"In this life, I am your person, and I should be inseparable from you. In the next life, I would like to turn into butterflies with you and wander around the world... "

Hu xun'er also murmured, and immediately turned into a snow-white Nine Tailed sky fox, following the footsteps of Qing Tianpeng!

Later, Zheng Wudao also offered a long gun and killed it. Then more people left one after another. Even, including breaking the sky and following muqingqing, they all killed them.

Now, there are only his two sons, Changsheng and Aotian, left by Gufeng.

Changsheng first looked at the ancient style and saw that the ancient style had no expression. He finally embarked on the journey. As soon as he left, Aotian was the only one left.

He did not go out to fight, and intentionally or unintentionally, he kept a little distance from the ancient style. The performance of ancient style is even more puzzling. From the beginning to the end, he never saw Ao Tian at all. It seems that he doesn't care about Aotian's life, death and future.

All the top ten generals left, and the scene seemed to be deserted all of a sudden.

Then, the Buddha looked at his disciples and whispered, "the world often misunderstands us and says we are hypocritical. I think it's time to prove my Buddhism. Killing a demon is equivalent to saving one party. Go! "

"Well, it's our turn. Let's go!"

The Tathagata also announced the Buddha's name, and then left with the Wuxu Buddha.

As soon as they left, zixiahan and a group of people left one after another. They also embarked on a journey to remove demons!

After the group left, the scene became more quiet.

However, the ancient wind still didn't look at anyone more. He just stared at the God who had returned to the black hole. After half a ring, he whispered, "is it over? What does he mean? " The ancient style at this moment was a little confused, and then turned to the emperor of time and space.

He was very curious. Did God not intend to devour himself? Or do you really have to wait until you become emperor?

Facing the eyes of the ancient wind, the emperor of time and space also frowned slightly. Then he said, "we don't care about him. When the time comes, he will die naturally. Even if he devours the whole universe, it won't help! "


A word, let the ancient wind change color on the spot. Is God really going to die? Will be buried by years?

"Well... What shall we do now?"

"Now, go out and grab the chance. In this great disaster, whoever takes the most credit is most likely to take the lead in becoming emperor!"

The words of the time and space emperor were very simple. After a word, his eyes fell directly into the vast universe below.

Smell speech, Gu Feng's face also slightly changed, as if he understood everything.

Without any hesitation, he rushed out directly and joined the expedition.

As soon as the ancient wind left, the people on the scene could no longer sit still and killed the vast universe and the world.

The words of the emperor of time and space are very clear. In this world destruction, whoever has made the greatest contribution is most likely to take the lead in becoming emperor. Who dares to neglect?

After everyone left, the whole "heaven" was immediately trapped. No one could enter except the endless essence of heaven and earth

After leaving the "heaven", the ancient wind went directly to a place he was most familiar with - the xuanhuang five regions.

He came here because all his relatives were here.

Here, there are his parents, his former wife, his former clan, the great demon who helped him conquer Kyushu, and a Qingtian sect

It's just that the disaster of heaven and earth hasn't spread here yet, and everything is still in time.

The ancient wind landed in the former holy land, that is, the location of the former fairy house. Although it has been robbed, it is still the center of the whole world and the most prosperous place in the whole world.

When the ancient wind came here, his eyebrows immediately frowned, because he found that the whole world was also deeply shrouded in a shadow. The atmosphere of the whole world has become extremely depressed, which seems to be too much compared with his blue sky world. Let's just say that this place is about to usher in a great disaster!

"Well, well, since I'm not late, let me save the world!"

The ancient wind murmured, then rose into the sky, and then slowly unfolded its own small world, slowly enveloping the whole xuanhuang continent

The reason why he did this is that the whole world will be destroyed. If these people stay here, they will die. It has nothing to do with whether to kill the devil, even if all the devil are killed,? This place will still be robbed!

The five regions of Xuan and Huang are too big for the old style, which is boundless. So that he wanted to go to the holy land, but he wanted to say "farewell" to the people of Bahuang. But now, the xuanhuang continent is too small for the ancient wind, so small that he can directly cover the whole continent with the world in his body!

When the whole sky was shrouded, the dull depression immediately disappeared, causing countless people to look up at the sky. However, a new shock came again. Some powerful monks had found that the world was shrouded in an invisible net

So, some people just want to break out of the shackles and escape.

However, at this time, the voice of the ancient wind sounded: "I am the ancient wind. Don't panic. I'm here to save you!"


Hearing the speech, countless people's hearts were shocked, and all were scared to turn white.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree. The reputation of ancient style has long been spread all over the world.

Although he hasn't come back here for many years, the people here are still praising his story.

"It's the old wind little Lord who is back, it's the old wind little Lord who is back..."

A strange cry came from the place where the holy land was located. It was an old brother golden bull before the ancient wind.

Not long ago, several big demons rushed to the sky to look for traces of ancient customs.

However, the cold voice of the ancient wind sounded at this time: "don't move, all return to where you should stay, you need to protect my parents!"

"Yes, little Lord!"

After many years, the cultivation of these big demons has reached the level of primary true immortals. They can be regarded as very powerful monks for the world. However, such cultivation is too weak for the whole world.

"Gu Feng, you finally came back..."

On an island in the depths of the remote barren sea, a woman in gorgeous clothes raised her head and murmured. She has a very complicated smile on her face. She is the old wind's former wife, Zhong Yun, that is, Xiao Tian's biological mother!

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