If they choose to sneak attack at this time, they are likely to succeed. At the same time, this is also the only time to kill the demon ape. If you miss this time, you will never have a chance.

Far away, they found the figure of the demon ape.

After such a long time of evolution, the guy's body has been raised by ten feet. Now it's as long as thirty feet. Standing there is like an Optimus Prime, which is quite shocking.

After several months of phagocytosis and evolution, the body of the demon ape has risen to 30 feet, standing there like an Optimus Prime.

His eyes were not red, but returned to normal. This is an evolutionary process. After their strength is strong, they will gradually look close to normal.

But this is absolutely only the appearance. In the deepest part of their hearts, there is only the killing instinct. They are the tools for killing and cutting. They are the tools used for conquering heaven and earth cultivated by the demon world.

At this time, over the head of the God ape, a high bridge extended to heaven.

A little god ape with golden light is climbing up the bridge step by step to meet the divine power from heaven.

This is its god bridge spread out. The yuan God stepped on the bridge to meet the baptism of divine power.

Once successful, it becomes a real God, not an empty God.

The biggest difference between true God and virtual God lies in the source of power.

Although the virtual gods also hang the word "God", most of their power sources are mana, only a little of which.

But the true God is different. All the mana in their bodies will be completely replaced by the divine power. At that time, all hands and feet will be surging divine power, and there is no comparability between the two.

It can be said that a hundred peak virtual gods are not necessarily opponents of a primary true God. The gap between the two can only be described as a gap. It is a qualitative difference, which can not be made up by quantity.

Now, the demon ape is baptized by divine power, and all the mana in its body is changing towards divine power. Once it is all transformed into success, it will become the true God.

But now, it is indeed at a critical moment. Its original God has rushed out of the temple, which is the best time to sneak into it.

Gu Feng's eyes were bright and he was staring at the original God of the demon ape. He was looking for a perfect opportunity to make a hit.

Because they don't have a second shot. Once they fail and let their Yuanshen return to their body, all they have to wait for is death.

Finally, after waiting for a quarter of an hour, they all thought the opportunity was ripe. Now the yuan God is wrapped in golden light, his eyes are closed, he is enjoying the pleasure of baptism, and has completely lost his defensive psychology.


With a loud roar, the ancient wind took the lead and quickly attacked the original God of the demon ape.

At this moment, his whole body glowed, and all the 18000 arrays in his body revived. He directly locked the original God of the demon ape and planned to smash it with one punch.

The speed of ancient style is really fast enough, but there is a figure faster than him, that is quiet.

Seeing a streamer passing by, she had quietly surpassed him. She also pinched her pink fist and hit the head of the original God of the demon ape with a "boom".


The demon ape felt pain, his eyes opened at once, golden light, and he roared.

Before it could make any response, the ancient wind's fist hit again and hit the head of the demon ape God again.


After being hit twice in a row, the demon ape was frightened, and its original God began to dodge in a hurry. He had to retract his body along the God bridge.

A single Yuanshen body does not have much combat effectiveness. The separation of Yuanshen from the body means danger.

No matter how powerful and arrogant the demon ape is, it doesn't dare to let its original God come out to fight with other people's flesh.

At this time, its Yuanshen was hit twice in a row and had been hurt. He didn't dare to stay outside the body. He was crazy and wanted to return to the body.

Unfortunately, the two of them are well prepared. Where can it shrink back like this?

Boom, boom!

They didn't have the slightest softness. They used all kinds of means. They not only began to attack with heavy hands, but also used all kinds of means to lock them up.

Only when the other party's yuan God is outside the body can they be killed. If their yuan God returns to the body, they will have no choice but to die.

Ow, Ow!

Yuanshen was trapped and constantly hit hard. The Yuanshen of the demon ape made bursts of "whine" sounds like dogs.

Now it can't go back. Ten percent of its combat power can't be brought into play. It was brutally abused and killed by two people.

When the last trace of the original spirit dissipated, the huge body of the demon ape fell down with a "bang", and the earth trembled like an earthquake.

A giant fell down like this, and the demon ape's eyes stared round and died in peace.

Originally, it was about to become a true God. After going out, it could be proud of Kyushu, but after it became a demon, its IQ was too low. In this way, it didn't know to find a secret place for promotion at the critical moment.

"Take it!"

Gu Feng took out the treasure gourd, took in the body of the demon ape at once, and then they left here quickly.

The demon ape is about to evolve into a true God. Although it failed, its body and energy can help it advance quietly.

Although Jingjing is also a demon now, she is essentially different from the demon ape, because her consciousness is sober. Her IQ can't be as low as that of a demon ape. Even if she wants to be promoted, she has to find an absolutely secret and safe place.

In the whole demon battlefield, they don't know if there are other powerful monsters. If one comes out at the critical juncture of her promotion, she will follow in the footsteps of evil apes.

After a good search, they were disappointed. The whole demon battlefield was shrouded in black evil spirit everywhere. It was the same everywhere. There was no so-called absolutely safe place at all.

Finally, they directly controlled the treasure gourd and rushed up thousands of miles into the sky. They planned to advance above the sky.

High above the sky, there is no evil spirit. Without evil spirit, there will be no demons. Without demons, it means absolute safety.

After choosing the place, Gu Feng decisively took out the body of the demon ape and put it on the enlarged treasure gourd to be swallowed quietly and slowly.

In the face of such a behemoth, if the silence is only the size of the original normal human, I don't know how long it will take to swallow it. It's estimated that it can't be finished in a year.

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