill you - ah!!!"

"Crazy woman!"

Gu Feng cursed in a low voice, and then realized how absurd his actions were. If this scene is seen by qingtianpeng, he can't speak clearly even if he has ten mouths.

In order not to let the situation continue to expand, he immediately released Hu xun'er, and his whole body jumped away from him.

At the same time, he roared, "enough, Hu xun'er, how much do you want to make?"

"You... You deceive people too much!"

With that, Hu xun'er wanted to take the door directly. However, she was stopped again by the ancient wind.

"That's enough, xun'er. Can't you see that she's just kidding you? When did our mutual feelings become so fragile that they can't stand jokes? "

Gu Feng angrily attacked Hu xun'er, and then angrily stared at Mu Qingqing who was gloating. Roared: "Mu Qingqing, this is the only time. You'd better not play such a joke next time, otherwise it's easy to make misunderstandings and even brothers turn against each other. Do you understand?"


After being scolded by the ancient wind, Mu Qingqing was not angry, but lowered her head like a little girl who did something wrong.

Then she came to Hu xun'er and said in a low voice, "sister xun'er, I'm sorry. I won't joke like this anymore. Please don't mind!"

"Hum, it doesn't matter if I mind. You have to ask Qing Tianpeng if you mind!"

After a cold hum, Hu xun'er directly turned his back and ignored the ancient wind and Mu Qingqing no longer.

The whole thing was too irritating for her. Because the ancient wind hugged her twice and touched her tail


Seeing that the situation had calmed down, the old wind's heart was relaxed a lot.

Immediately, he sorted out his thoughts and asked directly, "what did you say just now? The destiny has appeared? Not at the end of the day? "

"Yes, yes, the life grid appeared in the bloody battlefield. At this time, it is being scrambled by various forces!"

Before Mu Qingqing could answer, Hu xun'er became very anxious.

She pulled up Gu Feng's arm and shouted anxiously again: "qingtianpeng, they are fighting for life. If you don't go there again, maybe they will be in danger!"

"What? "The fate appeared on the bloody battlefield?"


The ancient wind was knocked down, which was greatly beyond his expectation.

If his life is still at the end of the day, he really doesn't have to be so anxious. However, once it appears on the bloody battlefield, it will involve all major forces!

If one doesn't do well, it will be a big scuffle at the level of fairy king, which will lead to a great disaster between Fairy kings!

"It seems that I have to expedition in advance!"

Gu Feng took a deep breath and immediately rushed out of the door. At the same time, he shouted, "go and kill the bloody battlefield!"

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