"Longevity, there are countless opportunities in this world. Go and find it yourself. In case of danger, you can inform me directly!"

Before the voice fell, the figure of the ancient style completely disappeared, only looking at it for a long time.

He shouted on the spot, "father, where are you going? Don't you take me? "

At this time of his life, he seemed very anxious. He shouted loudly, but it was a pity that the ancient wind didn't pay attention to him at all.

To say that,? At this time, the ancient customs have almost reached the point of hating longevity. How can they bring longevity together?

To put it mildly, if Changsheng had not been his own son, he would have killed Changsheng long ago. He doesn't like such a thoughtful person.


The ancient wind went all the way southeast, about millions of miles away. Unfortunately, he still didn't find any creatures, which made his eyebrows frown higher and higher.

He was thinking, is it difficult for this world to really have no life? Not even any aborigines?

This is completely illogical, because the world itself is too suitable for survival and cultivation. How can life not be born?

Also, what about qingtianpeng and his party? Have they arrived here yet?

Zixiahan, where are they? Where are the two big monks? Where's Wang Shihai?

Everyone is gone and has no information. It's called that the frown of the ancient wind is getting higher and higher, and I'm at a loss.

"It's impossible. The world should never be like this. There must be a reason!"

The old wind whispered and simply stopped going. He sat on the top of a mountain and began to operate his demon star origin. He wanted to peep into all the mysteries. He didn't believe that there was no one in the world.

However, the ancient wind was disappointed again. After the demon star origin was operated, he scanned all the areas hundreds of millions of miles around. Unfortunately, he still didn't find any creatures. It seems that there really is no life in this world.

Another thing that shocked the ancient style was that he found that no matter how far he looked, he never found the edge of the world. It seems that the world is really boundless and endless

Another thing that shocked the ancient wind was that when I looked up at the sky, I didn't see the so-called "sky" at all. Looking into the distance, there is an infinite abyss. There are no stars at all!

This discovery makes the whole back of the ancient style cool. It's incredible to call directly. It's simply subverting your understanding of the world!

"Hum, I don't believe it. I can't find anything!"

The ancient style at this moment seems to be a bull's temper. He increased the scope of scanning

Suddenly, his heart was startled. Because he found a strange sight 500 million miles away in the southeast!

It looks like a tornado, sweeping directly from the ground to the sky. It's very spectacular. However, it is not a real tornado, because it is constant and looks more like a vortex channel

"What's that? Is it a world passage? But where does it lead? "

The ancient wind was confused. Without any hesitation, he set off directly and ran towards the vortex.

So far, this is the first strange thing he has found. He wanted to see what the vortex that looked like a channel was. Isn't it a black hole?

After locking the position, the ancient wind rushed away. It took him a long time to finally come near the vortex!

When he was hundreds of miles away from the vortex, the ancient wind stopped, because he found that the vortex was really like a black hole swallowing all things, in which the terrible swallowing force was flowing, constantly swallowing the essence of the whole heaven and earth, making people afraid to approach.

"What the hell? Why are there black holes here? Is this another world passage? "

The old wind frowned and wondered.

Because he deeply knew the horror of the black hole, he didn't intend to get close, but sat up. He planned to use the demon star origin to peep into the essence of the black hole.

In fact, the diameter of this black hole is not big. It looks like one or two miles at most. It's not spectacular at all. It can't be compared with any black hole seen by the ancient wind.

However, such a seemingly insignificant black hole surprised him in a cold sweat

Man, he found a giant with a length of 100 feet in the middle of the black hole, so he lay on the top of the black hole. It looks like a deep sleep!

What shocked the ancient wind even more was that he found that all the essence energy swallowed by the black hole had been absorbed by the man. In other words, the man lying in the depths of the black hole is actually swallowing the essence of the whole heaven and earth!

This... This is incredible, isn't it? Who the hell is this man?

Is this a great emperor?

Gu Feng's heart was severely shocked. He decided to have a look. He wanted to see what the man looked like and whether he knew him or not?

However, when Gu Feng really saw the man's face, the whole man was scared and took a breath. Even his whole body turned back violently and fell several times in a row!

So the question is, who is the man lying in the black hole? Why is the ancient style so shocked?

The answer is - God!

Yes, it is God. The person lying in the depths of the black hole is God. The ancient wind will never admit his mistake.

Although he had not seen the real God, he had seen the projection of God and the golden statue of God in the ancestral temple of the Cang family. The three looks as like as two peas, and they belong to the same person.


Gu Feng was so frightened that he took a breath again, and his whole face became white. This time, he was really scared and confused.

God, is this the real body of God?

If the man lying deep in the black hole is really the real body of God, what is the world? Here, is it the legendary "heaven"?

The ancient style at this moment was really shocked, stunned and at a loss.

Suddenly, when the ancient wind was stunned and at a loss, there was a strong breath behind him.

Almost subconsciously, he turned directly.

However, when he found out the situation, he was startled into a cold sweat. Because he found that at some time, three people appeared behind him!

These three people are no strangers to ancient customs. One of them is the Cangzhou devil peeped through the black hole. The other two are Qingzhou devil and Zezhou devil.

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