
There were sighs in the tent, and everyone's heart became very heavy. Unexpectedly, no one stopped it.

Then, the village leader Lu and the villa leader Baiyun Mountain came to the ancient wind one after another, bowed their hands slightly, and left one after another. They have no intention of conquering here. How can they sit still when such great changes have taken place in the family?

Not only did they go by themselves, they also took all the fairy kings of the family. The three families took 28 people.

In addition, in that disaster, a smaller family thousands of miles south of Qilin Shandong also suffered and was destroyed by mokdo and longketo. Gu Feng also did not hide this fact. He found the fairy king of the family and told the truth.

There was no accident. All the people of that small family withdrew, and there were five fairy kings.

Since then, everyone who should go has gone, but Zheng Wudao did not follow back. He continued to stay in the barracks.

According to him, he must turn grief into strength, and he must sharpen his road with the help of the tragic force of the destruction of his family. He must rise completely in blood and fire!

The three Hentian demons were really hung high in front of the city tower and tortured by people day and night. The shrill scream carried through the world and echoed in front of the city tower day and night. They looked at the garrison on the city tower and were terrified.

Those who refuse to surrender will come to this end when the city is broken!

I have to say, this move is very poisonous and very insidious. In less than three days, the city was in complete chaos. Not only ordinary soldiers are fleeing, but even some fairy kings are in panic.

Finally, on the night of the fifth day, the city gate was opened, and a full number of ten fairy kings came out together, all running to the highest military aircraft tent.

In the big tent, fenglingzi fairy King sits high in the main handsome position, with Han Zu and vulture son sitting on both sides. On both sides of the big tent, there were people, the fairy king at the end of 30 days.

As for Gu Feng, he turned into a guard soldier and stood silently behind Feng Lingzi.

In the middle of the account, the ten defected fairy kings knelt on the ground. The leader knocked his head against Feng Lingzi and shouted, "commander Feng, we are willing to surrender. Please accept us. We are willing to help you calm the wandering soul day!"

"It's good to help us calm the wandering soul day, but how should we trust you?"

Feng Lingzi whispered softly, and one sentence made everyone kowtow in the field. One of the people shouted: "deputy commander, you don't know. Although there is peace in the city, in fact, everyone is frightened and wants to open the city and surrender. Today we come, is definitely just a beginning. I expect that within three days, more people will come out and surrender! "

"Yes, yes, you uphold the way of heaven, conquer the heavens, and your great righteousness is paramount. You are an invincible force. Wherever you go, you should fall at the sight of the wind. We shouldn't go against the sky! "

"Yes, yes, you are a divine soldier. You uphold the will of heaven. Anyone should look out for the wind and return!"

The ten people in the field began to talk sweet words and directly blew the army at the end of the sky into the sky.

However, the ancient wind standing behind fenglingzi sneered. He knew that these people belonged to fraud.

It is true that the three men hanging at the gate did cause a certain panic in the city, but they certainly did not reach the point where they all wanted to surrender.

What's more, these people are full of nonsense and don't mean it when they hear it.

I saw that Feng Lingzi pondered a little, and then asked the leader, "Luo Tongling, do you know what treatment the three people in front of the gate suffered before hanging?"

"No... I don't know. Please show me!"

"Well, it doesn't matter if I don't know. I'll tell you slowly!"

Feng Lingzi nodded, and then took out a delicate jade box from his arms. After slowly opening it, a dazzling green light flashed inside.

Immediately, the green insect, which had been the size of his thumb, was held in his palm and said with a smile: "gentlemen, this is a soul eating insect. Do you know it?"

"Soul Eater?"

Hearing the speech, all the ten people in the field changed color. Although they have not seen soul eaters, they have heard of their ferocity. Once attacked by soul eaters, eternal life will be tortured

"Commander Feng, you... What do you mean? We are kind-hearted to vote, but you threaten us with soul eaters! "

The leader Luo Tongling shouted and looked very angry. While talking, all ten people stood up straight and seemed to be going to leave at any time.

However, quietly, the whole big tent was besieged. At the end of the day, the fairy kings almost gathered and surrounded the whole big tent of military aircraft.


Feng Lingzi slapped heavily on the table and said angrily, "how dare a group of rats come to cheat surrender? Do you think we are three years old? Today, I fenglingzi will let you taste the power of soul eating insects! "

While talking, the Soul Eater was directly driven into a man's holy palace by him. A moment later, there was a scream and crying. A good fairy king was tortured without human form in an instant.

The man curled up on the ground, rolled and hit the ground with his head. It can be said that he was miserable.

Seeing this, everyone in the field turned pale on the spot. Commander Naro roared directly at Feng Lingzi: "commander Feng, what are you doing? I waited for good intentions to vote, but you said we cheated? Who dares to come down if you treat us like this? "

At this moment, several people who came to surrender almost became angry. At the same time, their hearts were filled with deep fear that they would also suffer from soul eaters.

"Hum!" At this time, the vulture fairy King snorted coldly and shouted, "a group of rats, if you really come down, we will naturally welcome you. But it is an unforgivable sin for you to pretend to surrender. Somebody, take them down! "

Vulture son, as one of the three deputy commanders of the expedition, naturally has the right to issue such an order.

As soon as the order was given, all the fairy kings in the big tent stood up, which frightened commander Luo and others.

Commander Naro shouted on the spot, "wait, you suspect that we are pretending to surrender, and we should. But should you show some evidence before you kill us? Without any evidence, we say we are pretending to surrender. Who can be convinced? Who in the city dares to surrender? "

"Hehe, you need evidence, don't you? Easy to say! "

The vulture sneered again, and then said, "it's very simple. If you can give your soul brand on the spot and make us slaves forever, we will believe you!"

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