
In an instant, the sky showed an embarrassed look. He had to look at Feng Lingzi for help.

Feng Lingzi understood and immediately bowed his hand to Emperor Yu. He said, "misunderstanding, misunderstanding, all this must be misunderstanding. You also know that this child, Po Tian, is always full of nonsense and never reliable in doing things. How can he believe what he says? "

"Hehe, are you trying to say that children have no taboos? Is he a child? "

Wang Shihai still refused to give up, his heart. It's really cool. I just feel that the ancient style is really hateful.

Thanks to his many times of wholehearted trust and help, the ancient wind always wants to kill himself. Is there such a person in the world?

At the critical moment, Emperor Xiao Yu waved his hand, which was the end of the matter.

"Well, let's let it go and see tea in the reception hall!"

Reception hall.

After three bubbles of tea, Emperor Xiao Yu, the master, finally asked, "elder Feng, you kings of the world, what's the matter with you here?"


Hearing the speech, Feng Lingzi was a little embarrassed. Finally, he got up awkwardly, bowed to Emperor Yu and said, "emperor, to be honest, our leader is in danger. We're here to ask you for help!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Before Emperor Yu could reply, Wang Shihai looked up to the sky and laughed. The laughter was full of desolation.

Suddenly, he stopped laughing, pointed to the broken sky and roared, "is it possible that you Qingtian divine court has been arrogant to this extent? Come and beg, and dare to threaten to kill? Do you think I'm easy to bully Xiao Yu? Do you think our emperor is a weak and incompetent person? Or do you want to swallow our xiaoyutian directly? "


In an instant, Feng Lingzi and others showed an embarrassed look. They were speechless by these words, and all hated the broken sky.

Yes, put yourself in another position. If someone asks you and threatens to kill you, will you still help? Are others really so easy to bully?

At this moment, even Emperor Yu himself had an iron blue face and looked rather bad.

He stopped slightly, stopped Wang Shihai, and said, "tell me first, why is your sect leader in danger? There are two or three thousand fairy kings in your Qingtian divine court, which is not enough to deal with any threat? "

"This..." Feng Lingzi and others were embarrassed again, so he hardened his head and bowed his hands: "to tell you the truth, our leader broke into the Cang family alone from the passage of the end of the world some time ago. He was in danger there. Now the life soul lamp is going out. There is nothing we can do! "

"Oh? He went to the Cang family alone? "

On the spot, Emperor Yu showed a look of surprise, as if he suspected that his ears had heard wrong.

Soon, he changed into a curious color and asked, "no, you have two or three thousand fairy kings. Just kill them directly to the origin star domain? Do you need our help? "

"The emperor is right, but the world channel is closed. My God court army can't get through..."

Next, Feng Lingzi simply told something about the ancient wind breaking through the channel, which made the confused little Yu emperor understand the current situation.

He whispered, "you mean you want me to help break the seal, don't you?"

"Yes, yes, as long as the seal can be broken, our shenting army can drive straight in, go to rescue our leader, and ask the emperor to help. We Qingtian shenting must be grateful!"

"Hehe, thank you? How to report? Kill me to repay Xiao Yutian's kindness? "

Before Emperor Yu could answer, Wang Shihai sneered again, and called everyone's faces embarrassed again.

On the spot, Feng Lingzi made a round again and said with a smile, "Oh, young master Wang can really laugh. How can there be such a way to repay kindness in the world?"

"It's really rare in the world, but your leader can often do it!" Wang Shihai snorted coldly again, then got up and said to the people, "I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do, because the world channel is carefully arranged by the Cang family. It took you 80 years to break it. How can we break it? Go elsewhere and ask for help. I'm sorry there's nothing we can do! "


In an instant, everyone's face changed. However, no one paid attention to Wang Shihai, but cast all his eyes on emperor Xiao Yu.

Unfortunately, Emperor Yu's face was not very good-looking. He always had a cold face and didn't answer.

After half a ring, he shook his head slowly and said, "Wang Shihai said it well. It took you 80 years to break the seal. Even if I went, it probably didn't help."


"Don't worry, I'll go with you now. But the ugly words can be said ahead. If I can help, I can help. I can't help you. Don't blame us! "

"Well, we are all grateful to Xiao Yutian for his great kindness!"

With that, the party really got up and went to the former end of the world. Although Wang Shihai kept saying that he didn't want to help, he still went all the way.

It is worth mentioning that before the start of that war, Wang Shihai robbed a Tianjiang life grid, and then hid outside to cross the robbery. Although his fairy King disaster was very dangerous, it was over after all. In other words, he has been in wonderland for more than 200 years. Now he is a terrible power in the later period of the fairy king!

When we arrived at the end of the world, we didn't hesitate and went straight to that world channel.

When Emperor Xiao Yu came to the other end of the passage and saw the situation clearly, the whole face became gloomy for a moment.

Whispered: "the power of this large array is comparable to the immortal killing array you have arranged before. It is so complex that we can't break it!"

Hearing the speech, as soon as Feng Lingzi's face changed, he immediately bowed his hands and said, "emperor, you are one with emperor Dayu. You are knowledgeable and will be able to break this array. Please do your best to help!"

"Please help me with all your strength!"

"Please help me with all your strength!"

At this moment, everyone bowed to Emperor Yu, and the posture was very low. It was a rare scene.

Seeing this, Emperor Yu didn't say anything, but Wang Shihai sneered. Said: "although this big array is very complex and dangerous, it is not insurmountable. We have only one condition. If you agree, you can leave immediately! "

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