The sudden appearance of the demon God's tomb temporarily stopped the fight, and everyone raised their eyes and looked into the depths of the mountains.

Their eyes are full of surprise and greed. At this point, no one wants to be the first to rush over, but it's a pity they don't dare.

At this time, a group of demons suddenly crawled to the ground, showing enthusiasm and Piety on all sides. They kept kowtowing: "Lord Almighty demon God, my Linghu family has been ordered to lead the demons to guard you, and has never left for millions of years. But today, the birth of the spirit of our family will lead to the disaster of destroying our family. On behalf of our ancestors, Hu linger asked the demon God to destroy these greedy human beings! "

After the words, a group of big demons kowtow again, very pious.

"No! The demon God may still have residual will. Kill all these monsters quickly, or we will be in danger! "

All the people came back and killed all the big demons with the man's voice.

"Almighty demon God, please show your divine power and destroy these greedy humans!"




When the people were about to kill the demons, the sound of bells and drums in the depths of the mountains rang again. But this time it was more boring and frightening. The person who rushed to the front coughed blood on the spot and fell to the ground. They suffered serious internal injuries.

"No, the demon God's tomb can't be explored yet. Take down the little fox first!" A man shouted, stopped killing the demons and grabbed the little fox on Gufeng's shoulder.

"Oh, my God! Come again! " Gu Feng's soul was scared. He wanted to turn and run, but his body couldn't move. He was imprisoned in his place.

"The little fox is mine!"

The people who have returned to taste no longer kill the demons, but all catch the ancient wind again.

The ancient custom of knowing that he must die simply closed his eyes and dared not watch.

At this critical juncture, the sound of bells and drums came from the depths of the mountains again.




A circle of golden ripples spread from the depths of the mountains, and all those who participated in the competition were hurt. The little fox cannot be taken!

Dong Dong

The sound of bells and drums continued to come from the depths of the mountains, and circles of golden ripples spread to attack and kill people.

"No! The little fox can't take it today! " After that, the man took the lead in rushing into the air and disappeared in the eyes of the people in the blink of an eye. He saw that not only the demon tomb could not enter today, but also the little fox could not seize it.

As the man left, everyone followed suit. Figures rushed to the sky and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Go back and organize people. You can explore the demon tomb in March at most!"

The last person also left. Although everyone was very unwilling, there was nothing to do. The demon God still has a residual will. It is estimated that he can persist in March.

"Lord Almighty demon God, thank you for driving away this group of greedy humans with great power, so that our Linghu family can survive..."

At this time, a group of big demons are still kowtowing.

Just when the ancient wind was going to slip away quietly, a change took place. A huge suction came from the depths of the mountains, forcibly pulled him up into the air, and then flew towards the depths of the mountains.

"Ah... I don't want to die! Almighty demon God, I have been worshipping you all the time. You can't harm me! "

The ancient wind in mid air was scared silly. The three souls had lost seven souls and began to talk nonsense.

"Haw haw!"

The little fox on his shoulder was also surprised. He stayed on the antique shoulder and kept turning, saying "haw and hum".

The ancient wind and the little fox were pulled by this strong suction and kept flying towards the depths of the mountains.

After a while, a cliff appeared in front. There was a dark cave on the cliff. The pulling force came from the cave.


Gu Feng's eyes were dark. He was pulled into the cave and completely unconscious.

The pulling force disappeared, the sound like a bell and drum no longer sounded, and the immeasurable mountains were completely restored to purity.

When the ancient wind woke up again, he found himself lying in an empty cave. The walls of the cave are inlaid with pearls, which shine the dark cave like day.

"Is this the demon tomb?" An old-fashioned uncertain soliloquy.

"Little fox, wake up and pretend to be dead, and I'll eat you!" Gu Feng grabbed the little fox beside him. The little fox closed his eyes, shrugged his head and pretended to be dead.

"Haw haw!"

As soon as the words of the ancient wind fell, the little fox immediately opened his eyes and rushed to the arms of the ancient wind. Then kept looking around, full of fear.

Seeing that the little fox was afraid of becoming like this, Gu Feng was very angry. He put out a slap and "slapped" on the little fox's head for a few times, and then shouted angrily: "you damn little fox, you heartless little thing. I saved you with good intentions, but you framed me several times. Now I'm caught in the cave by your bullshit demon God. I'll kill you! "

"Haw haw!"

The little fox kept his head down and scratched with his little claws, just like a kitten who made a mistake and was scolded by his master.

make love!

Gu Feng didn't eat this at all. He raised his small palm and hit it again. He shouted: "don't think I'll spare you if you show me pity. You stole all my animal pill. You must give it back to me right away..."

Haw haw!

The little fox didn't seem angry and pointed in one direction with his little claw. Looking up at the ancient wind, there are three array platforms in front. The array platform has an ancient style and is carved with various mysterious runes. From those runes, there are circles of light blue light and mysterious power.

That's three teleportation arrays.

"Go! Let's go and see where the Dharma array leads. " At this time, the ancient wind is not much afraid. Now that he had come to this place, he decided to have a good look.

There are light blue ripples on the Three Dharma array. There is a little beauty in the mystery. It is strange to see the ancient wind stains.

After a while, the ancient wind was in trouble. He didn't know which of the three arrays was the right way. It is reasonable to say that there are definitely killing machines in the tomb of demon gods like this. A young rookie like him who has just stepped into the field of cultivation will die without residue if he doesn't do it well.

Just when the ancient wind was in trouble, an array platform on the right suddenly emitted a strong light and suddenly pulled the ancient wind in. Then the ancient wind felt its rapid leap, like shuttling through a space tunnel.

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