At this time, the ancient wind was a little confused. He was sure that the sound must be breaking the sky, but the question is, why does breaking the sky have the ability to attack this black hole? Dare you shout with God? Did he become emperor?

Doesn't it mean that only one person can become emperor in an era? Now, Emperor Cheng's opportunity has been occupied by himself. How did Shatian do it?

The next second, before the ancient wind wanted to understand this problem, the whole black hole heard a loud bang again, and shook violently. Including the real body of God, it was bumpy at this time.

At the same time, the voice of the broken sky came in again: "God, get out and let my old brother Gu Feng go quickly, or I will break your nest immediately!"

It's absolutely breaking the sky. This time, the ancient style is very sure. It must not be fake.

Soon, the ancient wind figured out the problem that bothered him just now.

Indeed, only one person can become emperor in an era. After this opportunity is robbed by yourself, no one will want to become emperor again.

The reason why he can become emperor is that what he practices is not an ordinary method at all. His way of cultivation is only according to his own realm.

Previously, when Gu Feng knew him, he was a black hairy dog. Later, he swallowed many Immortal King bones, which promoted him to the realm of red hairy dog. Is it true that today's broken sky has been promoted to the position of golden hair?

In other words, the realm of golden hair is not the realm of the great emperor, but equivalent to the realm of the great emperor. So,? The broken sky is not bound by the rules of heaven and earth. As long as his own conditions are met, he can evolve into the ultimate form of reality - golden hair!

Once, someone made an image introduction to Zhenyu: jumping out of the three realms, not invisible. Therefore, the external rules of heaven and earth can not bind his cultivation realm!

Boom, boom!

Outside the black hole, there was a violent explosion. At this moment, those involved in attacking the black hole are not only the sky breaking, but also the great emperor of space and time and the great Yu emperor!

Their offensive, it seems very rapid, it seems that they are really going to blow the black hole to pieces!

Inside the black hole, God's face never changed. He just stared at the ancient wind and didn't speak for a long time. He breathed slowly, but every breath would take away a large amount of energy from the ancient wind!

After watching the ancient wind for a long time, he sighed slightly and said, "yes, I know it's destiny, but I'm still going against it!"

Hearing the speech, Gu Feng's heart suddenly rejoiced and shouted on the spot: "since you know this is a perverse act, won't you let me go? If you will stop now, I will bring you to a good end. On the contrary, if you insist on going against the will of heaven, I will join hands with the emperors and let you die without a burial place! "

"..." God didn't answer. It seemed that he was really thinking about the ancient style. When he called the ancient style, he became nervous immediately.

So he shouted again, "what are you hesitating about? As you can see, the emperors have gathered here. Even if you don't let me go, they can crush your nest and rescue me. At that time, I will join hands with them to attack you. Your end will be very miserable. You can do it yourself! "

After shouting, Gu Feng looked at God nervously again. He prayed silently. He prayed that his "moving heart" could move God!

However, God's next words completely let an ancient wind's heart fall into the ice cellar. God shook his head slowly and said, "don't be naive. Do you think I really care about the attack of the emperors? You think I really care about the noise outside? Once I was also a great emperor. Compared with my qualifications, I am older than any of you. In addition, I have controlled the way of heaven for five eras. In terms of strength, who do you think can be my opponent? "


Smelling the speech, Gu Feng's face collapsed in an instant, and there was no refutation at all.

If we understand it according to God's words, doesn't it mean that the emperors have no chance of winning?

What more days? So many great emperors have spent so much time and effort. Are they destined to draw water with a bamboo basket? Not even qualified to fight with God?

Seeing that the ancient wind didn't speak, God's voice rang again: "to tell you the truth, among you, except that the emperor of time and space is a little difficult, the rest can't turn over any waves in my eyes. Even if you are all tied together, it is difficult to shake me. I am not afraid of your expedition! "

"Ha ha, that sounds good!" His words immediately made Gu Feng's face livid. At this time, he could only sneer. Then he said coldly, "I know, you say all this may be true. But there are still things you fear in this world, aren't there? "


Smell speech, God didn't answer, it was acquiescence.

Seeing this, the old wind sneered again and said, "I guess what you fear most is nothing more than two things. The first is the years, the second is the way of heaven, right? Years can deprive you of your life, and the way of heaven can make you dare not violate it, right? "


Hearing the speech, God was silent again and didn't answer at all. It is estimated that he tacitly accepted the ancient saying.

Indeed, when it comes to years, who can be afraid? The reason why God mercilessly devours the aura of all sentient beings is to resist the power of years.

In this world, it seems that there is only the time and space emperor, who is not afraid of the passage of years. Because he can shuttle between the past and the future at will. This is why God said that the emperor of time and space was the most difficult person.

In fact, in the previous expeditions, all the great emperors died. Only the time and space emperor survived all the time. He was the biggest winner in the world.

Even, the specific age of the time and space Emperor may be comparable to God!

The scene was silent. Even if the attack outside was fierce, it could not affect their conversation at all.

After the silence, God sighed slightly. Whispered: "there's a saying you love most. That's to be able to live. Who wants to die? Similarly, including me, I don't want to die. I also want to continue to live! "

"But you have lived for five centuries. You have lived long enough. Do you know how many people have to die for your own life? "

The ancient wind roared. It was really angry. To tell the truth, he was really surprised to hear such words from God. It seemed that he couldn't believe it. Does God mean to speak? Doesn't he know the cost of his survival?

At this time, the ancient style is indeed very angry, but God is unusually calm.

He looked at the ancient wind in such a daze. After a long time, he whispered, "don't say this to me, because it's useless. From the moment I ascended the imperial realm, my heart has been cold. I will not have ripples in my heart for anyone's death. In my eyes, all living beings are ants, and I am the only one... "

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