At the critical moment, his cultivation level was improved, and at the same time, he broke through the air machine that locked him, so that he would not be smashed into meat cakes by the giant hammer.

Just after he dodged the hammer, a loud "bang" came from the rear, and the hammer finally fell to the ground.

The earth was shaking wildly, like being hit by an extraterrestrial meteorite. Endless flames burst into the sky, endless cracks began to spread, endless mountains began to collapse, and endless dust swept the sky

At the scene, it was like a violent natural disaster. The earth was broken, and there were one deep and bottomless crack after another, which spread out like a spider's web.

The power of a hammer startles the world!

The endless afterwaves turn into circle after circle of ripples, spread and destroy everything.

This is the power of true magic tools. No one is surprised or afraid to destroy mountains and rivers.

People are flying around crazily, and no one is not palpitating.

Fortunately, these people are geniuses among geniuses, and their speed is naturally extremely fast.

Although the hammer was extremely powerful, only a few people died under it.

Ancient wind relies on the speed of rosefinch, which can be regarded as narrowly avoiding this blow, and its back is still cold.

At this time, Jiang Yu roared again: "demon star ancient wind, don't want to escape! Today you are dead. I will kill you and avenge those ancestors of the Jiang family! " He began to control the hammer again, and he wanted to kill the ancient style at all costs.

Although he made up his mind, it was quite difficult for him to control the giant hammer. After all, it was a real magic weapon. It didn't mean that it could be used. It needed strong mana as support. Just that blow basically consumed most of his mana. Now he is almost hollow.

However, at this time, bursts of "roaring" came from the horizon in the distance, and the earth was shaking.

People looked up, suddenly their backs were cold, and endless despair rose in their hearts. In the distant horizon, heaven and earth are connected into a line. It's dark. There's nothing else except the evil spirit of heaven. Endless roaring monsters began to rush towards this side. The scene was terrible and breathtaking.

"No, the exit hasn't been opened yet, but the evil spirit of the devil has spread. If the exit is shrouded by the evil spirit of heaven, we will never want to go out! "

Someone uttered such a scream of panic and despair.

The devil saw that he was coming here, but the door of the exit was still closed. Did everyone want to die here?

Things often turn around at the most critical moment. At this time, the closed door sent out a "boom" sound, which was slowly opened in the desperate eyes of everyone.

Through that slowly opened door, many people saw the situation outside:

Over the canyon, there are five true gods sitting. They are difficult to control the evil spirit in the canyon and control the not too big portal at the same time.

They saw that on the edge of the canyon, there stood many waiting people, all from various countries and families. These people came to pick them up and lead their children out of the demon battlefield.

At this moment, people who were originally full of despair seemed to see heaven. They began to rush frantically towards the door. As for the heaven devil battlefield full of opportunities, they didn't want to stay for a moment.

At the scene, 35600 people (some of them were killed in the battle) rushed towards the portal at the same time, hoping that they would be the first to escape from the fearsome demon battlefield.

However, that portal is very limited and can only accommodate two or three people at the same time. Thousands of people poured out at the same time, which inevitably caused chaos.

An unprecedented scuffle broke out. At this moment, no matter who it was, they used their unique skills and began to kill those who blocked their way.

The selfish side of human nature is reflected incisively and vividly at this moment.

Three thousand five hundred and six hundred people started a crazy fight. They were like mad dogs, catching who and biting who!

The ancient wind in the rear clearly saw that someone had run out smoothly, but was pulled back by the ruthless hand behind him.

The man who stretched out his hand to pull the man also came to no good end. He was blasted by the man behind him

Such a scene, in constant repetition, thousands of people poured out at the same time, but few really escaped.

In the distance, the roar of the roar was louder, and the rushing demons were closer, and the atmosphere was once extremely tense.

"What's going on? Don't crowd, please come out in order! "

Outside the exit, there was a roar of true God. Up to now, they don't know what happened inside. They don't know what kind of threat the crowd is facing.

He told the crowd not to be crowded, but is it possible?

The portal is only a little big, and the deadly demons are getting closer and closer.

It can be said that the vast majority of these 35600 people cannot escape, because the door is too small. But the speed of the devil's evil spirit is surprisingly fast.

Facing such a situation, the ancient style was not indifferent. He gathered LAN binger, Qing Tianpeng and others around him in the shortest time.

"It's too late. If we want to live, we have to use tough moves."

They did not know the meaning of the ancient wind, and all looked at him.

Gu Feng looked at Qing Tianpeng and said, "it's time for you not to hide and tuck in. Take out your strongest magic weapon and kill it."

"Good!" Qingtianpeng was not wordy, and a black feather suddenly appeared in his hand.

As soon as this black feather was taken out, Gu Feng and others were shocked, because its Qi machine was so powerful that it was no weaker than Jiang Yu's black giant hammer Qi machine.

In other words, this humble black plume actually belongs to the magic weapon of the true God level.

In fact, the ancient wind didn't know that Xiaoqing had such a powerful magic weapon in his hand. But he knew that Xiaoqing's real identity was a small Kunpeng from Luoshen lake.

There is an adult Kunpeng in the Luoshen lake, which is one of the top ten generals of Emperor Yu in the past years, and Xiaoqing is his parent-child.

Therefore, the ancient wind concluded that Xiaoqing definitely had something to protect her life. Although Xiaoqing is usually arrogant and disdainful to use those foreign objects, it doesn't mean he doesn't have them.

Just when Gu Feng was going to let Xiaoqing kill directly, a loud roar came from the other direction: "you damn things, go to hell!"

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