Several people were confused by Gu Feng's behavior. At such a critical and dangerous moment, Gu Feng was still in the mood to meditate. Suddenly, she was angry and scolded the little girl.

However, the ancient style is ignored, concentrate on nothing, and continue to understand it seriously.

"Dead man, stupid pig!" Blue Bing ER was so angry that he stamped his feet, but the ancient style ignored it at all.

Those tree trunks were still moving wildly, and the branches beat fiercely at the people.

At first, people worried about the safety of the ancient wind, began to fight, and even took the ancient wind's body to avoid. Finally, they miraculously found that when the branches just hit the ancient wind, the ancient wind's body could miraculously dodge. Although the ancient wind was sitting with his eyes closed, he seemed to see more clearly than anyone. He let those branches be like a storm, and he was free and easy.

"Evil door!" Blue bing'er's flat mouth indicates that he is very unconvinced.

Let's talk about the ancient style. Although he was sitting with his eyes closed, countless lines appeared in front of him. At this moment, he began to understand the true interpretation of runes again.

This is a very wonderful Scripture, which expounds the origin and various changes of arrays. Although the arrays have their own advantages and different effects, they are always changeable. Everything always has its own rules.

Today's ancient customs are looking for such a law in an attempt to break the array of besieging themselves at one fell swoop.

In this way, the ancient wind sat with his eyes closed, and two hours passed in a flash. His body dodged by itself. He was not beaten once. The others were much more embarrassed. They were more or less hurt, which almost drove them crazy.

However, just then, Gu Feng's eyes opened, and his eyes locked on a rapidly changing trunk. Then he got up suddenly, and after a loud roar, he was shining with gold. At this moment, all the 18000 arrays in his body worked, and his power climbed to the highest peak in history.

He suddenly bombarded the tree trunk. That's the target he locked.

Every array has its eyes. His locked eye was in the middle of the trunk.

He worked with all his strength and fiercely bombarded the tree trunk, determined to win.

The surrounding trees seemed frightened. In an instant, countless branches and trunks bombarded the ancient wind in an attempt to stop the pace of the ancient wind.

However, the fist head of the ancient style is like an invincible sword, which is invincible and invincible.

The sound of "roaring" was heard continuously, countless branches and trunks were blasted by his fist, and the ancient wind's fist was still indomitable.

Finally, only a loud "boom" sounded, and suddenly tree debris flew. The huge tree he locked was hit by him, and the whole trunk was blown to pieces.

After the tree trunk was blown to pieces, the ancient wind saw a thing shining brown and palm sized suspended in place. That thing exudes a strong smell of wood. The ancient wind knows that this is the mother spirit of wood he is looking for.

Without the slightest hesitation, the ancient wind waved fiercely, and he caught the mother spirit of wood in his hand.

At this moment, the surroundings were quiet. There were no longer huge trees changing back and forth to block the way, nor did they beat the branches of people violently. Everything returned to tranquility.

And the huge wood that had been shattered by the old wind was dry up at the moment. He could feel that the essence of this huge wood's life was passing rapidly.

Without a half effort, that huge tree became a dead wood, and all the essence of life was gone.

At this time, the ancient wind's forehead glowed violently again, and countless life bars appeared on her forehead, a total of more than 10 million.


They were so frightened that they took a breath. Although they had been mentally prepared, they still couldn't help being surprised when this moment came.

"Ha ha, good old style. It's worth beating us up." Blue bing'er was the first to laugh and looked very happy.

"Go, it's not too late. Let's rush to other areas now and strive to quickly collect the mother gas of the five elements." Gu Feng opened his mouth and left here quickly with everyone.

After the mother Qi of wood was taken away by him, there was no smell of wood, and the terrible monster smell that was powerful enough to make people palpitate was gone. The giant tree smashed by the ancient wind is actually the so-called monster. The mother Qi of the wood is the heart of the monster.

Out of the dense forest, ah ER and others were stunned when they saw the life note on the ancient wind's forehead.

However, Gu Feng didn't talk nonsense with them and directly took them back to the grassland. Because the five elements of grassland belong to soil and are in the middle. To reach other areas, you must pass through the grassland.

They were not in a hurry to let people upgrade, but after a discussion, they went straight to the northwest. There was a snow field. According to their speculation, there should be five elements of gold, and the mother gas of gold was buried in this area.

After arriving at the snow field temple, Gu Feng received an unexpected surprise, that is, Duan Tiannan was caught.

This guy was still shuttling through the jungle. He didn't expect to get to the snow so soon. He was really fast.

To the ancient wind's slight surprise, this guy has raised his cultivation to the Golden State. It was in order to improve his cultivation level that he left. He was caught on the scene by ah San and others who were ambushed around.

There is a very interesting episode, that is, after Duan Tiannan was defeated, he decisively pressed the white light spot on his wrist, and then his body disappeared in place.

I thought he would be directly sent out of the secret realm. But when he appeared again, he was ten feet away from everyone. After figuring out the situation, Duan Tiannan was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

But it was too late. He was caught and had no hope of escaping.

Gu Feng came to Duan Tiannan with a smile and said with a sneer: "Duan Tiannan, where else can you go this time? What else can you say now? "

Duan Tiannan looked up and was stunned when he saw the life note on his forehead. Then the ancient wind and several people intentionally or unintentionally revealed the strong atmosphere of Shenqiao territory, which surprised him for a long time.

"You... You... Where did you get so many lives?" Duan Tiannan asked with difficulty.

"Hehe, don't worry about it. I advise you to think about how to repent in wuliangzong in the future! Wuliangzong is not mean to you, but you put the butcher's knife to your younger martial brothers and sisters at the last moment. You... Pigs and dogs are not as good as! "

Then, Gu Feng gave Duan Tiannan two slaps and directly knocked off several teeth of the other party. Then he stopped and took him into the treasure gourd.

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