However, Gu Feng didn't give a positive answer, but whispered to Wang Shihai: "Wang Shihai, when you and I have reached this stage of cultivation, I think what I want most is to ascend the emperor's territory? Once he becomes emperor, he can be proud of the world, completely get rid of the shackles of fate, and despise heaven... "


Hearing the speech, Wang Shihai's face changed on the spot and asked in a deep voice, "what do you mean? Is it hard to die? Do you still want to play tricks? "

"Oh? Are you afraid? Aren't you confident? In this world, who are you afraid of playing tricks on you? " The corners of the ancient wind's mouth evoked a mocking smile, which was ironic. Before Wang Shihai could answer, he said, "maybe you know your origin and what kind of ending you will have in the future. Are you willing? Are you willing to make wedding clothes for others? Are you willing to take away all your efforts? "

"Everyone's destiny is doomed at birth. However, it is not unchangeable. As long as we make our own efforts, we can still change the established destiny. If you can become emperor and want to jump out of the control of fate, it's not easy? "

"..." hearing the speech, Wang Shihai was silent. Instead of refuting the ancient style, he looked at the ancient style.

After a long time, he slowed down and asked the old wind, "what do you want to express when you say so much? Can you still help me become emperor? "

"I dare not say whether I can help you become emperor, but I do have something related to the great emperor. If you get it, maybe you can really understand a chance to become emperor! "

Gu Feng whispered. While talking, he took out a white skeleton directly from his body, which changed Wang Shihai's face in an instant.

"This... What is this?"

"Hehe, are you afraid? Are you excited? "

Gu Feng chuckled. He had expected Wang Shihai to have this reaction.

He added: "do you think this power is familiar? Deja vu? "

"This is... This is the power of famine. Where did you get this skull? Why does it contain such a strong power of desolation? "

"Hehe, it's good. You know this is the power of famine!" The ancient wind chuckled again, still so unfathomable. Then he slowly stepped forward and whispered, "yes, what's circulating here is the power of famine, which is a mysterious power we are most familiar with. In those years, the reason why you and I knew each other and became brothers all depended on this strength to do traction... "

While talking, their thoughts seemed to return to the past and to their youth.

At that time, Gu Feng set out from the eight wastelands and went to the holy land to participate in the examination of the immortal Academy. However, if he wanted to set foot in the holy land, he had to cross the barren sea, but he encountered disaster in that vast barren sea.

At that time, the people in charge of the ferry were greedy and planned to rob all the people in a boat, and then leave them all in the wasteland sea. In order to survive, he joined hands with Wang Shihai to resist, and then they met completely.

Finally, the ship sank and there were only more than 20 people left. They were trapped in the demon temple, floating aimlessly on the boundless wasteland, and finally reached the desert island.

That is, on that desert island, the blue sky divine court was established and stood between heaven and earth for the first time. At that time, Gu Feng was the leader, and Wang Shihai was the deputy leader of the divine court. Among them, there is a woman named Lan Xin. She was granted the saint of Qingtian divine court

To speak of, Wang Shihai was the earliest group of meritorious officials of Qingtian divine court, but now he is completely on the opposite side of Qingtian divine court.

"Shut up. What's the use of telling me so much now? I just want to know, where did this skull come from? Who does this belong to? "

Wang Shihai roared at the ancient wind. He didn't want to recall the past at all.

Yes, they used to be brothers of life and death. They have experienced too many hardships together. Unfortunately, they are completely turned over for a woman!

It can be seen that even in the past few hundred years, for Wang Shihai, Lanxin is still a pain in his heart, and he still can't let go of Lanxin's death.

Seeing that Wang Shihai lost his patience and the ancient style stopped procrastinating, he directly shouted, "OK, I won't beat around the bush with you. Now I'll tell you the origin of this skull. I brought this skull out of the desolate sea bottom. The reason why the desolate sea is so terrible is that this skull is the culprit, which is the source of the power of desolation! "

"...." Wang Shihai didn't answer. He was satisfied with the explanation of the ancient style and had no doubt.

After a short silence, he said, "I just want to know who owns this skull? What does this have to do with the emperor? Can we understand the opportunity of becoming emperor from this thing? "

"Ha ha!" Gu Feng smiled again, then nodded and said, "yes, this head is related to the great emperor. If you carefully understand it, you may really get a glimpse of the opportunity to become emperor. Because this head was originally left by the great emperor! "

"What? Is this the head of the great emperor? Which emperor? "

On the spot, Wang Shihai's face changed. It was full of horror. It was incredible.

However, Gu Feng smiled again and asked, "Wang Shihai, can you guess whose skull this is? Haven't you ever heard of the name of the great Jue Huang emperor? "

"Jue Huang emperor?"


Hearing the speech, Wang Shihai took another breath, and his face showed an unbelievable color.

How is this possible? Jue Huang emperor was a figure before many eras. How can his head be preserved to the present? Moreover, it also contains such a terrible force of famine.

Seeing that Wang Shihai didn't believe it, Gu Feng said again, "yes, this is the skull of juehuang emperor. At first, I didn't believe it was true, but it was the emperor of time and space who told me all this. He told me that this is the skull of the great emperor Jue Huang, which is like a fake. The reason why he wanted to give me this opportunity was to let me understand a chance to become emperor. Unfortunately, my talent is stupid. Although I have obtained this skull for nearly 300 years, I still haven't gained anything. Alas! "

"Is that true?"

"Why should I lie to you?" Gu Feng nodded very definitely and said, "anyway, this skull is of no use to me. I'll just give it to you. If you get this skull, you may still be able to understand a chance to become emperor! "

While talking, Gu Feng slowly handed out the skull and had to give it directly to Wang Shihai.

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