"Broken sky?"

In an instant, the ancient wind stared round his eyes and couldn't help laughing. Because he found that the monster with long green hair was the real broken sky who had always called him his brother. As for the reason for laughing, that's why Po Tian is doing his old job at this time - lying on the bones!

However, at this time, the broken sky has not evolved into the form of black. Now he is still in a confused period, almost without much wisdom.

In the past, the ancient wind heard a Buddhist monk say about the evolution of golden hair.

If you want to transform into golden hair, the conditions can only be described as harsh. First of all, you must first cultivate your physical body to an extreme. After death, you must reach an immortal corpse state that cannot be eroded by years.

After countless years of evolution, immortal corpses begin to die and live, and can move around. However, in the initial stage, it can not be called "zombie", but zombie. They are walking corpses, jumping corpses and flying corpses... If some conditions are met, the corpses will begin to grow white hair. At that time, they can be called true corpses.

After the white hair, there is green hair, then green hair, and finally black hair, red hair, and the ultimate form - golden hair!

The broken sky of later generations can be regarded as the perfection of Tao. He successfully evolved himself into the ultimate form. Although jinmaoyu is not really the great emperor, its own realm is also equivalent to the realm of the great emperor. In fact, his power is not weaker than any great emperor. He can be proud of the world

Of course, it's still 200000 years ago. At this time, the broken sky is not so powerful. He's just a relatively low-grade green hair. It will take him another 200000 years to evolve to the ultimate form!


When the ancient wind looked at the green hair, the green hair also found the ancient wind. From his mouth, he kept making a low roar like an animal roar.


Seeing this, the ancient wind's eyebrows immediately wrinkled. Is it difficult to break the sky and still want to attack yourself? He doesn't know how many times better than him?


The green feather roared again, as if he was particularly angry. Roaring together, he waved his fist and took the initiative to attack and kill.


Seeing this, the old-fashioned eyebrow was wrinkled again, but he didn't make any fighting posture. He stood still and let the green hair shoot him straight!


A series of harsh sounds sounded. The ancient wind clearly saw that the green hairy fist was breaking. It was a left arm

In just a short time, the whole fist of green hair was gone, and the broken arm extended to the middle section of the forearm. His fist hit the hardest immortal gold

Seeing this, the green haired man seemed to be scared out of a cold sweat. He immediately retreated and dared not attack the ancient style again. He just stared at the ancient wind, his face full of anger.

At this time, the ancient wind is black with a face and staring at the broken sky silently.

In order not to let Po Tian continue to attack him, he slowly used his own great emperor breath. Unconsciously, the power of his taboo flows out slowly

When the broken sky felt the origin of the demon star on the ancient wind, his face immediately changed. He slowly raised his broken left arm. After two eyes, he turned and ran!


Seeing this, the ancient style showed a trace of suspicion.

The next second, he suddenly patted his forehead, as if he understood a lot of things at once.

Later generations, when he knew Po Tian, didn't Po Tian just lack half of his left arm? Feelings, this is their own good thing? In addition, the reason why the broken sky of later generations will directly surrender to themselves after using the demon star origin is also because of this moment?

At this moment, I really don't know what to say. Although he tried his best to control himself from interfering with anything in this time and space, he still broke his arm.

But then again, is this their own intervention? Or is it an evolution of events?

The ancient wind didn't chase the sky and let it go. Because he knew that after experiencing this, there was already a psychological shadow in the heart of Shatian. When he saw himself again, he would obediently surrender

For fear of interfering in this time and space, the ancient wind decided to continue to practice in isolation.

This time, he set foot on the horizon where the Cang family was located. Through the two boundary channels, he went directly to the sea of stars and clouds. However, he did not go to the origin star domain, because on the local land of the Cang family, there is a golden statue dedicated to the God. If he can't get it right, it is easy for the God to perceive his position.

The ancient wind began to wander in the nebula sea. After decades of searching, he finally found a galaxy with strong heaven and earth aura and no living activities. He settled on that star and continued to start the journey of cultivation.

Time goes by slowly, one year, two years, five years, ten years, fifty years, one hundred years

A hundred years later, the ancient wind opened his eyes. When he saw the changes around him, his whole heart was pulled together. Because he found that such a big galaxy had dried up because of his own cultivation. Hundreds of planets turned into dead stars at this time


Seeing this behind the scenes, the ancient wind couldn't help taking a breath. The realm of the dark way emperor was really terrible. He only practiced for a hundred years, but he consumed all the aura in a galaxy. Fortunately, there are no creatures in this galaxy, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable!

But then again, after a hundred years of cultivation, Gu Feng only felt that he was so strong at this time. He was at least ten times stronger than when he just became emperor. He finally got rid of that weakest period.

At this time, he was confident to defeat any one of the nine demons, even naranjing, the demon lord of later generations. However, the current cultivation is definitely not enough to defeat the time and space emperor or the absolute famine emperor.

Therefore, he still needs to practice and precipitate himself with years.

Another thing that makes the ancient wind frown is that he has been in this space-time for more than 100 years, but he still doesn't see the space-time emperor and others come back to pick him up. What's going on? Is it difficult for the time and space emperor and others to forget themselves?

"Hey, keep practicing. Anyway, there are several of them in the future..."

The ancient wind sighed helplessly, and then went to find a place to practice.

Among the monks, there is a saying: one day in the cave has been a thousand years in the world.

Unconsciously, the ancient style has been practiced for 200 years

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