"What? The martyr's cemetery was damaged? Who has such courage? Don't want to live? "

Gu Feng pretended to be surprised, but he was startled in his heart. He knew that the secret of breaking the sky had been exposed. Now, he can only pray not to be found out, or the two families will fall out.

Just think, who can bear to be disturbed by our ancestors?

"Hey!" Emperor Xiao Yu also sighed heavily and whispered, "all the people buried in the martyrs' cemetery are life and death brothers who created the world with me to deal with the expedition. I didn't expect to be buried in the soil for a long time, but I have to suffer such a sin. I'm sorry for them! "

"Well, the ancient wind can fully understand your feelings. Please forgive me, Emperor Yu. At that time, if you find the person who deliberately destroys, you will help you deal with him severely! "

"Hey!" Emperor Yu sighed again. Then he shook his head and said, "forget it. Don't talk about it. I'll ask you if you brought back good wine?"

"Of course, didn't you say it before you left? I won't come back until I get thirty jars. Ha ha! "

At the mention of wine, the old wind was a burst of excitement. With a wave of his big hand, the 40 jars of peach blossom wine in earthen jars completely appeared in front of Emperor Yu, who stared round and looked incredible.

"Hei hei, Emperor Xiao Yu, please check and see if these wines have a year of 100000 years?"

The ancient wind showed a proud smile, which is a hundred times confidence.

However, Emperor Yu's eyebrows wrinkled. After staring at the pile of wine for several times, he shook his head and said, "these wine jars, after careful exploration, are indeed 100000 years old. But the shape and flower decorations of these wine jars seem to be more popular in modern times... "


Hearing the speech, the old wind's brain burst open at once, and almost didn't scream on the spot. Only then did he realize what a stupid thing he had done. Since we want to imitate the ancients, why not pay attention to the shape and flowers of those wine jars? Well, don't reveal the truth?

The next second, in order to stop Emperor Yu from going further, the ancient wind looked up and laughed: "hahaha, Emperor Yu really can laugh. Do you know what flower ornaments were popular 100000 years ago? Since there is no problem with these wines, what are you going to do with so much? The wine has arrived. Why not have a good drink? "

With that, Gu Feng directly picked up a jar and opened it on the spot. Immediately, a refreshing aroma floated out, and immediately asked Emperor Yu to indulge in it.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, picked up the jar and drank it“ After "Baji" twice, his eyebrows wrinkled again, shook his head slowly and said, "no, no, there's a problem with this wine!"


Hearing the speech, Gu Feng's face suddenly changed. Is it difficult to be seen by Emperor Yu?

"Emperor Yu, what's wrong with this wine? I stole it from the wine cellar of master yulinzi. He had only forty jars, and I took them all away. Each of the three elders only needs ten jars. The extra ten jars will be regarded as my gift to you! "

The ancient wind is very desolate. I'm afraid that Emperor Yu will see the flaw, otherwise the trip will be in vain.

However, the fear of antiquity seems a little superfluous. Emperor Yu frowned again, shook his head slowly and said, "it's a pity, it's a pity that these wines are not old enough. It's estimated that they are ten years away. If it's really old enough, its taste is different! "

With that, Emperor Yu looked at the ancient wind, sighed again, shook his head slowly and said, "you, you, have done evil. Such a good wine is scrapped only because you stole it in advance... 100000 years, 100000 years, 100000 years of hard work are ruined in your hands! "

Emperor Xiao Yu was like a man who hated iron but not steel. In his eyes, he became a black sheep.

Just think, if these wines are really only ten years away from being perfect, then ancient customs can really be regarded as a great sin.

However, ancient customs are also wronged, because these wines were not stolen at all, which was produced by him with the power of years.

It's also a shame. The ancient custom is afraid that after 100000 years, those wine jars will collapse because they can't bear the invasion of years, so they keep their hands a little. Who ever thought that if you only kept your hand so little, you became a black sheep. It's really wronged!

"Hehe, that... Emperor Yu, this wine has been taken out. If you really feel that the year is not enough, take it back and hide it for another ten years!"

"It's useless. The wine that has seen the sky is not to say ten years. Even if it is buried for another hundred years, it can't make up for that gap!"

"This..." Gu Feng was speechless, and couldn't say a word.

Simply, he gritted his teeth and said fiercely, "Emperor Yu, these wines are indeed short of years, but I still have better ones here!"

While talking, Gu Feng directly took out a jar of wanjiayu wine, which immediately brightened Emperor Yu's eyes.

"This is..."

"Emperor Yu, this wine is called Wanjia Yuniang. It is the treasure of the elder yulinzi. It has buried 10000 Jiazi for 600000 years. There is only one jar in heaven and earth. These wines are definitely old enough. Today is lucky! "

As soon as the words fell, the ancient style directly entrusted the jar of wanjiayu brewing in front of Emperor Yu, who was allowed to carefully study it.

Similarly, after a burst of shock and confusion, Emperor Yu began to explore carefully. Similarly, although the wine jar has indeed been invaded for 600000 years, the patterns and patterns on it are a bit like modern times. It is more and more confused to call it emperor Xiao Yu.

However, the ancient style would not give Emperor Yu a chance to explore carefully. He opened the lid of the jar very crisp. The next second, a miracle happened

At the moment when the wine cover was opened, a light golden light rushed out. The next second, the pale golden light condensed out a villain, so he looked directly at the ancient wind and Emperor Yu.

"This is..."

They looked at each other and were at a loss.

The next second, he saw Emperor Yu's face getting more and more shocked and whispered, "my God, is this the legendary Jiuxian? "The spirit in the wine?"

"This wine... This wine is psychic. Unexpectedly, it automatically gave birth to the fairy in the wine!


Hearing the speech, both of them changed color and were severely shocked.

Emperor Xiao Yu continued to sigh: "the world only knows that weapons can be psychic, only that natural materials and earth treasures can be psychic. Who knows that wine can also be psychic? It seems that this wine has a year of 600000 years. It really can't be fake! "

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