"So stars don't really just don't move? A star moves with a star field. Does this mean that the whole universe is actually moving? All alive? "

At this time, the ancient wind is not in a hurry to start the star domain. He plans to understand it here.

This is the true meaning of the way of heaven, the true nature of the universe. If you can understand it thoroughly, your future achievements will be unlimited.

Originally, Gu Feng intended to sit down directly and understand the essence of heaven. But on second thought, if anyone sits around and realizes the Tao, it will be tens of thousands of years? Isn't this a delay? It is estimated that if he had been sitting here for a hundred years, Emperor Yu would have been so angry that he would have killed him directly to the wilderness!

After understanding this, the ancient style directly turned into two separate bodies. A separate body, directly return to the ancient wilderness and sit in the base camp. Another separation immediately went to the origin star domain and began to fulfill his promise.

After the two separate bodies all set out, the real body of Gufeng was relieved and sat down in peace of mind.

Then he abandoned all his thoughts and began to seriously understand the changes of the stars and the movement of the star field

As for monks, there is a very good saying that "one day in a cave has been a thousand years in the world". Absorbed in the ancient style, I didn't feel the passage of time at all, so forty or fifty days passed.

In these forty or fifty days, the ancient wind really discovered the movement of the whole solar system. However, this movement is really very small for the vast universe. If you don't calm down and observe like him, it's hard to detect.

It is precisely because of this movement that it is too slow to gain from long-term observation. Therefore, the ancient wind decides to set out and observe the mobility for a long time.

Just do what you say. The ancient wind directly began to rotate around the periphery of the whole solar system. He gave full play to his speed

It was a series of wandering observations that did not know the years. It took more than ten years for the ancient wind to finally find out the structure of the universe temporarily. The solar system where emperor Xiao Yu is located is really moving, and the sun here is not really fixed.

Through observation, this star, which they call the sun, moves directly around another light blue giant star with its whole star domain.

And that big, pale blue star is so big that it's boundless. In terms of volume alone, it is more than 2000 times that of the sun. The sun where emperor Xiao Yu is can only be regarded as its "child".

Surprisingly, there are thousands of "children" like the sun, a light blue giant star!

Without exception, every "child" of it carries a large group of stars around it. Everyone moves and rotates regularly. They interweave a beautiful and spectacular Silver Star River

So, is this over?

Of course not. After more than ten years of observation, the ancient wind found that even the light blue giant star with thousands of "children" like the sun is not a real star. It is not really motionless, it is also turning around another red super giant star with its endless children and grandchildren

It's amazing, it's incredible. A whole galaxy is moving?

Indeed, just like this, that light blue giant star, with its endless children and grandchildren, revolves around another red super giant star, and it moves with a whole silver galaxy

So the question is, how big is that red Super Big Mac star?

The sun where emperor Xiao Yu is located occupies more than 90% of the mass of the whole galaxy, which can be regarded as large enough. However, its "mother", the light blue giant star in the Silver Star River, is more than 2000 times bigger than it!

Now, this newly discovered red giant star is more than 5000 times the "mother" of the sun. If you compare the sun with it, that red star is nearly ten million times bigger than the sun!!!

God, a star thousands of times bigger than the sun? How big is that?

It's incredible, it's appalling, it's unimaginable!

If you want to compare the light blue superstar in the silver galaxy to the child of another red Super Big Mac star, there are too many brothers and sisters. After observing the ancient wind for more than ten years, it is found that there are thousands and countless giant stars like this.

They each take their own children and grandchildren, all around the red Super Big Mac star. They move and interweave with each other, and together they outline a beautiful picture like a "Fairy"

Here, it is worth mentioning that the origin star domain of the Cang family is also located in this galaxy like a "Fairy" picture. The origin star domain, compared with this fairy domain, is too narrow and worthless!

The most amazing thing about the ancient wind is that such a large Andromeda galaxy is still in this vast Nebula sea. As for how big this sea of stars and clouds is, the ancient wind has not been clear at all.

However, at least one point, he can be sure, that is, the origin star domain is not the center of this star cloud sea at all, it is just a node in the nebula sea.

After peeping into these true meanings, the ancient wind sighed that it was incredible, that he was too small, and that he was too sitting on a well and watching the sky. If you can't even understand your external environment, how can you control the way of heaven?? How about another day?

Therefore, the ancient wind decided to continue observation and enlightenment.

Now, he needs to figure out two key issues. First, is the red giant star that makes up the fairy picture a real star, and is it also moving around another giant star with its endless children and grandchildren.

Second, he needs to find out how big this sea of stars and clouds is and where its center is

Gu Feng believes that once he has made clear these two problems, his state of mind is bound to improve several grades again. This will certainly play a vital role in the future imperial enlightenment.

Of course, it will take a long time to figure out these two problems

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