For two years, they have been trapped for nearly two years. Until today, they are completely out of trouble.

Breathing the fresh air outside, they were very excited.

They are like birds trapped in cages. They are not completely free until this time.

After a burst of excitement, they went down to the valley shrouded by evil spirit again, and then began to rearrange the FA array without stopping.

The previous Dharma array was broken by the ancient wind. Although they were free, they had to repair it again.

This place is the last barrier to the demons, so we have to be careful.

When Gu Feng was busy, he suddenly said, "I think we'd better not be busy. Even if the Dharma array is still in the period of total victory, it can only block the pace of the true God. You know, among the demons killed, there is a God King. Even if we do more and better, we can't stop their attack. "

Gu Feng was stunned. Then he still worked hard and said, "always do your best!"


Quietly knew that he couldn't persuade the ancient wind, so he had to help.

In fact, they didn't know that the whole Longshan empire was not calm at the moment when they quietly took the crystal.

Among several top forces of Longshan Empire, one pair of eyes opened at the same time.

These are several true gods of the Longshan empire. There are eight in total.

Tianmo Canyon is related to the lifeblood of the whole Qingzhou. These true gods have to care.

Almost at the same time, the eight true gods set off together and all rushed here.

The ancient wind and quiet are still trying to repair the door. They put the crystal back. It's the array eye. They don't dare to take it away.

About half an hour later, the ancient wind finally managed to repair the Dharma array.

Although it is repaired on the surface, the actual effect is much worse.

It took him more than a month to break the formation. He can't repair it in just half an hour.

The current work is quite rough. It is estimated that several true gods can break it together.

But there is no way, mainly because there are no materials in the hands of ancient customs. At the same time, the level of the Dharma array is a little beyond the ability range of the ancient style, so he can't restore it to its original state.

But I'm relieved to think about it. It's good to say it quietly. What if the seal array is intact? The other side has a God King. As long as they cross the boundary, they still can't stop their pace.

"Come on, it's time for us to leave!"

Quietly pulling the ancient wind, I intend to leave.

But also at this time, her heart suddenly raised a warning sign, and her face suddenly changed.

A pull up the ancient wind, and then soared into the sky.

Just after they rose to the sky, a powerful attack hit the canyon, which only made the canyon tremble and shake violently.

If you don't dodge in time, it's estimated that the ancient wind will suffer and probably die under this blow.

After rushing out of the canyon, they saw that they were surrounded by people.

A total of eight true gods surrounded them in eight directions.

It was just a true God who launched an attack into the canyon.

"It's you, antique?"

Rushed out of the canyon, the eight true gods saw the ancient style thoroughly, and they were both surprised.

"Yes, it's my old style!"

Gu Feng's face was cold and stern. He stared at an old man, who was the ancestor of the Jiang family. He said coldly, "how about it? Is it a little disappointed that I didn't die in your hands? "

Gu Feng clearly remembered that when everyone withdrew from the canyon two years ago, it was the old guy who caught himself and threw him into the demon battlefield.

The old guy's behavior almost killed him on the spot, and then he was trapped for two years.

"Evil beast, I haven't honestly explained. How did you get out?"

The ancestor of the Jiang family looked gloomy. He was really surprised that the ancient wind could come out alive.

"What are you? Do I need to report to you? "

Facing the ancestors of the Jiang family again, the ancient wind is no longer so afraid, because now there is a true God standing beside him, so he is much tougher to speak.

"Presumptuous! No one has ever dared to talk to me like this! "

The ancestor of the Jiang family was annoyed. He never expected that one day a younger generation would embarrass himself in front of so many true gods.

A big hand directly shot down at the ancient wind and quietly, trying to kill them on the spot

Silence is a true God, but so far, none of the eight true gods has noticed it.

Just as the palm of the bus was about to fall on both heads, the same Jiao drank loudly, and it was quiet: "I think you are presumptuous!"


The majestic power of true God burst out from the quiet body in an instant, and the breath was amazing.

In a short moment, she waved her fist and broke the other party's big palm with a bang.

All I could hear was that the ancestor of the Jiang family uttered a shrill scream, which was extremely painful.

However, the matter was far from so simple. After smashing the palm of the Jiang family's ancestor quietly, he rushed to the other party's body in the blink of an eye, slammed 18 heavy fists again, and blew the other party's body on the spot.


In addition, the seven true gods surrounding them were shocked and could not believe everything in front of them.

It's too fast. It's too fast to start quietly. It's too fast for other real gods to react. The body of the Jiang family's ancestors was blasted.

"I'll teach you a lesson today for being old and disrespectful!"

Quietly and coldly hummed, did not look at each other, and returned to the ancient wind again.

Although Jing Jing was only promoted to the true God soon, she stubbornly promoted her cultivation to the middle of the true God realm by swallowing other demons. Although the ancestor of the Jiang family was an old monster, his cultivation remained in the early stage of true God.

The reason why he became a veteran is that Qingzhou earth really lacks divine stones for them to practice.

This is the fundamental reason why silence can detonate each other in a short time.

Quietly and in a high-profile way, he announced his existence. After he returned to the ancient wind for a long time, the other real gods reacted completely.

At this time, I saw a white bearded old man come forward and bow his hands to him quietly and say, "little friend, old man is Meng Tianran, President of the heavenly king holy courtyard. Which family does little friend come from and why do you have such high accomplishments?"

The seven true gods were really surprised. The ancestors of the Jiang family were an old true God. Even if they were not sure to blow them up in such a short time, the girl who looked only in her twenties did it.

It makes them feel incredible.

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