In other words, Emperor Yu himself has fused five of his nine parts, while Emperor Yu has only fused four. Emperor Xiao Yu could never compete with emperor Da Yu.

What's more, there were five generals with the same combat effectiveness around emperor Dayu. Even, there are more than a dozen people who follow the ancient customs. At this time, they are also eyeing. What should we do?

"You... Do you really want to do this?"

Emperor Yu stared round and stared at Emperor Yu and the people who followed him.

At this time, he felt so helpless and desperate. He was frightened, he hesitated, there was nothing he could do

However, Emperor Yu's face was cold and his attitude was firm.

He nodded vigorously and affirmed: "yes, integration is our only way out, otherwise we can't return to the top of the wind and cloud, and we have no choice!"

"No, no, you and I have long been independent. Even if we don't integrate,? You can also become emperor through real cultivation! "

At this time, Emperor Xiao Yu was very frightened. While talking, he couldn't help shrinking back.

"No, none of us can become emperor, because the opportunity to become emperor belongs to the ancient style. The only way out for us to become emperor is integration! " Emperor Yu approached again. Seeing that Emperor Yu was still frightened, he said again: "come on, you don't need to be so afraid. After integration, I won't erase all your memories. After integration, you are me and I am you!"

"No, I don't want to integrate. Even if I can't become emperor, I don't want to integrate with you!"

Emperor Xiao Yu still retreated, but then he glared at the generals of the ancient wind. Roared: "what are you doing? Is it true that you people of Qingtian divine court want to turn your face so ruthlessly? Ask yourself, how much have I helped you? How much have I helped your leader? Why are you persecuting me now? "


Hearing the speech, a group of people in Qingtian shenting really didn't open their eyes. They all lowered their heads and felt a little unjustified.

At this time, Emperor Yu was really a little flustered. He urgently wanted to get the assistance of Qingtian shenting. However, the people of Qingtian shenting not only didn't help themselves, but also wanted to help Emperor Yu, which made Emperor Yu's heart fall to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

Immediately, he suddenly looked at the robbery sea in the distance and shouted, "ancient wind, you come out, I want you to stand up and say a fair word!"

The roar was very desperate and desolate. Emperor Yu only felt that he was wronged, that the ancient wind and the people of the whole Qingtian shenting were so amorous. At the same time, he felt that the way of heaven was not fair

As he said, since his birth, how much has he helped the ancient wind and the divine court? What is available? What he gets is often revenge for kindness, often ungrateful. Now it's better to take your own life!

Although emperor Xiao Yu knew that the ancient wind might not be able to hear his cry, he still took a chance. He hoped that Gu Feng could stand up for himself and seek justice for himself!


The miracle happened. When everyone looked at the sea robbery, there was a sigh of the ancient wind from there. He called Xiao Yu emperor and stared round his eyes in an instant.

He shouted again, "ancient wind, you come out. I want you to stand up and say a fair word for me. Should my fate be so unfair? I want to ask you, did I help you less before? Why did you do this to me? "

Then, everyone present turned their eyes to the sea of robbery. Everyone wanted to see how the ancient wind should answer.

In fact, for the current ancient customs, the best way is not to respond. Because, whether it was Emperor Yu or Emperor Yu, he could not intervene in all this. If you helped Emperor Yu, wouldn't you want to entrap Emperor Yu and make him unable to return to his peak? If he helped emperor Dayu, wouldn't he really become an ungrateful villain?

However, everyone heard the sigh, which proved that he knew what was happening outside and heard the cry of emperor Xiao Yu.

"Emperor Yu, I know that fate is very unfair to you. Perhaps, your birth itself is a mistake. In fact, the ending of your moment was doomed as early as the moment you were born. Don't you count it in your heart? "

Finally, the voice of the ancient wind came out from inside, and Emperor Yu's face turned pale in an instant.

What does archaic wind mean? Is it clear that you don't care about yourself?

"Gu Feng, are you really so mean? Is it really so difficult for you to come out and say a fair word? Have you forgotten my help to you before? "


The ancient wind sighed again, calling Xiao Yu's heart half cold again.

The ancient wind continued: "Emperor Yu, you can see that this is the end result of life. How do you ask me to intervene? Not long ago, my sister, my disciples, my beauty and the women who love me were all fused by Yu Hu? What can I do? In the final analysis, this is all your own business. The only thing I can do is not to help anyone or care about anyone. I hope you can understand me! "


In an instant, Emperor Yu's face turned pale again.

No doubt, the old-fashioned answer wiped out his only hope. At this point, he could no longer count on anyone.

What should I do? Does it really belong to fate?

"Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha..."

A long, shrill scream came out of Emperor Yu's mouth, which made many people's hearts pull hard, and many people moved their hearts of compassion!

Indeed, Emperor Xiao Yu has never done anything to lose his virtue since his birth. On the contrary, he knew his fate would be miserable. In order to get rid of the established fate, he tried to accumulate merit... He opened up Xiao Yutian and provided a shelter for countless survivors of natural disasters. In order to make the world less a magic map, he worked harder to persuade Wang Shihai to change his evil ways

But does all this work? No matter how much merit he has accumulated, he will end up being swallowed up. The injustice of heaven seems to be reflected in him again, and it is still so incisive

"Just, just, just..."

With another sad smile, Emperor Yu sat down and seemed to have given up his struggle.

He rushed to Emperor Dayu not far away and said, "after integration, I don't need any dominance. My only wish is to retain all my memories and a wisp of my consciousness at the same time. I want to see the end... "

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