"Sister Jing?"

Seeing this, the ancient wind's heart suddenly tightened, a burst of ecstasy rushed into his heart, and immediately forgot his hatred for God!

The figure was as like as two peas of the Lord of heaven, and the only difference was the bright eyes.

This separated figure has deep and bright eyes, full of smart color. The eyes of the original master of the devil are full of the vicissitudes of years. Two pairs of eyes are completely different!

There is no doubt that this figure forcibly separated is the nalanjing of later generations. Because those eyes, when looking at the ancient style, are full of continuous affection!


While the ancient wind watched nalanjing, nalanjing took the initiative to rush over and threw herself into the arms of the ancient wind. She hugged the ancient style tightly, which could be described as sobbing.

The ancient style, naturally, did not mean his feelings. He held nalanjing tightly and didn't want to separate for a long time.

Yes, this is nalanjing. This is nalanjing who wanders through the demon world alone in order to be able to protect his beloved man. This nalanjing, the only wish in her life, is to have the ability to protect her beloved woman. For this wish, she is willing to give everything

"Feng, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, Xiao Yunxi..."


The ancient wind immediately blocked nalanjing's mouth and didn't want nalanjing to continue. Because he knew that nalanjing did it all for herself!

Xiaoyunxi's business is absurd from beginning to end. It's a mistake from beginning to end. She shouldn't have come to this world at all!

"Well, you go into my small world. You wait for me there. Then we will open up a new era together!"

The ancient wind kissed nalanjing's forehead with a gentle smile on his face. His boundless love for nalanjing rose again. While talking, the ancient wind slowly unfolded its own small world

To say, among these ancient women, nalanjing and muqingqing have the greatest credit. If you want to investigate carefully, nalanjing's credit is even greater. Because in the Canglang continent, if nalanjing had not become the fairy king in advance, he would not be able to beat back the attack of the Cang family!

Now, the way of heaven is not really so heartless. After all, it still leaves an emotional sustenance for itself?

However, this is just an old-fashioned simple idea. The real way of heaven will not care for him so much. I saw

"Wind, I will always be with you!"

Nalanjing also kissed on the ancient wind's forehead, and then her figure began to fade slowly. However, she did not go to the small world of ancient style, but slowly integrated her body into the body of ancient style!

?“ Sister Jing! "


For a moment, the ancient wind only felt his heart broken. The intense heartache almost made him faint. God, should everyone you care about leave yourself like this? Heaven, do you really want to treat yourself so ruthlessly?

If... If everyone left him, what would he do to control the way of heaven? What does it mean to live forever? The harvest will only be endless loneliness and heartache

"Ah, ah, ah... Why???"

The ancient wind cried out in pain, and a pair of knees couldn't help bending down.

This is the giant's knee bending, this is the great man's helplessness, this is the fate of the people

"Hahaha, it's really interesting. It's really wonderful. It's so desolate and tragic!"

As the saying goes, several families are happy and several families are sad. This sentence is reflected incisively and vividly at this time. The ancient wind wails there, but God Laughs up to the sky!

Suddenly he stopped laughing, and God said coldly to the ancient wind again: "later people, now you know my pain? You only know that you are in pain, but do you know that all the pain you have experienced is actually what we have already experienced? After all this, can you keep your heart hot? In the future, you need to always remember that it is extremely cold at high places. If you want to better control the way of heaven and fairly control the way of heaven, your hot heart must be cold forever. Remember, the way of heaven is ruthless! "


Hearing the speech, the old wind's heart cramps again. It's really painful. If he could, he would rather live a mortal life for only a few decades than experience all kinds of pain.

"Young boy, take advantage of the opportunity. The will of cutting heaven in five eras will be all condensed on you!"

The voice of the Lord of demons sounded again, and then she, like several people in front of her, completely integrated her great emperor's body into the ancient wind.

So far, the strength of ancient style soared again. At this time, it is no exaggeration to say that he is definitely hundreds of times stronger than when he just became emperor!

At this time, it is not too much to use "emperor of heaven" to describe him. If there is a Heavenly Emperor in the realm of emperor, he has definitely reached this level!

The way of heaven is ruthless, and the blue sky replaces it. The era turns and the sky is fixed.

Cast my long sword and sprinkle my blood. Vow to cut down the lawless, will run through the long river.

All living beings suffer, and no one is free. The sky is high and the world is free.

After integrating the Lord of the devil, the ancient wind sat down, and he began to chant scriptures and condense the Tao.

With the singing, his Taoist instrument five color tripod was born, so it suspended in front of the ancient style. On it, I do not know when, there have been countless inscriptions and countless symbols.

The reason for this is that there are three great emperors before and after, and countless people's all-round cultivation for Tao and fruit. It is not too much to use "one furnace melts ten thousand methods".

Because the ancient custom at this time has really mastered the ten thousand dharmas of all sentient beings. On the surface, he is fighting with God alone, but in fact, the common will of infinite creatures is cutting the sky after several centuries. This is the battle of several eras, not one person!

"When I am free, the blue sky is always there, forever, and all living beings are free!"

"Go, the blue sky changes the sky!"

"Go, a new era will open at this moment!"

"Go, all living creatures, will be free and carefree from now on..."

The ancient wind sang loudly, and then slowly melted his body into the five-color tripod.

Obviously, this is just a big tripod, but it is equivalent to the whole era and the whole universe. Because it carries too much. There is the law of all living beings in heaven and earth, and the will to destroy heaven for several centuries

"Ha ha, ha ha, I finally waited for this moment, and I finally succeeded!"

At this moment, the emperor of time and space raised his hair and gave a long roar. It was very sad. No one could understand his inner thoughts at the moment. Before the laughter stopped, he drove the long river of time and space and melted into the ancient tripod. He turned into a series of inscriptions and became a part of the strength of the ancient wind!

"End it, bury the way of heaven and move heaven and earth!!!"


Finally, the ancient wind issued the last cry, and the Qingtian Wang Ding, which carried the laws of all living beings and the will to cut the sky in five eras, crashed into heaven.

At this moment, heaven and earth trembled and the universe collapsed. The whole universe, the whole heaven and earth, has ushered in a real disaster!

The whole universe is indeed a human. But at the moment, the human universe is breaking up at a high speed. From the limbs to the trunk, there is only one head left!

However, at this time, another new body grew from the neck position, completely replacing the previous broken body!

This process of evolution is very much like the picture of human friars reorganizing their bodies after leaving only their heads... Perhaps, the cultivation process of human friars is really the evolution process of the universe?

A huge blue body has taken shape, and this is a new universe - this is the blue sky, the blue sky of Lang Lang's blue clouds!

All along, the ancient wind has been shouting to exchange the blue sky for the sky, and he finally did it. At this time, he completed his mission of life, and he really became a Lang Lang blue sky!

This new cosmic sky is very different from the previous cosmic sky. Because its main tone is cyan, there is no sense of desolation before!

The new universe is still a humanoid outline, and there is still a "heaven" for something. At this time, everything in the sky calmed down, and there was still a black hole standing in the middle of it.

However, what lies obliquely in the black hole is no longer God, but the original of the ancient wind. He successfully killed God, successfully controlled the mark of the heart of heaven, and successfully became the "heaven" of the next era!

In the depths of the universe, there is a green figure as high as ten thousand feet. He looked up at the position of the heaven. After a long time, he shouted:

"Qingtian, Qingtian, Qingtian!!!"

After shouting, the green giant sat down again. He began to chant: "when I am free, the blue sky is always there, forever, and all living beings are free!"

This is a roar from a giant, which makes the sky move and the Universe tremble!

Bury the way of heaven and earth, and move heaven and earth - the end of the book.

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