The sea of stars and clouds is vast, and the work of looking for stars is naturally dead and boring. The three started their own extreme speed and searched for a few days, but they couldn't find a suitable star, which made them feel a little lost.

Just as everyone's interest decreased, he suddenly pointed to the front and shouted in surprise: "look, the star in front should be comparable to the one smashed by the leader? No, if we take this one down, it will definitely be enough for the Cang family to drink a pot! "

"Eh? The volume of this star is really big enough, which must contain infinite power. If we can take it down, the Cang family will be overwhelmed! " In qingtianpeng's eyes, there was ecstasy. After looking for it for several days, he finally found a satisfactory one.

According to his meaning, we should directly compress this star. But Hekun quickly shook his head and stopped them from thinking.

He Kun said, "we don't have the power of the leader. It's easy to break this star, but it's very hard to compress it. In my opinion, our goal should not be locked in such earth like stars, but in some gas or fire stars. Just imagine, if a huge star filled with hydrogen was detonated on the land of the Cang family, what power would it have to cause? "


In an instant, the eyes of qingtianpeng and broken sky also showed a crazy color.

Think carefully, he Kun's words are very reasonable. Because this kind of Earth Star is very difficult to compress. Not to mention, the power after explosion is far from enough for that kind of gas stars and fire stars. If you can find two suitable gas stars or fire stars, it's fun!

So they set foot on the journey of looking for stars again. In a flash, three days passed. When everyone's interest dropped again, they were pleasantly surprised to find a superstar with a diameter of more than hundreds of millions of kilometers!

The reason why they are so happy is that they find that this star is the gaseous giant planet they can't wait to find!

Through observation, they found that the main component of this giant planet is a terrorist element called hydrogen and nuclear energy. Once such a star is detonated, the consequences are unimaginable. Even if we can't blow up the origin star, it can definitely cause an unprecedented disaster to the origin star!

"Hahaha, that's it, that's it. Although the size of this star is no different from that of the leader, its power is definitely a hundred times that of that one! "

"Hehe, by the way, this is our sincerity. Just this one. Don't want to run!"

All three showed evil smiles. They seemed to see the destruction of the Cang family


In the distant origin star, the native land of Cang nationality.

Since the great disaster a few years ago, although the area around the ancestral temple is still in extreme danger, since two years ago, monks above Zhenxian have been able to move freely.

It is precisely because this area has suffered an unprecedented terrorist disaster, so it has now become the destination of countless monks. Every day, I don't know how many monks come from all the worlds that originated in the star domain to pay homage. The area where the ancestral temple is located seems to have become a lively tourist attraction!

When the monks passed through the dead and came to the ancestral temple, they didn't know how shocked and touched they were.

The shock is that the energy of the demon star is simply too huge. One person alone has caused such a heavy blow to the Cang family.

The sigh is that their ancestors are worthy of the heaven in people's mouth. As expected, they are still one foot tall and one foot tall. Even if the demon star has the ability to connect with heaven, it is still pressed in the ancestral temple!

When people came to the ancestral platform again, they found that there was an extra pair of couplets at the gate of the ancestral temple.

The first couplet is: Demon stars reach the sky, capture the stars and seize the moon, and show their teeth to invade our territory.

The second line is: cangzu Tianwei, suppress and punish evil, and evil spirits and monsters step on their feet.

The horizontal inscription is: the Cangdao is immortal.

Obviously, this pair of couplets is the work of the Cang family. Its purpose is to belittle the demon star and raise the status of their cangzu. In their mouths, demon stars become ghosts and monsters.

To tell the truth, when people see this couplet, they don't mention how excited they are. Combined with the suppressed demon star ancient wind, it will be more to dispel hatred.

In the past two years, the stone statue of demon star suppressed inside has encountered many people's spitting and insults. After many people came to the ancestral temple, they would pull out their swords and chop at the stone demon star. There are many people who will take out a whip and whip on the stone statue to vent their happiness.

Today's ancestral temple is still as lively as usual, but there are two more very special tourists.

This is a very young looking man and woman. The man is handsome, with black hair floating in the wind. He looks very free and easy. Looking at his eyes, he is full of evil; The woman was a purple long skirt, her facial features were exquisite, her expression was cold, and her whole body was filled with an elegant air of a lady.

Since they set foot on the ancestral platform, their footsteps began to become extremely heavy, and their expression became very dignified.

When they saw the couplet hanging from the gate of the temple, they all trembled and couldn't calm down for a long time. After entering the temple, he was completely attracted by the demon Star Stone Man placed under the golden body method!

make love!

At this time, two Cang youth with blue marks on their heads kept beating the stone man with a whip. Every time they beat, the body of the young man and woman would tremble involuntarily. As if those whips were whipped on them.

Look closely, but it is not difficult to find that the woman in the purple skirt slipped another drop of clear tears from the corners of her eyes

"Feng, I'm sorry, I can't rescue you. I... I'm ashamed of your love!"

The woman whispered in her heart, and the tears from the corners of her eyes fell again. At this moment, her heart was twisted. She just wanted to be whipped by the stone man.

So, who is this woman? Naturally, it was ziling'er. She was involved in the war a few years ago. She was blown up and finally taken away by zixiahan and others.

As for the handsome young man next to him, he was no one else. It was the eldest son of the ancient style.

Like ziling'er, he saw his father being whipped and wished he could not suffer on behalf of his father.

Although he didn't like his father very much, at this moment, he still recited in his heart: "father, my son is unfilial. I can only see you suffer and can't rescue you. I'm sorry..."

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