Since then, enfeoffment has completely ended, and the ancient land of the wilderness has been completely integrated.

It seems that this also corresponds to the saying that has been circulating at the end of the day - the demon star will change the pattern here.

Yes, the pattern of the ancient wilderness has been changed, and it is still very thorough, which can be described as earth shaking.

In fact, the most fundamental reason why ancient customs want to divide the top ten worlds is that in order to better spread the doctrine of Qingtian divine court, he needs more people to write to him. The advantage of enfeoffment is that each world has a clear person in charge. Everyone can perform their duties and clarify the division of labor!

After the end of the enfeoffment, the whole ancient wilderness, or the whole blue sky world, became completely calm. No more expedition, no more bloodshed. The whole people in the blue sky world believe in the blue sky god court and the blue sky doctrine!

Of course, if so many people believe in the doctrine of the blue sky, they naturally have to come up with something for the believers to study.

What is it?

Of course, it is scriptures, such as Buddhist scriptures and Taoist Scriptures. Qingtian shenting naturally has its own Qingtian Dharma scriptures!

Therefore, in the following days, the blue sky seems calm, but the ancient wind can't get a breath. He has to compile scriptures and write books!

These compiled scriptures will become the main melody of the whole Qingtian world, will popularize the world, and will become the major law of the whole Qingtian world!

Compiling Dharma Sutra and writing books are naturally a huge and vast project, and the process is long. Therefore, Gu Feng couldn't do it alone. He mobilized most of the fairy kings in the shenting to compile the Qingtian Dharma Sutra together.

I thought that even if the project was vast, it would only take ten or eight years. Who ever thought that this compilation would take a hundred years!

A hundred years?

Yes, the whole compilation process took a hundred years, which made the Qingtian method take shape!

Qingtian Dharma Sutra is not a sutra, but a set of system, which will be equivalent to Buddhist sutra and Taoist Sutra. It is not a sutra, but a system. This system will become the core foundation of Qingtian divine court, which is the basic doctrine of Qingtian divine court!

After a hundred years of compilation, this system has achieved initial results. Although it is not comparable to the wide range of Buddhist classics, it has also compiled 42 Qingtian scriptures, each of which contains more than 1000 volumes.

At the same time, we also compiled ten "jiewang Jing", each of which contains about 1000 volumes.

As the name suggests, jiewang Jing is about the top ten jiewang in the Qingtian world. It tells their legendary life and how they met and intersected with the Qingtian King

In addition, in the past 100 years, we have also compiled a set of "dyeing blood Sutra", a total of 800 volumes, which is basically about the blood, tears and war in the ancient land of the end of the world.

Of course, no matter what Scripture is, no matter what content it tells, its central idea is one, that is, carefree and free!

All scriptures are extended from a general outline: when I am free, the blue sky is always there, forever, and all sentient beings are free!

Yes, yes, this sentence is the general outline of the whole Qingtian Dharma Sutra and the basic doctrine of the Qingtian divine court. No matter which Scripture you read, you can realize the true meaning of freedom.

This is like "compassion" in Buddhism. This is the basic doctrine!

When these scriptures were successfully compiled, the people involved in the compilation were tired. Although everyone feels physically and mentally exhausted, they feel it's worth it. Because they did a feat!

Of course, after the above scriptures were compiled, the whole compilation work did not end, but came to an end. Next, there is a more arduous task to compile, that is to continue to compile the Wujing!

Wu Jing? What is Wu Jing?

In fact, the martial arts Sutra is easy to understand, just like the unique skills and magical powers of Buddhism.

The previous scriptures can be called Wenjing to cultivate the mind and morality. The martial arts Sutra is a way to cultivate all kinds of magical powers and dharmas. Most of the content of the martial arts classics comes from the law of the ancient style itself.

He compiled all the magical powers he had cultivated from childhood to adulthood. From the hands of other fairy kings, it has collected a lot of magic roads, compiled them all, and formed a huge system

Wen Jing has been compiled for 100 years, while Wu Jing has taken more than 30 years.

The compilation of Qingtian Dharma Sutra has come to an end for nearly 140 years. Over the years, we have been really tired.

Although everyone feels physically and mentally exhausted, they feel very valuable and meaningful. Because the achievements of these more than 100 years of efforts will benefit future generations!

After the Qingtian Dharma sutra was compiled, it was printed wantonly. Finally, it was distributed to the top ten fiefs and spread

There is no doubt that with these scriptures, Qingtian shenting will have more cohesion. The belief in everyone's mind will become stronger and stronger.

Seeing here, many people may want to ask. It took more than 100 years to compile scriptures and wasted so much practice time. Is it worth it? Did the power of faith help his cultivation?

Of course, it is worth it. The power of these beliefs is not only useful, but also of great use!

In the past, the surface realm of ancient style was just the primary realm of fairy king. No matter how hard you try, you can't make further progress. However, in his thirtieth year of compiling scriptures, he was surprised to find that his realm was broken and he successfully set foot in the middle of fairyland.

This is also the main reason and motivation for him to insist on compiling scriptures. He found that the power of faith can really be cultivated and is very easy.

When the process of compiling scriptures reached the 60th year, another series of surprises came. Those generals of the ancient wind, relying on the power of faith, have stepped into the real fairyland one after another!

Previously, they were all the Immortal King's robberies in the ancient small world, because they were not recognized by the outside world. Out of the small world of ancient style, although they have the strength of fairyland, their cultivation performance is still a real fairyland.

But now it's different. The real cultivation displayed by those generals is fairyland!

When the Scriptures were compiled in the 80th year, the accomplishments of the generals changed again. They successively stepped from the early stage of fairyland to the middle stage of fairyland!

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