The two people named are still a little familiar. Because these two were the fairy kings of the Anti Japanese war at the end of the previous day. When the ancient wind did not come to the wilderness, they had fought against the great enemies of all parties at the end of the sky for many years. They can be regarded as the elders of the Qingtian God court!

"Well, get up. If you can do meritorious service this time, you will be rewarded back!"

"Thank you, sect leader!"

In an instant, their faces showed ecstasy, and even the others in the hall showed a look of envy.

Because this is a god given opportunity. How many people can get such an honor?

It's enough for them to boast all their life just to accompany the leader of Qingtian sect to break into the heaven demon world alone

Next, Gu Feng really took the two people to the demon world in person.

Of course, all this is confidential. The ancient custom forbids anyone to disclose their whereabouts. In particular, this kind of foreign expedition must be kept secret.

Because if, like the last time, you are trapped or directly in danger, such a big blue sky divine court is easy to collapse. At that time, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The heaven demon world, like the Cang family, has its own world channel. One end is connected to the ancient wilderness, and the other end is connected to the universe where the devil is located.

Yes, the heaven demon world, like the Cang family, controls a large area of star territory. That large star field is combined together and intertwined into a vast demon world!

When the three of Gu Feng broke through the two boundary channels, they were really shocked by the vastness of the demon world. In particular, the ancient wind shocked my heart. He found that the demon world was also in a vast Nebula sea!!!

This... What is this? Is this star cloud sea the same as the star cloud sea where the origin star domain is located?

When he came here, he couldn't calm down completely. He couldn't wait to find out this problem.

If it really belongs to the same sky as the star cloud sea where the origin star domain is located, isn't his real body very close to here?

Thinking of this, the ancient wind quickly began to close his eyes and feel, trying to contact his real body. However, he was disappointed. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't have any feeling with his real body.

However, at this time, the man called Duan Changyi bowed his hands to the ancient wind and said, "master, the basic situation here has been roughly touched by the two subordinates before leaving. This star field is called the heaven devil star field by people here. There are 72 worlds in total. Here, like the origin star domain, all the big and small worlds revolve around the local star of Tianmo. The native star of Tianmo, called zumo star, dominates all big families in Tianmo world! "

"Zumo star, zumo star..."

The old wind murmured softly, but his heart was also slightly touched.

There is no need to explain more. He has seen through the basic structure here.

This star field is much larger than the origin star field. There are thousands of big and small stars rotating around the ancestral demon star.

Unfortunately, most of the stars are deserted. With the ancestral demon star, there are only 72 stars inhabited by creatures, which is called the 72 world.

At this point, the Tianmo star domain cannot be compared with the origin star domain. The origin star domain has only more than 300 stars in total, but there are people on all the more than 300 stars. A star is a world, all attached to the Cang family.

"Now, contact the Dharma protector to see if it works!"


They nodded, and then they really began to secretly contact Mu Qingqing.

The ancient wind himself looked at the ancestral demon star from a distance and murmured: "Tianmo world, Tianmo world, my ancient wind finally came. I haven't seen you for a long time! "

Whispering, the ancient wind slowly stepped forward.

His pace seems slow, but he is disillusioned step by step. One step is thousands of miles. The speed is fast to the extreme!

After a long time, he came to the sky outside the ancestral demon star. He looked down at the world below and felt a lot.

The demon world was once a place that made his heart tremble. Unexpectedly, now he dares to go alone.

The people here once wanted to capture him crazily, but now he himself came to the door. It really makes people sigh that things are changeable. This time, was he the demon star caught? Or is it because of this turmoil in the demon world?

The ancient wind did not set foot in the world below, but observed it.

This ancestral demon star can be regarded as a star. All the stars around it rotate around it. Its size is similar to the local origin star of Cang nationality. It can be regarded as a real big world.

After stopping for a long time, the corners of the ancient wind's mouth finally showed a slight smile, because he found an "acquaintance".


It is the fairy king of heaven, Moore Tongtian, who has dealt with himself many times,

Although, this name sounds like a very dignified and domineering man. But he himself is a woman who can no longer be enchanting.

She is coquettish and charming. She is a terrible woman with fatal temptation to men.

Through observation, the ancient wind found that namore was sitting in a secret cave, seemed to be closing the door and understanding the Tao, and was deeply immersed in it. Even if she has been peeped by the ancient wind, she has no perception!

"Hehe, I've known you for thousands of years. It's really rare to finally see your true self!"

Gu Feng smiled. He was very proud and seemed a little crazy.

Yes, he has known this female devil in red for thousands of years, but he has never seen the real body of this female devil. Every time, no matter where the female devil goes, what she sends out is separation. In, Gu Feng has seen her "die" several times!

At this moment, I hesitated a little. Under some impulse, he wanted to rush down directly and shoot the red demon. Because it's not easy to find the real body of this female demon.

However, on second thought, this is not your own style of behavior. What is a sneak attack on a woman? With their current strength, who is not easy to kill?

Therefore, the ancient wind directly rushed to the red female demon who was kneeling to understand the Tao and said, "old friend, come to the door, don't you come out to meet?"

This voice is straight to the heart of the female devil, and others will not hear it at all. On the contrary, the woman in red jumped up directly if she was struck by lightning!

On the spot, she looked around and shouted, "who? Who is peeping at the Buddha? "

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