He tried to dodge, but time was too tight for him to react at all. The gold carving fell so fast that it was almost pressed down in the blink of an eye.

I thought I would die this time, but I didn't know that at the most critical moment, the Golden Eagle jumped on its wings, and then its body stopped falling and flew into the sky.


Earlier, the Golden Eagle took the initiative to hit the cliff and smashed a huge cliff. Although it successfully threw down the ancient wind, it was also hit with seven meat and eight vegetables. After a long time, it came back to its senses and stopped its falling trend.

There was no reason to relax when I saw the nine head golden carving rising from the sky and the ancient wind wrapped in the tree. He was really scared to death just now. It was really ups and downs. Great sorrow and Joy came too soon.

I thought I would die, but I didn't know that the Golden Eagle woke up at the critical moment and flew up.


He had just let go of the ancient wind, and his face suddenly changed again, because he saw that the golden eagle swooped down directly at himself after circling for a while.

He could clearly see that the sharp claws of the golden carving were shining with cold light, and its eyes were full of fierce light.

"Damn it!" He cursed the bad luck in his mouth. A moment ago, he was still secretly lamenting the ups and downs of life. Great sorrow and Joy came too fast. He didn't expect that fate would be so twists and turns. Within a few breathing time, the golden eagle swooped down at himself.

This time it's not like just now. It's a conscious attack by the golden eagle, not a natural fall. If it attacks, the end will only be worse.

"Go to hell!"

Although he was shocked, the ancient wind quickly reacted. Before the golden eagle swooped down, he took the initiative to wave his fist and bombard it.


With a roar of anger, the ancient wind successfully dueled with the nine golden eagles. However, his end was very miserable. His whole chest was torn open by sharp claws, revealing his white bones. The blood completely dyed his clothes red.

In this duel, Gu Feng didn't get any benefit. Although he successfully bombarded the opponent's claws, he still felt that he bombarded the steel plate. The claws of the nine golden eagles are too hard. With his strength, they can't be broken.

"It is worthy of being a monster at the level of virtual God. Its strength is really strong!"

Gu Feng was shocked, but he didn't escape.

This is the first time in his life that he really competed with the strong at the level of virtual God.

In the past, although several strong virtual gods died in his hands, they were not killed by his own strength. According to his previous accomplishments, he really had a face-to-face confrontation with the virtual God. In less than half a round, he would be broken to pieces.

But now it's different. His strength has reached the later stage of Shenqiao. It can be said that he has made great progress. He can barely take a few moves in front of the primary weak God strong man, so as not to be killed by the second.

After several twists and turns, they failed to kill the human in front of them. The nine golden eagles were also very shocked. It knows what strength it is and what strength this human being is in front of it. But it just can't kill and tear the hateful human in front of it in a short time.

This made it extremely angry.


The angry nine headed Golden Eagle did not delay. It continued to attack the ancient wind.

"Beast, when I'm afraid you can't?"

He suffered losses in the hands of the golden eagle, and his old-fashioned temper came up. As soon as his body flew up, he immediately turned into a huge rosefinch.

To deal with nine golden eagles, it's best to turn yourself into a raptor, so that you won't be weaker than each other in momentum.


The ancient wind turned into a rosefinch, immediately flapped its wings, and endless flames swept away towards the nine golden eagles. Those flames turned into angry roaring dragons. The air is soaring and overwhelming.

Facing the towering fire dragon, the nine headed golden eagle was stunned for a moment.

With its low IQ, it has not figured out what's going on. Wasn't it just a human fighting himself? Why did he become such a mighty ancient beast in the blink of an eye?

However, now is obviously not the time for it to be in a daze. The endless flame has turned into a fire dragon and rushed towards it. If it doesn't make a response, it can't be said that it will be roasted into a hairless strange bird.


The virtual God level is the virtual God level. Although I was stunned for a moment, my reaction was quite fast.

Just when the fire dragons were a foot away from it, they suddenly flapped their wings, and endless hurricanes swept up. On the spot, they rolled back the fire dragons and came straight to the ancient wind.


Looking at the fire dragon rolled back, Gu Feng was stunned, and then suddenly flapped his wings and dodged away.

Then he didn't dare to use the flame again. Instead, he made a pair of sharp claws, rushed up directly and began to tear with each other.


The nine golden eagles were obviously not vegetarian. They immediately waved their big claws and began to greet them.

Two huge birds of prey fought together in the sky.

Endless feathers fall, gold and fire red. Among these feathers, there is also a lot of blood from both of them.

After fighting for a long time, the ancient wind is more confident. Although he is black and blue now and doesn't take any advantage of it, at least he knows that he can be tough with the primary virtual God.

In the continuous attacks, Gu Feng found a fatal weakness of the other party, that is, the other eight heads of nine golden eagles.

Although its main head is harder than steel, the other eight heads are obviously not so hard.

At the same time, the ancient wind knows that the heads of nine golden eagles are just like the tails of little foxes. Most of their abilities are in these heads. Once its other heads are cut off, the strength of the nine headed Golden Eagle will be greatly reduced.

"I can't break your first head. Can't I break your other heads?"

Having made up his mind, the ancient wind saw a chance, suddenly turned back to itself, and rode on the neck of the golden carving again.

This time, he looked at a head, his whole body suddenly glowed, and hit it hard.

There was only a loud bang. One head of the nine golden eagles was smashed by the ancient wind. Its body suddenly stumbled, gave a cry, and almost picked it off.

"Ha ha, it works!"

Gu Feng was overjoyed. He was so happy that he immediately squeezed his fist and punched hard again.

There was another loud bang, and the second head of the nine golden eagles was smashed again.

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