"Qing Mei!"

The ancient wind shouted again, and a heart was broken in an instant.

It can be said that this is the first time he has seen Mu Qingqing suffer so much. At this moment, he wanted to suffer instead of Mu Qingqing.

Among his women, Mu Qingqing is undoubtedly the one who helped him the most. Mu Qingqing's overlord temperament is unparalleled in the world. This woman has helped ancient customs at a critical juncture countless times. Her majesty is immortal!

However, now the woman she loves deeply has encountered such hardships. How can the ancient wind calm down?

Finally, Gu Feng couldn't control his emotions. He directly shouted at nalanjing: "nalanjing, what did you do to my sister Qing?" At this moment, I wish I could fight with nalanjing. He really couldn't understand why the woman who used to love her deeply became like this!

On the other hand, facing the roar of the ancient wind, nalanjing appeared unusually calm and said coldly: "young boy, now I must formally correct you. I'm not your nalanjing. I'm the Lord of the devil in people's mouth. In the future, you can only call me the devil! "

"Lord of demons?"


Smelling the speech, Gu Feng's heart was shocked again. Finally, he was afraid of what came. Nalanjing really became the Lord of the devil!

I saw that with a wave of the devil's hand that day, Mu Qingqing's imprisonment was immediately released, making Mu Qingqing's yuan God directly return to the arms of the ancient wind.

At this time, I saw the Lord of the devil coldly say again: "young boy, you are satisfied. If it were my own character, the little girl would have been destroyed. Now returning her to you can be regarded as an end to my feelings for you. If we meet again later, we are bound to be swordsmen. Go ahead and let you disappear in front of me within ten seconds! "

"Presumptuous, no one has ever dared to give me an ultimatum like this!"

On the spot, Gu Feng was furious, which can be described as uncontrollable.

He doesn't care whether the person in front of him is mu Qingqing or the Lord of the devil. He only knew that the person in front of him had not reached the cultivation of the great empire. That was enough!

Under the great emperor, who can he fear?

"Where is Duan Changyi?"

"My subordinates are here!"

As soon as the voice of the ancient wind fell, a response came from the infinite universe.

Not long after, a man like an old man and a half came to him.

"Listen, I want you to escort the queen mother back immediately without any stay, okay?"

"Go back?"

Duan Changyi was stunned. Then he looked at nalanjing not far away, but he was shocked.

Although the two of them hid far away, they still saw what was happening here. They all know that the woman in front of them is the Lord of the devil!

The current situation is very clear. It is obvious that the leader of his own sect will officially fight with the Lord of the devil, otherwise he will not let himself escort the queen mother away.

However, can the leader of his own church defeat the woman in front of him? This is the great emperor of the past!

"I asked you to protect the queen mother back, didn't you hear?"

The voice of the ancient wind sounded again, very cold and full of indisputable taste.

"Subordinate... Subordinate, yes!"

Finally, Duan Changyi bowed to his command. Although he wanted to persuade the ancient style, he didn't dare to speak.

Similarly, there was only a weak yuan Shen's wood Qingqing, but also an anxious face. She wanted to persuade Gu Feng to stop, but Gu Feng directly banned her, so that she couldn't speak at all.

I saw that Gu fengchong eased his tone and chongmu Qingqing light Judo: "sister Qing, you have always been guarding me and helping me. This time, you have encountered such great difficulties. I must avenge you. No matter when, I will not let you suffer any injustice! "


Hearing the speech, Mu Qingqing couldn't speak, so he had to shake his head at the ancient wind with tears.

However, that section of Changyi had been ordered by the ancient wind and forcibly took her away.

"Hum!" On the other hand, the Demon Lord saw everything in his eyes that day and said coldly, "young boy, you should be glad that you are not the one you sent out today, otherwise I will swallow you alive!"

This voice is very small and soft. No one can hear it except the ancient wind itself.

Smelling the speech, Gu Feng's face changed instantly, and his whole back was soaked. Quickly asked, "you... You see through my essence?"

The ancient style at this time is really surprised, because so far, no one has found his details. Even emperor Xiao Yu didn't know he was moving. But the Lord of the devil who looked like nalanjing saw through all this, and it was really terrible.

Doesn't this mean that the man in front of him is more powerful than Emperor Yu?

"Well, well, you are worthy of being the Lord of the devil. Indeed, your means are beyond the reach of ordinary people!" The ancient wind nodded one after another, and his face was blue. Then he sneered again: "however, you should also be glad that I am only here today, otherwise you should be unlucky. At that time, I'd like to see who ate who! "

"Hum!" The Lord of the devil hummed coldly again. He looked at the ancient wind, sneered and shook his head one after another. Then he sighed, "young boy, you are too young. Otherwise, you wouldn't say such a thing. I used to be the great emperor... "

"Yes, that's good. That's the past!"

Gu Feng also sneered, and then directly punched the other party. A great war is coming!

It is worth mentioning that nalanjing had gathered together the four treasures of heaven and devil, and any of them is the top fairy king magic weapon.

Just say that the sky cutting magic sword can cut through the Canglang continent with one sword in the hands of a real immortal. When the four magic treasures are combined, their power will be even more terrible. In addition, now the consciousness of the Lord of demons is dominating everything, then this war is doomed to be terrible

Yes, the war directly affected the whole sky. I don't know how many voids have been broken, and how many stars have been broken. Even the power of war between them spread directly to the inhabited world.

Since the war, the whole star field was shocked. When people found that it was the demon lord fighting the demon star, the whole star domain was boiling. All those who had the ability rushed to the sky and watched!

On this day, it is destined to be recorded in history. This war is also regarded as a classic and watched by countless later people

In a deserted universe, a red figure silently watched the fierce war. After a long time, he murmured, "you... Why don't you listen to advice so much? How many chances do you have to win with the devil? "

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