Emperor Xiao Yu's tone was cold and his attitude was also firm. He would not agree to let the Qingtian divine court settle in at all.

Hearing the speech, the ancient wind was silent. It seemed that he also understood the situation of emperor Xiao Yu. If you think about it, if you are yourself, you will never agree. Because if he wants to be strong, he must rely on more faith, need a broader Taoist field, and need more people to write to him!

The atmosphere at the scene froze for a moment. They both looked at each other silently, and no one spoke. As for the war?

It seems that neither of them wants to continue.

After a long time, the ancient wind sighed and said, "Emperor Yu, why don't you and I take a step back? I may not want your people, but I want your territory. How about you, your people and your believers, moving out as a whole? You, Xiao Yutian, just stand in my blue sky world like a sharp knife inserted next to my pillow. How can I sleep at ease? As long as you are willing to move out with your people, I can help you open up a wider world. How are you? "


Hearing the speech, Emperor Yu immediately came to the spirit and quickly asked, "where do you want me to move?"

"Anywhere is OK. As long as you are willing to move, I'm willing to give everything to help!" The ancient wind also came to the spirit immediately. There was a play in the secret way. He continued: "have you ever thought that once you are willing to move out with all your people, our two families can avoid any unnecessary misunderstanding. Naturally, our relationship will not be so rigid, won't it?"


Hearing the speech, Emperor Yu nodded noncommittally. Then he sighed: "your proposal is good, but where should we move? Although the universe is wide, there are few places suitable for survival! "

"You don't have to worry about this. I'm willing to look for it with you!"

The ancient wind nodded hard, and then looked up to the depths of the universe and to the bright star

After half a ring, the ancient wind said, "what do you think of this star field? That shining star can be used as the sun to illuminate the world. Let's look for another star suitable for living. How about taking it as your base camp? "

"Right here?"

Hearing the speech, Emperor Yu's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. He looked up at the super large star. After staring silently for a long time, he sighed: "this star field is good, but it's too narrow, isn't it? This will greatly limit the development of Xiao Yutian! "

Looking closely, this star field is relatively desolate. Because apart from the star, the ignited gaseous star, and the star just broken, there are only eight tolerable planets left.

If we explore it carefully, there is only one star that is really suitable for survival. Moreover, that star is not too big, and its diameter is only more than 20000 miles. What's more, most of the area of that star is covered by the blue ocean, and there is very little real land. If you want to move Xiao Yutian here, it's really a little wronged!

It seems that Gu Feng was also aware of this, and then whispered to Emperor Yu, "with your and my accomplishments, all these external conditions can be transformed. The star suitable for human survival is indeed a little small, but several other stars can survive if they can be well arranged. At the same time, there is no other world around you. If necessary, you can continue to explore. Moreover, this star region, together with the wider star region around it, is deeply shrouded by the outer Nebula sea, which is difficult to find in other worlds. If you choose to take root here, you can definitely make great progress and be stable! "

Hearing the speech, Emperor Yu looked around again. After a long time, he nodded noncommittally. Whispered: "yes, as you said, the whole periphery is deeply shrouded by the nebula sea. It's really hard to find it in the outside world. Then... "

Speaking of this, Emperor Yu stopped talking and immediately became anxious.

He quickly asked, "how are you? Is it feasible for your xiaoyutian to move here? "

"Yes, but you have to compensate me. Because I created Xiao Yutian, which is my Taoist field, my foundation and my hard work. You want me to move out as a whole. It's really difficult to start from scratch! "

"It's easy to say what kind of compensation you want. Just say it. I'm willing to do everything within my ability!"

"The compensation I want is also very simple. You see, the sky is poor as a whole. There is a serious lack of spiritual pulse for cultivation in any star. You have to help me transform this place. You have to move countless spiritual roots and veins. It's best to plant another world tree. If there is a world tree, this piece of heaven and earth can be regarded as a perfect big world! "

"World tree?"

Smell speech, the brow of archaic wind is a wrinkle in an instant, feeling difficult.

I'm kidding. Where is the world tree so easy to find? So far, he has only one. This thing is usually bred naturally by heaven and earth. There is usually only one complete world, which is difficult to find.

Seeing that the ancient wind was in trouble, Emperor Yu said, "although under the earth, burying a large number of spiritual veins and source crystal immortal stones can also transform the world. However, those things are consumables and will be exhausted one day. At that time, the world will eventually enter the era of MUFA. You said, "can I not want the world tree?"

"..." the ancient wind was silent and speechless for a moment. Because he knew that emperor Xiao Yu was right and reasonable. But where should the world tree go?


Suddenly, the ancient wind thought of an important thing. In the past, the great devil day took more than 100 fairy kings to see the world. Didn't he collect a world tree destroyed by the nine demons on a world called "Renma star"? If you can transplant that one?

Thinking of this, Gu Feng nodded and agreed immediately. Said, "well, I promise you this first, but not now. I know that there is a world tree destroyed by the nine demons in the hands of the elder devil Tian. I will ask for it for you next time I see him. Now? We can work together to bury some spiritual roots, veins and immortal stones in this star domain, and build this world first. "

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