Yes, what is displayed in people's eyes at this time is the former Gongde mountain and the former Qingtian holy courtyard.

The former Gongde mountain is the most suitable place for cultivation in the whole world. The former Qingtian holy courtyard is the Holy Land yearned for by the whole world. Countless people come to make a pilgrimage every day

But now, not only can't I see anyone here, but even the proud merit monument is incomplete. It's really sad.

Just opposite the Gongde mountain, there is also a Qingtian temple, which was built before the Qingtian holy courtyard was established. Originally, it was also a place of pilgrimage, where every friar came at least once in his life. At this time, it also collapsed. Even the antique golden statues are covered with cobwebs

Dong Dong!

Seeing this scene, the ancient wind's heart is bleeding and twisted like a knife. He really couldn't understand why Haize mainland became what it is now. Is this really not God's poison?

"Wait, isn't there another world tree? What about the world tree? "

Suddenly, the ancient wind's face changed again, and immediately put all his attention on the place where the merit monument was located. Because the former world tree is hidden above the merit monument.

However, no matter what he thought, he never found any signs of the world tree. It seems that the world tree has never appeared at all.

On the other hand, in the face of the shock of the ancient style, God smiled and whispered, "yes, this is what I want you to see. Originally, there is indeed a world tree here. However, due to human greed, the world tree has been dug away! "

"What? Who has the courage to dig the world tree? Don't you want to live? "

This surprise was no small matter. It made my nose smoke with ancient wind. He was thinking, who is so stupid that even the world tree should be destroyed?

In the face of the shock of ancient customs, God directly covered the whole picture, resulting in the disappearance of Haize continent in the eyes of everyone immediately.

He whispered to the old wind, "just now, you keep saying that the way of heaven is unfair. Now do you see the consequences of fairness? Originally, the saints in the world were not obvious and the God King was respected, but you think the way of heaven is unfair to here, so you have forcibly changed all this. "

"It is true that the monks in that world are indeed a little weak, but their lives will not be too long. But at the very least, they can live there safely forever. "

"It is precisely because of you that the monks there gradually began to become stronger. Once their strength became stronger, their Yu hopes expanded. At the same time, they also had the ability to destroy the sky and the earth, which forcibly destroyed their own homes..."


In an instant, the old wind's brain exploded. At this moment, he seemed to understand everything. He didn't need God to go on.

God is right. When the strength is strong, Yu hope will expand. That's how the world tree should be dug away.

Gu Feng remembered that when he first set foot in this world, people above the God King were not allowed to have a war at will. The war above God King must be carried out outside the sky. Because the world is relatively too fragile to withstand the impact of.

At that time, there were few divine kings, and everyone could well abide by this agreement.

However, as more and more people set foot in the realm of God King and sage, who can take care of that agreement? As soon as the monk's temper comes up, he often starts to fight directly. Together with the war, it will only be the earth under his feet and innocent civilians.

There is no doubt that the world was destroyed precisely because of wars.

To put it bluntly, the small temple simply can't hold the great God. How could the land of Haize, which could only accommodate a small number of divine kings, hold so many saints? Even immortals?

"See? This is the consequence of your forcible intervention in heaven. Now, can you still say that heaven is unfair? For the simplest example, if the world is full of rich people, who will work? Who will work? No one works. What do we eat? If the world becomes an emperor, who will rule who? In the end, it will be a catastrophe after all... "

The voice of God sounded again in real time, calling the ancient wind speechless. At the same time, it directly shocked his heart and reached his heart of Tao.

What is his Tao heart? That is to make everyone happy, free and equal.

But can it really be so?

If everyone is free and everyone is equal, who will rule who in this world? Without a real ruler, wouldn't the whole world really be in chaos?

The ancient style at this moment seems confused. Is your way wrong?

The next second, the ancient wind suddenly shook his head and immediately drove away all the negative emotions in his mind.

He knows that there is nothing wrong with his way. The freedom he pursues refers to the mind, the unbound mind and the liberation of the soul!

make love!

Just when the ancient wind was a little speechless, there was a series of slapping sounds from the horizon, which immediately stunned everyone.

Everyone looked back, but was shocked to find that a silver "Ribbon" was slowly sweeping away.

The next second, everyone made it clear that it was not a ribbon at all, but a long river of time and space. Soon, a dignified man with silver hair stepped out of the long river


For a moment, the people present took another breath, and they were all frightened. Because they found that the breath emitted by the silver haired man was so terrible that it was almost the same as the breath circulated by God!

The great!

There is no accident. The visitor is a great emperor. It can't be fake.

Since he is riding the long river of time and space, it shows that he is the legendary emperor of time and space. This is the only one who is not afraid of the passage of time. No matter how ruthless the years are, they can't kill him.

In a sense, he is more terrible than God. Because he can shuttle freely between the past and the future. Even if he is dead now, he can resurrect in the past or appear in the future!

So, this is a real terror boss!


In an instant, Gu Feng's heart was shocked and shouted at the emperor of time and space on the spot.

To speak of, he has had two intersections with the emperor of time and space. The first time was when he set foot in the desert sea and was trapped on a desert island. At that time, his consciousness was brought back to the era of cutting heaven in ancient times by the emperor of time and space. That is, from that time, he learned some basic information about the Empero

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