"Wang Shihai, Wang Shihai, it seems that you and I really hit our old enemy!"

The old wind whispered softly. It was hard to feel. I thought Wang Shihai had changed his evil ways. I didn't think he was still a devil after all.

The picture was cut off, and the ancient wind saw the future again along the long river of time and space.

He saw a very familiar scene, which was an endless and deep galaxy

There stood several great emperors. There are Emperor Yu, the Lord of heavenly demons, the Lord of Jesus demons, the emperor of huangquan, the emperor of time and space, the ancestor of ten thousand demons, the ancestor of Buddha and the great emperor of juehuang. Eight great emperors looked up in the same direction

Impressively, this is another battle sky picture, which was once seen by the ancient wind along the long river of time and space.

However, different from last time, there are more Dayu emperor and Lord of Yemo here. Presumably, the two of them belonged to the great emperor born in the post era, so they didn't appear in that great war.

The eight great emperors looked up at the depths of the sky. Not long ago, a familiar black chessboard appeared in people's eyes. That's a buried chessboard

"Eh? Why is there no me? Why not me? What about me? Where am I? Didn't I become emperor? "

This surprise is not small. It scared the ancient wind out of my mind.

As the demon star of this era, he was destined to participate in the battle of cutting heaven. Why didn't he appear in this battle? Doesn't this mean that he didn't become emperor? Or died early?

God, if so... The consequences are unimaginable!

"Emperor of time and space, come out quickly. I want to ask why I didn't participate in this battle of cutting heaven? Did I die early? "

The old wind roared and was very unwilling. If he died before the Vatican war, what's the use of continuing to fight? Can you change the sky in the future?

The ancient wind roared, and the sound echoed in the whole river.

Not long after, he received an echo from the emperor of time and space: "don't ask me, I said I can't see future generations. Along the way, I can't see you. I think you may really die at some time! "

"What? I... I'm dead? "

Although the emperor of time and space said that he was careless, the ancient wind was startled into a cold sweat. He stands where he is and can't return to God for a long time!

He's dead? Didn't make it to the last battle? Blue sky can't change the sky?


"Fate is doomed. Change depends on yourself. After all, what is presented to you now is still the future. How about the future? It is still full of infinite variables! "

Just when Gu Feng was stunned and at a loss, the voice of the emperor of time and space rang again. He called Gu Feng and stared round his eyes on the spot.

Can't wait to ask, "do you mean that the established destiny can also be changed?"

"Naturally, the future is full of variables. No one can accurately predict the future. Even I can't, or the way of God can't! "

"Cangdao can't expect future changes? So the future is full of possibilities? "

"Yes, the future is possible!"

The emperor of time and space said decisively. In a word, he gave infinite confidence to the ancient style in an instant.

Hey, wait.

If, according to these words, the nine parts of Yu Hu are also full of unknown variables? If the established fate can really be changed, why not forcibly change the fate of Yu Hu?

For example, Yan Yan and Xia Xiaoyou, who are separate from Yu Hu. Aren't these two women already in love with themselves? If

Gu Feng thought of this and didn't dare to think any further. He was afraid that he couldn't hold back for a moment and really destroyed Yu Hu's plan.

You know, Yu Hu's plan has been implemented for an era, five million years. If you are really destroyed by yourself, won't you kill Yu Hu?

"Come on, don't you want to see the final result? Don't you want to see future generations? Let's go and see what future generations will do! "

The voice of the emperor of time and space sounded again, and all at once brought the ancient style back to reality.

Then, the long river of time and space started again and continued to move towards the future.

However, to the dismay of the ancient wind, the picture outside still became blurred, and he couldn't see a little thing at all. Even if the speed of the space-time channel slowed down or stopped completely, he could no longer see it clearly.

Then, what shocked him even more was that the long river of time and space was gone

Yes, it's just gone. It seems that when this sky develops to this space-time node, it will be completely gone.

What is this? When the universe comes here, is it completely gone? Completely wiped out? When it's gone?

"How could this happen? What about the future history? Why not? "

"Only the past can be called history. What happens in the future is called variables!"

The voice of the emperor of time and space rang again, and a word would choke the ancient wind speechless.

Then, I heard the voice of the time and space emperor ring again: "now should I understand? I said, "I can't even see future generations. This is not empty talk!"

"Then... Why did this happen? Can't you see through the future in the last era, or the last era, or the last era? "

"No, I can see future generations before. Only this era, I can't see future generations. It seems that after the end of this era, there will be no future generations! "

"Ah? After the end of this era, there will be no future generations? The whole universe has come to an end? "

This shock was no small matter. It frightened the ancient wind and made his back cold.

He hurriedly asked, "how is it possible? How could there be no future generations? After the end of this era, shouldn't we start the next era? "

"Hey!" The emperor of time and space sighed heavily and whispered: "it is reasonable to say that it should be so. The collapse of heaven and earth and the change of era are all the iron laws of heaven. Just as I had seen your existence in the last era, it was caused by luck... "

"Huh? You said you saw me in the last era? "

"Yes, I saw you at the end of the last era. At the same time, everyone knows that there will be a demon star claiming to be Qingtian, born in this era. Therefore, everyone put heavy treasure on you, which led to the independent war of Emperor Yu for an era! "

The voice of the time and space emperor is still so careless, but it has a great impact on the ancient style. These words made his heart unable to calm down for a long time.

It turned out that this was the reason why Emperor Yu fought alone for an era?

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