The ancient wind looked at the more than 100 Cang fairy kings again, and he really sighed inexplicably.

In the past, how arrogant were these purple blood fairy kings of Cang family? They boast of being the noblest people in the whole universe. Now, are you kneeling at your feet?

It is worth mentioning that the Qingtian divine court did not impose any coercive measures on these people. Neither asked them to give their soul brand, nor forced them to make a blood oath, nor injected soul eaters into their holy palace. They just joined the Qingtian divine court and became believers of the Qingtian divine court.

Now, these people completely submit to their feet and dare not resist at all.

After a secret sigh, the ancient wind's eyes fell on bolinhai and asked, "bolinhai, are you a member of the bolinhai family?"

"This..." hearing the speech, the man named Bolin sea was shocked in an instant. He quickly knelt down to the ancient wind and said in a loud voice: "Hui sect leader, my subordinates are indeed from the Bo family, but they have nothing to do with Bo Tianji. We don't belong to the same vein!"

Bo Linhai was so frightened because he knew how much damage Bo Tianji had caused to Qingtian shenting. He was afraid that the ancient wind would settle with him.

However, he was wrong. The old wind has no intention of settling any old accounts at all.

Gu Feng smiled and sighed, "Alas, it's a pity that he has a great talent. It's a pity that he has a double pupil. It's a pity that I didn't get it!"

When he was still in Kyushu and Gu Feng was under the age of 20, he got a double pupil. Therefore, he knows the value of heavy pupil. When he knew that Bo Tianji had heavy pupils, he had moved his mind to rob. Unfortunately, Bo Tianji died in the disaster. The heavy pupil didn't know where the smoke had disappeared and there was no place to find it.

Seeing Gu Feng sigh, everyone present was stunned. No one knew what Gu Feng was thinking.

Then, seeing the ancient wind passing the topic, he asked Bolin sea, "Bolin sea, I've been curious about a problem all the time. You Cang people claim to be the descendants of heaven and stand in the origin star field for many centuries. Is it possible that in these infinite years, the most noble blood without color and mark was not born? "

"This..." hearing the speech, the more than 100 fairy kings of the Cang family were silent. After pondering for a while, nabolin Hai bowed his hand to the ancient wind and said, "Hui sect leader, my subordinates really don't know about this. I think there should be no such existence among my Cang family, otherwise they should have gone out long ago and won't be indifferent to the collapse of the Cang family! "

"So it is!"

Gu Feng nodded noncommittally, and then he didn't tangle with this problem.

His eyes still stayed on the Bolin sea and asked, "Bolin sea, the origin star domain has been settled. What do you think I should do next?"

"This......" smell speech, that Bo Linhai's complexion coagulates again. However, in the end, he answered honestly: "Hui sect leader, my subordinates believe that we should fight in the next step, which can be Lord demons, hell demons or heavenly demons. As long as these places are settled, my Qingtian divine court can be regarded as truly proud of the heavens and the world! "

"Well, that's right. It should be to expedition these places!"

Gu Feng nodded noncommittally, and then sighed again. He whispered: "it's a good thing to govern the heavens, but it's bound to ruin life! If we go out to fight, can we benefit all souls? Or harm all souls? Are we bringing them pain or pleasure? "


For a time, everyone present was silent, and no one dared to answer, because the topic was too heavy. At the same time, no one could guess the ancient style's mind and didn't dare to answer casually.

After a long time, the ancient wind continued: "I personally feel that since the doctrine of our Qingtian divine court is to bring freedom and freedom to the world, we should not use force to conquer them. Otherwise, what we bring is only disaster and pain. How can we say freedom? "


Hearing the speech, the people present were silent again, and no one answered at all.

After half a ring, he saw Feng Lingzi out of the line and shouted directly at the ancient wind: "the leader is wise!"

"The leader is wise!"

As soon as the voice fell, it really broke the sky and roared.

Immediately, more people began to roar, which immediately pushed the atmosphere to a climax.

Seeing this, he was very satisfied with the ancient style and nodded with a smile. Then he continued: "yes, the use of force will only bring pain and disaster to the heavens and the world. Therefore, I think our strategy should be to continue to preach our teachings. I want all the people in the heavens and all the world to know the existence of our Qingtian divine court. I want all the spirits in the heavens to know what the purpose of our divine court is. I want them to understand the true meaning of 'believe in the blue sky, enjoy leisure and have eternal life'. It's not difficult to unify a territory. The difficulty is to unify people's hearts and beliefs... "

"The leader is wise!"

Fenglingzi roared again, causing the loud clouds to follow, and there was a lot of voice.

After all the voices were still, Gu Feng stood up directly and shouted to the crowd: "now, I announce one thing. Zhen Gu Po Tian has made great contributions to this Cang expedition. Now I promote him to be the deputy leader of Qingtian divine court. In the future, his position is only below me and above anyone! "


In an instant, the whole audience was silent, and even Po Tian himself was stupid and completely at a loss.

I'm doing meritorious service now? Promoted?

"Thank you, sect leader. My subordinates wish the sect leader good luck and longevity!"

After a short mistake, the broken sky immediately knelt down on one knee against the ancient wind. His body was shaking because he was too excited.

At the same time, the scene was full of voices, and no one was shocked and envious.

Under one person, above ten thousand people!

How big is the Qingtian divine court? So he's above all spirits?

Indeed, I won such a great honor. Although the ancient custom does not say what contribution the broken sky has made, many people know it well. Because, at that time, everyone evacuated, and only one person in the sky insisted on the origin star domain. While fighting with evil spirits, he tried to rescue the cult leader.

What about the others? What have you done in these two years?

So, this is what Po Tian deserves!

Before people's mood calmed down, Gu Feng spoke again and shouted to the people: "in addition, the original mother of Qingtian, Qingqing, has also made an unparalleled feat in order to rescue me. Now, I promote her to the great protector of the divine court!"

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