"Yu Hu?"

Hearing the speech, the people in the lobby changed color in an instant and looked at the little girl in the hall with startled eyes.

Although the little girl in front of her is only 15 or 16 years old, she has the cultivation of the holy King's peak. She is really great. She is as good as the original ten thousand emperors. Both of them are so amazing. They not only have the cultivation of the holy king at birth, but also have the most noble purple blood.

The ancient wind clearly remembers that the mark on the eyebrow of the previous green bud is green, not noble, and its status is not high.

But later, Mu Qingqing knew the Pearl with her eyes. At a glance, she saw that green bud was the first separation of Yu Hu, so she specially created a skill for it. That skill is also very special. It's actually a skill that allows lvya to die by herself. On the surface, muqingqing is harming the green bud, but in fact it is helping the green bud reincarnation.

Now it seems that green bud really practiced muqingqing's skill to the end and succeeded in reincarnation after death.

"Yes, you can also call me that, because it won't take long for my nine parts to be one. At that time, I will attack the imperial realm, and I will become the only female emperor in this life! "

Green bud's mouth aroused a sneer, very old and spicy, which was seriously inconsistent with her face. At this moment, she seemed to be no longer a green bud, but a real Yu Hu.

"Hehe, I'm waiting for you!" The corners of the ancient wind's mouth also aroused a sneer, and then rushed to Zheng Wudao and said, "untie her, and then throw her back to the origin star region along the world channel!"

"What? Let her go? "

Hearing the speech, everyone in the lobby changed color again and said that they could not accept the decision of ancient style. If you really put the girl in front of you, what's the difference between letting the tiger go back to the mountain?

On the spot, someone got up and retorted, "master, you have to think twice! According to our observation, Na Yu Hu has a heavy heart to kill you and will certainly become your great enemy in the future. Why not kill one of his parts at this time? "

"Yes, sect leader, think twice. This is the best chance to kill the great enemy. You can't be soft hearted!"

"Please think twice!"

"Please think twice!"

Many people began to persuade, all of them thought that the ancient style's decision was too reckless. Once the nine parts of Yu Hu are successfully integrated, they will really become great enemies in the future.

In the face of the people's advice, Gu Feng just sighed in her heart and said, "let her go. If she can really become emperor, it is also the result of her own efforts!"

Gu Feng waved his hand and didn't want to see the woman at all.

In the end, people can only sigh one after another and dare not persuade again.

Then, the little girl in the hall is really taken away by Zheng Wudao. She will be thrown into the channel and reach the origin star domain.

After dealing with the green bud, Gu Feng wanted to leave directly, but he saw another person coming to the field and said to Gu Feng, "master, those people have been kneeling outside the city gate for three days. Should you go and have a look?"

"Three days so soon?"

Gu Feng murmured. He had planned to let those people kneel for another three days, but on second thought, he should deal with it as soon as possible.

So he said, "let's go and go to the city tower!"

A few days ago, when he was on the bloody battlefield, Gu Feng personally told people of all forces that he wanted to live and begged to surrender at the end of the world in three days. Now, it's the fifth day. Those people have been kneeling for three days!

So, surrounded by 300 fairy kings, the ancient wind really went to the city tower. However, along with them, there is a golden statue as high as 100 feet

"The king of the blue sky is here!"

From a distance, someone shouted slogans, causing those outside the city to crawl down their heads and dare not look up.

When the ancient wind set foot on the city tower, he was really shocked, because the square outside Chenglou was full of people kneeling and looking up, there were no less than hundreds of thousands. At the front of the crowd, four or five hundred people knelt neatly. They are all fairy kings!

These four or five hundred people are almost the only immortal kings in the world. In that world war, the fairy king of the ancient wasteland was either killed or had already surrendered to the end of the day. At present, these fairy kings are basically enslaved by several overlords and have been enemies with the end of the sky.

"The green heavenly king has arrived. Please kneel down!"

"See King Qingtian!"

"See King Qingtian!"

"See King Qingtian!"

There was a neat kneeling sound under the city tower. The scene was very spectacular.

The ancient wind clearly saw that more or less heads were placed in front of many fairy kings. After a closer look, I found that those heads were basically the heads of fairy kings from the underworld and the demon world.

On the battlefield a few days ago, Gu Feng once said to everyone that the head of a ghost king and the head of a demon fairy king can exchange ten lives. Therefore, people from all small worlds will unite to hang the hell and the Lord devil.

Gu Feng's eyes swept the audience one by one, then waved his hand and said in a loud voice, "get up! I know that deep in your heart, you don't want to be an enemy of my ancient style at all, but you have to do it because of the situation. Now, no matter the Cang family, the underworld, or the Lord devil, they have all been cleared away, and the light that belongs to you in the future is coming! "

"Thank you, King Qing!"

The people in the square once again worshipped the ancient wind. Only then did they dare to stand up and look at the ancient wind on the city tower.

Although they knelt here for three days, they were willing. After all, they participated in the fight against the end of the sky and in the killing of ancient customs. It is a great kindness that the ancient wind can spare them from dying.

After all the people got up, Gu Feng shouted to the crowd: "in the future, I want to change the name of Tianhuang ancient land to Qingtian world. I'm your co Lord. Do you have any objection?"

"What? "Change its name to qingtianjie?"

Hearing the speech, both the people under and above the city building were shocked and didn't respond for a long time.

Is this pen a little too big? It's OK to dominate the natural wasteland. Do you still want to completely occupy the natural wasteland?

"Do you have any objection?"

Around the ancient wind came the roar of King Xiang. The halberd of Fang Tianhua in his hand suddenly waved, and immediately it was domineering and leaked, and it was a terrible mess.

"I have no objection to Poria cocos!"

"I don't have a problem with the spirit world!"

"I agree..."

After a short shock, many people knelt down on the spot and rushed to the ancient style to show their loyalty. They were so shocked that the people upstairs couldn't react for a long time

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