"No, I have to go back. The divine court can no longer stand the toss!"

Thinking of this, Gu Feng got up directly and planned to rush back as soon as possible.

However, as soon as he got up, he hesitated again. His eyes fell into the depths of the vast universe and whispered again: "if I go back now, will not the Avenue I had understood become invalid?"

It can be said that now, for the ancient style, it can be regarded as the key moment of the avenue of enlightenment. Once you retreat, your previous efforts may be wasted, which is quite uneconomical.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Gu Feng decided to send a separate body back. As long as he appears in front of everyone, he can also stabilize the overall situation.

Do what you say, and the ancient style directly turns into a separate body. In order to prevent accidents, he specially strengthened his separated strength. If you really want to be serious, this separation is enough to have 70% of his original combat power.

Gu Feng believes that this separation is enough to deal with all changes.

At the same time, in order not to repeat the mistakes, the ancient style is separated from this one, leaving a way to convey messages to each other. After all this, the ancient wind separated this one and rushed back to the blue sky world as soon as possible.


When the ancient wind rushed back, it was already a month later. This day coincided with his "funeral". The whole Qingtian shenting is bustling!

Yes, it's a funeral. Qingtian shenting plans to bury him.

Although, that separate body has long been blasted into powder and dissipated between heaven and earth. But the people of the divine court still planned to get him a clothes grave.

After coming back, the ancient style did not appear directly, but hid the real face, so it mingled with the crowd.

After a while, he finally figured out what was going on. His original separation ran to fight the Lord of the devil. Because of her poor strength, she was killed in public by nalanjing, who turned into the Lord of the devil

After understanding all this, the ancient wind's heart was full of colic again. It's not that I love that one, but that I love nalanjing. Nalanjing, have you really become the Lord of demons? Isn't that what you're afraid of?

After knowing the truth, this part of the ancient wind wants to directly pass the news to the Buddha. However, at the thought that the Buddha was probably realizing the Tao, he gave up the idea.

Or that sentence, he thinks his separation is coming back,? Can stabilize the overall situation.

"What are these people doing? Even if you can't see that the dead are only separated, don't you know to check my life soul lamp? "

After some observation, the ancient custom found that the people of the whole Qingtian shenting, whether the king of the world, the elders, or Mu Qingqing or breaking the sky, were all dressed in mourning and kneeling in front of their holy places.

Look at that posture. It's definitely not a disguise. It's a little confusing, isn't it?

Isn't one of these people going to check the soul lamp?

On the other hand, Feng Lingzi, the elder of the divine court, was very calm at this time, although he was also dressed in hemp and filial piety. He served as the ceremonial officer of the whole ceremony!

"Only the elder knows my original life soul lamp. Does he deliberately hide the facts?"

Thinking of this, the ancient wind directly walked out of this own mourning hall. At the same time, he sent a message to Feng Lingzi: "elder, please come out!"


Hearing the speech, Feng Lingzi was stunned immediately. Immediately, he quietly walked out of the mourning hall and followed the footsteps of the ancient wind!

On a mountain ten thousand miles away from the shenting headquarters, the ancient wind stopped. He set up a bonfire and began to cook a pot of delicious food with his five-color tripod. He didn't have a spatula. Instead, he was a shining purple sword!

Although the sword is only more than three feet long, people familiar with ancient customs know that the sword is by no means an ordinary thing, and it is the chopping decision he performs every time he kills his opponent!

The delicacy is not yet ripe, but fenglingzi arrived first. When Feng Lingzi saw the purple sword in Gu Feng's hand, his back was wet!

At least ten feet away, he knelt down directly on his knee and shouted, "my subordinates, see the leader. May the leader be blessed and live longer than the sky!"

"Well, come and taste the delicious food I cooked for you!"

Gu Feng nodded gently, glanced at Feng Lingzi a little, and then directly asked Feng Lingzi to sit opposite him.

"Come on, this is a wild boar I caught unintentionally on this mountain. Although its essence is a little ordinary, it can become the best in the world after my cooking in Qingtian WANGDING! "

While talking, Gu Feng directly provoked the pig's head with his sword and handed it to Feng Lingzi.

Seeing this, Feng Lingzi was surprised again. He immediately knelt down against the ancient wind and shouted, "master, please stop your anger and listen to me!"

If you want to ask why Feng Lingzi is so surprised? In fact, it's easy to understand, because this move of ancient style is clearly a threat and a good warning.

He used his sword to kill the enemy and provoked a pig's head, which implied the meaning of "beheading". How can he not make Feng Lingzi tremble?

In the face of fenglingzi's fear, the ancient wind appears unusually calm. He smiled and said, "elder Feng, what are you doing? I just want to invite you to taste the delicious food I cooked for you. If you have anything to say to me, please eat and drink! "

While talking, Gu Feng took out a jar of his unique Wanjia jade wine again.

He was not stingy, but he gave a whole jar of wine directly to fenglingzi.


"Don't say anything first. Let's eat and drink!"

Gu Feng smiled, and then he opened a jar of wine and really ate it.

Seeing this, Feng Lingzi was stunned at first, and then he ate and drank with the ancient style.

However, the next scene turned Gu Feng's face completely black. He found that fenglingzi's jar of Wanjia jade wine gave birth to the spirit in the wine. The altar in my hand is ordinary


Seeing here, the ancient wind couldn't help scolding in his heart. It was very bad. However, there is nothing to do.

I'm kidding. What if I feel bad again? It's impossible to grab that jar, right?

However, what made Gu Feng vomit blood was that Feng Lingzi, a heartless old man, turned a blind eye to the fairy in the wine, and didn't show any surprise at all. He raised the wine jar and poured it like water!

God, isn't this a monster? You must be struck by thunder if you spoil things like this!

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