While talking, Gu Feng also deliberately glanced at the group of fairy kings from the origin star domain with his eyes. Although he didn't say much, he made the group of people feel "cluttered", and they were all frightened.

They know that the leader is warning himself that if one doesn't do well, he may really lose his life.

"I wish the sect leader to understand the nature of heaven and earth as soon as possible!"

After a short shock, one of the Cang fairy kings with purple marks on his head was the first to kneel down against the ancient wind. With this person taking the lead, more people knelt down one after another. In the main hall, there were voices

"Well, you all step back. I will be closed in the future. If there is no emergency, no one can disturb me, okay?"

"I see!"

"Well, let's go!"

Gu Feng waved his hand, then turned and left directly.

For what happened today, he chose to bear it and did not intend to pursue anyone. If he really wants to be investigated, his generals will also disappoint him.

With the departure of ancient customs, today's farce is completely over.

Then, the news that the leader was not dead soon spread all over the blue sky world, causing the whole blue sky world to boil again, and there were cheers everywhere.

To tell the truth, if the ancient style is really gone, the Qingtian divine court is likely to collapse. Because if you look at the whole temple, you can't find the second person who is suitable to succeed the leader.

If the ancient customs are really gone, falling apart and going their own way, perhaps it is the best outcome. If it's worse, it's likely that they will fight separately, and the blue sky world will return to the chaos of the ancient world

Five days later, Gu Feng was in his bedroom.

The ancient wind leaned on the head of the bed and hugged Mu Qingqing in his arms. They leaned against each other and were affectionate.

Mu Qingqing slowly raised her head, gently touched the ancient wind's chin and asked, "wind, what's the matter with all this? Last time I was in the demon world... "

"Qing Mei, can't you see that? The last time I died in the devil Kingdom, it was just a part of me! "


"Yes, if it weren't for separation, how could it be so easy to be killed?"

While talking, Gu Feng also bowed his head and nodded on Mu Qingqing's little red lips. At the same time, a gentle smile hung from the corners of his mouth.

Then, Gu Feng gently stroked Mu Qingqing's smooth and white shoulder with his palm and said, "the last farce was purely Feng Lingzi's idea. He launched a big test for all of you behind my back! "

"Test?" Hearing the speech, Mu Qingqing's eyebrows immediately wrinkled. He hummed coldly on the spot and scolded: "do you want to die? Even I have become the object of the test? "

Thinking of this, Mu Qingqing's heart really filled with anger. Because she remembered that day, Feng Lingzi deliberately asked herself whether to succeed the leader. If you nod your head, won't you get it directly?

"Hehe, younger sister Qing, calm down. I've scolded him!"

While talking, Gu Feng bowed his head again and forced a kiss on Mu Qingqing's lips.

Then he continued: "elder Feng, in fact, this is also a kind intention. He wants to thoroughly test everyone's sincerity to me and to the divine court while I'm away. It's just that there's obviously something wrong with his method. Now, even if you know who has a problem with his sincerity, so what? "

"He is an old fool. If he could tell me the truth earlier, I wouldn't agree with him!"

Mu Qingqing scolded again. On that exquisite little face, all were indignant. She really can't accept the fact that fenglingzi even tests herself.

"Hey!" At this time, the ancient wind gave a faint sigh. Whispered: "fenglingzi is really damn. He not only embarrassed you, but also embarrassed me. Tell me now, how should I treat those two unfilial sons? "

"What else can we do? Just stay with me as usual. You can't die, and they can't have a chance to inherit the throne. So we can only treat it as usual. Just don't give them too much power in the future! "

"Well, what Qing Mei said is very true!" Gu Feng nodded noncommittally, then sighed again and whispered, "Alas, pity my three sons. Two of them are so rebellious, but the rest are missing. If... "

At this point, the ancient wind bowed his head again and looked at Mu Qingqing. Then his face showed a few bad smiles. He continued, "if only you could give me a son? Or... "

"Or what?"

"Why don't we create one? Hey, hey! "

"Nerve, I've been crazy with you for three days. Don't you think it's enough?"

Mu Qingqing glared at Gu Feng unhappily, and then got up directly to escape from Gu Feng's magic grasp.

As she said, she has been with the ancient wind absurd for three days. In these three days, the ancient wind sprinkled hundreds of millions of elite soldiers on her body. But she knows that these elite soldiers will be destroyed, and none of them will break through the barrier

"I say you, the great leader of a sect, the demon star that makes all heaven and all worlds tremble, how can you say some absurd words? You and I have achieved this accomplishment. Can we still have children? "

"Oh, I'm just fantasy, fantasy!"

The old wind smiled and stopped talking about it.

To tell the truth, he was a little regretful at this time. Why didn't Mao sprinkle more romantic seeds when he was young? If he had thirty or fifty sons at a time, how many would be filial?

"Feng, what are you going to do with sister LAN next?"

"What else can I do? Let her go. As you said, don't give them too much power in the future! "

Gu Feng smiled bitterly, and then solemnly chongmuqingqing said, "sister Qing, I have to solemnly ask you for one thing. The boy of longevity has a deep mind and is probably holding his heart. Please stare at him more for me when I'm away in the future!"

"This is nature!"


Mu Qingqing, who has been tired of the ancient wind for three days, did not stay here. She has not fully recovered from her injury and needs to continue to be closed and recuperated.

Originally, the ancient wind intended to be quiet, and then directly announced the closure. However, purple ling'er came to his bedroom again

"Oh, my soul baby, why are you so free?"

Gu Feng smiled and directly opened his arms to take Zi linger into his arms.

However, purple ling'er was quite shameless and directly frowned at him.

I'm free every day, but it's really difficult to see you, because you're too busy

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